一年一度的#VANSPOOLPARTY# @VANSCHINA碗池比赛即将到来!比赛将在俄勒冈的Vans Combi碗池举办,今年也是Vans Pool Party的10周年纪念!所有Vans传奇滑手和职业组都会来到现场参与比赛,16日网络现场直播准备起来!比赛时间和参赛滑手请移步文章。 Vans celebrates the 10th anniversary of the revered Vans Pool Party, a unique skateboarding event that brings together the biggest names in deep bowl skateboarding - from the undisputed Legends of skateboarding to today's elite top talent and up and “comers” battling it out in the legendary and iconic Combi...
红牛Redbull 在底特律打造的创意滑板比赛:Hart Lines结束!Curren Caples凭借自己出色的发挥获得冠军,捧得了$35000奖金,紧随其后的是Torey Pudwill和Ryan Schekler,比赛实在太炸了,纯街头地形和道具的结合!通过镜头一起回顾一下比赛盛况! Red Bull Hart Lines, an innovative new street skateboarding competition from the mind of Ryan Sheckler that features two distinctive lanes each with its own unique set of skateable features, as well as a first-of-its-kind timing element associated with each run. Hart Lines is a flagship event of the...
每个城市都有自己完全不同的气质和文化氛围,各个城市里的滑板文化和滑手的风格也随之会有着些许不同。这无所谓好坏,高低,更多的不同才让滑板文化更加丰富多彩。第二期 - 上海 - 的征集也已经截止,下面就是滑手们对于上海滑板文化的只言片语的汇总:
德国著名滑板杂志Monster Skateboard Magazine又出新分支杂志Solo Magazine,这个全新的品牌定位于纯粹的网络杂志,旗下拥有一批熟练的摄影师和制作人,宣传片预告片现在发布。 From iconic Germany’s Monster Skateboard Magazine, here it comes Solo Magazine, a brand new, web-only, editorial project made by very skilled people.
Vans光荣历史第五篇发布,新生代滑手和老一辈传奇共同出镜的感受令人震撼,而第五部视频就着重讲述了Vans大片Propeller拍摄中的点滴,花絮,背后镜头,滑手们拍摄时的感想,以及最终影片的出炉。 Skateboarding has always been in a perpetual state of progression which means the Berrics must also be in a perpetual state of creating progressive content if we have any chance of surviving this cyclone of confusion and heartbreak called the world. With new companies popping up every month, other companies infiltrating the space and...
二十多名滑手一起乘着豪华游轮去滑板是什么感受?这种大派头的视频也只有红牛能够做到了,红牛组织了队伍登上游轮,一同前往地中海寻找未经开发的新地形,这里的环境和怡人的气候,一切都是那么美妙,红牛游轮之旅-地中海滑板行第一集走起。 What does a crew of 20-something skateboarders have in common with a large group of seasoned, exuberant travelers in their 60s? Normally you'd think "nothing at all," but in this case, it's a giant luxury cruise liner through the Mediterranean. A crew of skaters from all over the world boarded a ship in Italy...
能够和自己年轻时崇拜的滑手一起滑板是什么感觉?Vans后生一代滑手感慨自己能和传奇人物一起滑板,就像在做梦一样!“我家里还挂着他的海报,但是今天我就和他在一个队伍里了!”Vans滑板纪录片第四集,传奇延续。 Skateboarding has always been in a perpetual state of progression which means the Berrics must also be in a perpetual state of creating progressive content if we have any chance of surviving this cyclone of confusion and heartbreak called the world. With new companies popping up every month, other companies infiltrating the space and...
Oakley在自己位于洛杉矶新建的滑板中心Oakley In Residence里选出了一些孩子,带他们一起来到了Arto Saari家的后院碗池内,和Arto一起滑碗池,玩摄影。 A group of young, local skaterboarders were recruited from the park at Oakley In Residence: Los Angeles and given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to partake in a private pool session in the backyard with Arto Saari.
很多滑板公司在发展时迷失了自己的根基,如果一个滑板公司不聆听滑手真正的需求,那怎么叫做滑板公司?从以前臃肿的面包鞋,发展到从未有过的签名款,@Vanschina Vans滑板鞋历史第三集继续听Pro们给你介绍滑板鞋子的光荣历史。 Skateboarding has always been in a perpetual state of progression which means the Berrics must also be in a perpetual state of creating progressive content if we have any chance of surviving this cyclone of confusion and heartbreak called the world. With new companies popping up every month, other companies infiltrating the space...
Something Sinister再发新片段,Brian Peacock个人超长14分钟未删减片段出炉!Brian Peacock脚下功夫着实扎实,各种Flip加Manual的动作轻而易举,原始片段看起来更有感觉。
Vans不断为滑手们设计并调整适合他们滑板鞋,Vans Pro们也对自己的签名款印象深刻,Steve Caballero更是用一把剪刀从Full Cab时代中创造出了Half Cab,本次Chapter 2中就来听听AVE, Steve Caballero等人他们对Vans鞋子里程碑的回忆。 Skateboarding has always been in a perpetual state of progression which means the Berrics must also be in a perpetual state of creating progressive content if we have any chance of surviving this cyclone of confusion and heartbreak called the world. With new companies popping up every...
继Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4之后13年,Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5即将到来!虽然发布时间还没定,但是预计将在今年晚些时候在PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 和Xbox One平台发布!先来看看截图解解馋吧! Putting to rest months of cryptic tweets from Tony Hawk, Activision and developers Robomodo and Disruptive Games have officially announced Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 – a return to the classic gameplay of the series' heyday. Although no specific release date...