KickerClub 和 ThePlace滑板公园 联合推出新栏目 BroLine 首发!每周一部记录Bros的滑板生活,BroLine第一期我们带来了储卫在ThePlace滑板场内片段,拍摄剪辑:阿勇。
BATB 8第二轮第四场比赛由两位颇具实力的草根滑手Cody Cepeda对阵Chris Chann,两名顶级草根之间的对决,结果似乎有点...快快快看起来!
作为滑板运动起源中最为关键的项目,碗池一直是国际滑板发展中必不可少的环节,波比老师在SMP的儿童碗池联赛已经开始!这次碗池比赛专门为儿童举办,下一场比赛将于5月31日在SMP滑板场内举办,小朋友们赶快练习起来吧! At SMP we are making a bowl league for the kids,next bowl contest is may 31st,we will do one bowl contest a month.
原Gravis摄影师Ryan Allen又给我们带来了新的作品,他以前在Gravis时他拍摄了很多Dylan Rieder标志性作品,这次作品全部为黑白照片,别有一番风味。 Saturday started with the work of the versatile Ryan Allan, Canadian photographer who grew up in a small town outside of Toronto and now lives in Southern California. Allan grew up practicing skateboarding and playing guitar in a punk rock band. These two hobbies, enabled him to leave his small town and...
Jeff Gonzales为8Five2新系列LPF滑板板面拍摄了最新广告,整个片段的开始源于一个报刊亭,看完才恍然大悟原来板面粉色的字体是这么来的!
BATB 8的第二轮第三场比赛由PJ Ladd对阵Eric Koston!一切好像都回到了BATB 1中的对决,而Koston看来非常紧张,一度想针对PJ出的招仔细一想PJ都会,究竟谁能获得比赛胜利,速度看起来。
红牛地中海邮轮之旅终结篇发布!在队员们的最后一站罗马尼亚Costanza停留之中,大家都鼓足了劲,在街头上演了完美的谢幕片段,即使有点小雨也不能阻挡大家的脚步。 All good things must come to an end, and the boys on the Med Skate Cruise log their final sessions before heading back home. It poured buckets as the ship docked in Costanza, Romania, but a little rain didn't stop the good vibes from vibbing.
跳楼哥Jaws为Dekline拍摄的True Blue无配乐剪辑版本发布!平时看上去双腿发软的Spot,Jaws却非常兴奋滑了起来,没人敢跟他一起玩了,板子落地时的声响听起来振奋无比,10分钟的跳楼片段让你看到爽!
Mountain Dew滑板记录大片PUSH-Ben Raybourn第二集发布,他给人的第一印象就是独一无二,没有人像他那样穿着,也没有人像他那样滑板,20年前别人做的招为什么大家会如此感兴趣,跟随大家的回忆一起解读。
又是一部野外滑板片,为了躲避警察执法,摄影师足足过了一年才发布,因为拍摄时两人违反了很多法律,擅自闯入保护区,高速停车等等,不过这部无配乐荒野求生般的滑板片却着实别有一番风味,拿着滑板玩起巨石可不是平常就能看到的! This video showcases many illegal activities. Since making it public, law enforcement officers have tracked me down and confirmed that I broke many laws during its creation, including the use of an off-road vehicle on protected lands. Skateboarding is illegal on the rocks shown in this film and punishable with severe fines. Some of...
芭蕾舞滑手Kilian Martin新视频发布!摄影师Brett Novak找到他一起拍摄了这么一部宁静唯美的滑板片,走遍山区盐地,Kilian Martin用他的自由式滑板动作向大家展示滑板的美妙。 Powell-Peralta’s Kilian Martin has been keeping freestyle alive the past few years. He's partnered with filmmaker Brett Novak for another super cinematic edit featuring some crazy shit.
Helas Caps中国Lookbook集结了谢文凯(Boss Xie)、胡天祐(Jerry Hu)、刘晓欲(DIDI)、储卫(David Chu)、Dan梁及其女友 Patricia Melati,还有来自澳洲的Timi,并选择Ave & Son周边老式居民区一带完成了春夏Paris Sportif系列新品Lookbook的拍摄。 视频:Stephen Khou