在Ryan Sheckler的梦想比赛之中,滑板比赛总是应该充满创造力,于是红牛@Redbull 将在底特律打造最新Hart Lines比赛,CA Production根据Sheckler想法打造了全新道具,全新规则也让比赛娱乐性十足,期待比赛的到来! Coming to Detroit’s Hart Plaza is a brand new street skateboarding competition from the mind of Ryan Sheckler. Red Bull Hart Lines sets out to produce a high-energy skateboard event featuring an innovative new contest format. The format will feature two lanes, each with its own unique set of skateable...
这一期是@波比老师- 英国之行的最后一期,我们还是在伯明翰的 Creation 滑板场,今天Bobby老师邀请Jim Langran带大家滑的是这里的大U池。下一期开始我们回到上海,又更加精彩的内容等着你们。
Toy Machine创始人Ed Templeton在Roberts & Tilton展览馆开办了自己作品的最新展览,他的作品包含了独特的个人美学感受,灵感则多来自于他每日在Huntington Beach的所见所闻,展会将一直持续到5月30日,如有届时在加州的滑手可以去参观一下。 On April 25 renowned skateboarder, artist, graphic designer and photographer Ed Templeton opened the doors to his latest solo exhibition entitled Synthetic Suburbia. Having lived much of his life as a professional skateboarder and founder of Toy Machine, Ed’s work has steadily transitioned into the world of influential contemporary...
Flip旗下悍将,同时也是@NikeSB 欧洲技术风格型滑手Denny Pham个人片段"It's A Phamtastic World" 正式发布!4分多钟的片段里包含了各种顶级难度的Line!Denny对板子的控制力实在太强悍了! Denny composes masterful lines at some of the world's dreamiest spots, before closing things out on a big boy double set. Enjoy the show...
今天的BATB 8第十四场比赛由Sean Malto对阵Matt Berger,Malto可是Berrics的常客,而Matt却参加了许多大赛拥有丰富的经验,那么这场比赛较量结果如何,等你来揭晓战况。
Stockwell滑板公园经常吸引了很多传奇滑手等到来,红牛发布新片记录当地滑手Ewen Bower在此板场肆虐视频,他平时的滑板风格就很凶猛,跟随红牛的镜头一起走进体会一下。 Stockwell skatepark (occasionally known as Brixton Beach) has seen a range of legendary skaters pay a visit to the iconic concrete. The mild transition and street features sprawled throughout the park makes for an awesome session for skaters of all sizes and skill. We wanted to have a look for ourselves, so Ewen...
Oakley在洛杉矶成立了 Oakley In Residence,这是一个集滑板创意和滑板道具于一体的spot,坐落于洛杉矶,由Eric Koston, Atiba Jefferson联手Art Dump共同为了滑手而设计,Sean Malto等滑手也一同出镜。 Part creative space, part skateboarding destination, Oakley In Residence: Los Angeles is a studio and pop-up skate park that celebrates the culture of skateboarding in its hometown. The space is designed by skaters, for skaters – co-curated by Eric Koston, Atiba Jefferson and the Art Dump...
James Jarvis是一位伦敦的漫画家,同时他也是一个滑板爱好者,他将滑板融入自己日常生活之中,滑板就是他的人生哲学课堂。NikeSB与他合作即将开设James Jarvis个人艺术展,他的合作产品Free SB也于4月25日在NikeSB.com上架。 James Jarvis is a London-based visual philosopher channeling a love of skateboarding, comic art and architecture into iconic imagery and a rolling exploration of everyday life. It’s the rituals and the mindset that define you as a skateboarder. “I didn’t want to reference the hammers. I wanted to ask, what is...
The Place 的第二次免费日活动今天下午在上海浦东源深体育中心内的 The Place 滑板场盛大举行。到场滑手,车手众多。因为明天是 Vans 滑板大片 Propeller 上海首映,所以还有很多各地滑板圈内大咖也都来到了今天的免费日现场,包括最近喜添两个新赞助商的头号 Pro 车霖,深圳刘佳明,昨晚刚刚举办完个人摄影展的 Vans 滑手 Jay,还有从新疆赶来的乌鲁木齐 Streetlife 滑板工作室的阿勇... ...
BATB 8第一轮第十三场比赛由奇招爆多的Chris Chann对阵 Bastien Salabanzi,Salabanzi参加的大赛次数非常多,他的Backside Double Flip也娴熟无比,而整场比赛仅仅用时54秒...那么究竟谁能胜出?
Antihero不久前带着队员们前往以色列,全场近半小时整片正式发布!TNT,Grant Taylor,Chris Pfanner等Antihero队员们在这里简直就是如鱼得水,野生地形加躁劲十足的滑手,这可不是普普通通的一趟旅途! This isn't your typical family vacation. It is an epic journey into the Holy Land with the One-Eight. Skate and Destroy is universal.
Brixton “Survival Spanish” 全新视频发布!西班牙街头各种完美神奇的地形,队员们连贯的动作风格,Tommy Guerrero也为此创作了背景音乐,加上VX拍摄特有的效果,这段视频真是令人回味。 A killer soundtrack, amazing spots, and a great lineup of talent, each providing their own flavor. This edit is a beauty.