Damn AM 2015 第一站比赛在洛杉矶打响,预选赛中超过100名AM滑手参与竞争,最终只有前30可以晋级,那么虽说是预赛,那也必将让大家热血沸腾,通过现场镜头感受Damn AM预选赛中Micky Papa,Ethan Loy等人的精彩表现。 The first stop of seven Damn Am Select Series contests just kicked off at Lincoln Skatepark in East LA, and of the 100 ams who came from throughout the world for a chance to shred, only the top 30 survived the cut and advanced to the Semi-Finals.
BATB 8第一轮的最后一场比赛由去年的年度滑手Ishod对阵老将PJ Ladd,PJ大胡子非常显眼,之前都在洛杉矶CourtHouse玩滑板,而Ishod昨晚才坐飞机来到Berrics现场,疲倦的他能否和PJ来一场大战呢?
DVS加州滑板旅途发布,DVS旗下滑手Torey Pudwill,Paul Shier等人在加州三地进行滑板旅途,顺便给当地滑板店举办签名会和Demo表演,所到之处都被滑手的热情点燃,上下两集一起看到爽。
虽说现在才5月,不过Sewa Kroetkov 2015合集片段已经发布了,里面收录了Sewa为红牛和GoPro等赞助商拍摄的种种片段,动作之完美堪称教科书了。
今天的BATB 8的第15场比赛,又是一场大战,由上届冠军Cody Cepeda对抗小将Mike Piwowar,不多说了!真是提心吊胆!速度围观!
KWEG起亚亚洲滑板邀请赛街式比赛结束!来自新加坡的老将Firdaus Rahman获得冠军,紧随其后的事来自日本的选手Ryo Sejiri,季军则被年仅13岁小将Sanggoe Tanjung夺得,ADee和小鸡分别获得第四第五名,跟随镜头一起回顾下现场精彩状况。 We thought the qualifier was heated! The top ten skaters battled it out to get on the podium. So much heart and hustle, and TALENT came out of this group, the judges sure had their work cut out for them. The tiny yet smooth beyond his years Sanggoe Dharma from Indonesia...
为了祝贺Brandon Westgate加入Element,Berrics将Westgate所有高飘猛飞远的招进行了组合,从Stay Gold标志性的Ollie大Gap到他最新冲天大乱,2分多钟的视频里西门哥一直在飞! Brandon Westgate's got more pop than a million skaters combined. To celebrate him getting on Element, we're revisiting some of his most popped tricks over the years... Enjoy.
Sean Malto为NikeSB新鞋Free SB拍摄的宣传片发布,这个Spot位于铁轨旁边,而为了这一个动作你可能要不断尝试,而你面对的最大困难就是战胜自己。 Sean Malto skate the Nike Free SB
@Vanschina 很荣幸将在今年的6月21日再次举办2015年度Go Skateboarding Day活动!欢迎大家在6月21日加入Vans和你们当地的滑板团队来共同#抢回街道#庆贺这个日子 。Vans将在活动现场提供海量赠品及奖项,届时2015年度D.I.Y.滑板道具比赛也将拉开帷幕,各地的滑板店和滑板团队都有机会参与设计、制作滑板道具的竞赛,共同角逐2000美元现金大奖,获奖的团队更有机会代表他们的城市参与2015年House of Vans的活动。
4月29日,Berrics发布Eric Koston生日片段剪辑,来庆祝Koston 40岁的生日,曾经无数的辉煌经历都为现在的街式滑板奠定了基础,现在回首看他过去的片段也丝毫不逊色于现在的小伙子们!生日快乐Koston! Happy birthday Big Guy! We love ya! You're the OG of all OGs, the legend of all legends, the E of all 40s. Thanks for inspiring us all with the hundreds of thousands of tricks you've done over the years!!! Shout out to @manolostapes for making this gem of an edit highlighting...
Matix 发布旗下18岁新晋滑手Anthony Anaya的个人片段,从9年前戴着头盔和全套护具的孩子一路成长为现在拥有如此自然风格的滑手实在了不起,干净的Pop,轻快的动作节奏,落地时的自然风格,看完简直脚底生风。 Coach Anthony, Mr. Anaya…. If you are a 9 year old kid living in Santa Maria, Ca and are learning to skateboard, this is who Anthony Anaya is to you. Anthony was first seen skateboarding like most young skateboarders, with full pads and a helmet with a spiked Mohawk on it. What...
高露洁先生Mikey Taylor为自己的第二款签名款DC Mikey 2拍摄的宣传视频整片发布!Mikey Taylor为了此片也是跑遍全球不少滑板地形,不少片段取景于中国,两条大长腿配上紧身裤也是颇有风格。 You can tell by the permanent smile on his face that Mikey Taylor’s love for skateboarding runs deep. We are proud to present his latest video offering for the Mikey Taylor 2 with UNILITE. All the impact protection you need with none of the weight.