今天DC正式全球发布旗下摄影师Dennis McGrath的摄影集HEAVEN,这本摄影集是McGrath用了20年时间,记录了职业滑手Lennie Kirk的人生起落,其中的艺术插画更是由Ed Templeton操刀设计,全球限量1000本,现在可以在seemsbooks.com购买。 Today, DC Shoes announces the global release of Dennis McGrath’s first book, HEAVEN. Through the lens of renowned photographer Dennis McGrath, this book displays in gritty reality the rise and fall of infamous Pro Skateboarder Lennie Kirk. Designed by Artist, Ed Templeton, HEAVEN is a photo book that took 20 years...
为了探索南美地区的新地形,@Redbull 发布滑板旅途新片“街滑乌拉圭”,红牛带着巴西队伍里的队员们一路来到了乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚,虽然巴西和乌拉圭的距离很近,但是这里却是未曾被开发的地形,完美的地面和Ledge都让大家激动不已。 The search for new terrain in South America led our Brazilian troupe to Montevideo, an untapped destination for skateboarding. The flight from Brazil to Uruguay is quick and cheap, but otherwise life in Montevideo is quite expensive.The plan was to contact local skaters from Montevideo to meet up with us at the major...
毫无疑问,Alien Workshop还存在着!虽然改变不可避免,但是AWS还是有能力将古怪的风格和滑板融合在一起,刚刚发布的另一部Resurface视频就证实了AWS的能力,同时宣布了AWS最新滑手Frankie Spears。 There’s no question: the Workshop lives. It has mutated but it still has the unique ability to combine amazing skating with trippy, mysterious art direction. Here’s a rad edit with a sick new rider.
@NikeSB 欧洲小将Denny Pham的全新个人片段"It's A Phamtastic World"预告片发布!Denny对板子的控制力实在强悍,其中还有不少片段取景与国内Spot,相信正片肯定会让人震撼,敬请期待! His part drops on Monday, so consider this a warning - Denny's board control is borderline criminal. Prepare yourself for a high-level display of technical expertise.
DC正式发布Mikey Taylor个人第二个签名款,并且使用了全新超轻减震Unilite鞋垫,鞋身继承了1代的修长设计,新鞋垫以及细节修改将会提供更好的脚感,同时宣传视频也不少拍摄于国内,Mikey Taylor依旧犀利。 Introducing the Mikey Taylor 2 with an all new Unilite drop in insole. You get all of the impact protection and comfort with none of the weight. The unique insole design builds in the heel for unparalleled impact absorption while tapering in the forefoot for maximum board feel. Innovative comfort available only...
Berrics上周发布的浮生一日滑板篇今天再次拓展,带大家看看一天之内这些滑手们都做了什么招,Koston,Nick Tucker,P Rod,Westgate等等均收录其中,纯正的动作合集一起体会。 On December 7, 2014, we sent a group of the world's best skate photographers and filmers into the wild on an ambitious and unique assignment: Document a full 24-hour day in locations all over the world. You’ve already watched the extended edit. Now it’s time to see the full skate version. Some...
昨天发了 Vans China 职业滑手张子杨的近况专访(点击页面底端“阅读原文”可以产看)。张子杨刚刚从居住了四年多的北京搬家到上海继续自己的滑板生涯。其实滑手的迁移一直都有,杭州滑手小鸡搬去深圳苦练,在此之前 Converse 当家 pro 李祉兴更是从东北老家搬到深圳多年,NikeSB 的 Johnny Tang 从加拿大来到中国之后先后在广州,北京,上海都生活过... 就不一一列举。
本周我们还在Creation滑板场,很多滑手都想体验一下海绵池,但是在国内好像只有北京 Woodward 才有,今天@波比老师- 就带你通过第一人称跳一回海绵池。
来自上海的滑板艺术机构Studio 191将于4月24日在上海老牌滑板店FLY举办Vans滑手Jay Meador的名为BURN UNIT的个人摄影展。当然#VANSPROPELLER#首映门票也在现场发放!找到Jay Meador本人就有机会获得!
潮流杂志i-D最新的视频中,身为模特同时也是一名女滑手的 Natalie Westling 提出6个要素教你如何做一名摩登女士!首先记住,出门一定要戴帽子和手套,烤箱里一定要放一块滑板,永远让男生踩着滑板追你... ... A lady always has something in the oven. Always look your best. A lady always remembers to cross her legs in public. Blah, blah, blah. In an i-D video accompanying the magazine's new Activist issue, model and deep-voiced skater chick Natalie Westling playfully reinterprets those age-old rules. Here, a few...
@NikeSB 阿根廷队伍新片Roots预告片正式发布!节奏感十足的配乐和片段剪辑配合的恰到好处,而NikeSB在片头片尾配色也采用了阿根廷国旗上标志性的蓝色,非常舒适惬意,期待正片发布。 More than 40 years of a legacy of respect and dedication that went through each decade. Firmly rooted in the past to shape the future, Nike Skateboarding Argentina presents “Roots”
4月26日@Vanschina 大片Propeller亚洲首战首映即将到来,Vans Team队员的汗水与付出将被广大滑手见证,而在那之前我们先咽下口水,一起回顾一下同样令人兴奋的Wish You Were Here亚洲滑板之旅!