大概一年前我们曝光了KAYO公司出品的FILA进军滑板品牌的第一块板面,今天我们又惊奇地发现FILA x DGK合作款鞋子已经出炉!不过FILA队伍的队员还不得而知,真是迫不及待等着鞋子面世了! For about year ago we have seen FILA skateboard decks produced by KAYO. Now we have some leaked photos of Fila x DGK shoe. Can’t wait to see what will happen!
滑板记录大片PUSH @NikeSB 女神滑手Leticia Bufoni个人片段发布!10岁开始Leticia第一次接触到了滑板,而她也因为滑板,从小被人当成假小子看待,父亲起初也不赞同她滑板,直到经友人劝导带着年幼的Leticia参加了一次比赛之后,这一切都发生了改变。 For the most part, skateboarding is a male-dominated activity. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of girls out there who rip just as hard as the guys. It's just that the scrapes, bruises, and dirt that come along with it typically don't appeal to the average female. But Leticia...
Element发布“Sketch Floral”产品套装,这次Element的产品设计又是让人耳目一新,精致的花卉设计让人大赞不已,Nick Garcia也参与拍摄了这部宣传视频,黑白色的画面之中彩色绽放,颇为动感美丽。 The creative mind of French Fred Mortagne never disappoints, and when paired up with Nick Garcia to shine some light on Element’s new eye catching “Sketch Floral” collection, it’s hard to be anything but stoked. Look for this new collection at your local shop or online at elementbrand.com and in the meantime,...
adidas Skateboarding正式宣布小将Jack Fardell加入旗下Global AM队伍之中,碗池,扶手等等地形Jack都可以轻松掌控,这段看成完美的剪辑也证明了他在adidas Global队伍中的身份。 adidas Skateboarding is pleased to welcome Jack Fardell to the Global Am team.
大家知道自己的滑板是如何研发出来的吗?NHS就带着我们来到了他们的滑板实验室,亲自参与到他们滑板研发测试环节,从韧性,弹性,耐用性等等方面全方位测试,这可不是超市里十几块钱的滑板所能做到的!绝对让你大开眼界! The third installment of the NHS R&D Lab videos showcases the machinery used to test skateboard decks; primarily the strength, stiffness, durability, and pop. As always, the information gathered from both man and machine is used to evaluate the competition and new prototype deck molds.
Mountain Dew滑板记录大片PUSH这一集带你来到了跳楼哥Aaron "Jaws" Homoki的生活之中,自从圣诞节的滑板礼物之后他便一发不可收拾,跟随Jaws童年片段和家人的话语一起来体会Jaws是如何走上这条滑板"跳楼"之路。 Everyone has a story. Everyone comes from somewhere. And Aaron's (@aaronjawshomoki) story is an outstanding example of what you can accomplish with the undying support and encouragement of your family. Never forget where you're from and always know where you're going.
本期 SpotCheck Bobby 带你滑一下位于葡萄牙南部的 Faro 滑板场。欧洲的城市不像中国哪里都是新的,有很多可以滑板的地形,那里到处都是老街道,石板路,想要滑板基本只能去滑板场。这个板场有碗池区和街式区,Bobby 用第一人称视角带你滑一下。
HUF 联合 G-Shock 发布合作款GD400,采用了经典的黑色配色,同时找来HUF旗下滑手参与拍摄宣传视频"What",记录了主人公 Matthew 荒诞的一天,而Matthew 唯一一句台词就是What... Huf and G-Shock have teamed up for a new classic-inspired style (GD400) in a new classic colorway (black), and here’s its cinematic video teaser. The watch will be released in May at G-Shock selected retailers and online.
William Spencer是演员届中最出色的滑手之一,曾经在超凡蜘蛛侠中一度大显身手,而现实中的他也可以以蜘蛛侠的敏捷来玩滑板,最近他滑板时开始模仿成龙了!我们现在带来这位功夫滑手的最新片段Out of Frame,看了之后你绝对大吃一惊。 William Spencer is from Colorado via Texas and really started skateboarding – “playing with it,” he says – at the end of high school. He got to a point in his life where’d he’d reached a lot of goals, video parts and sponsorship, so he took what he did skateboarding and...
昨天一个偶然的机会在朋友的 Instagram 里看到这张图,觉得特别有意思,就下载下来,然后扔到 images.google.com 里一搜,就找到了这个系列。叫 Time Travel (时空旅行)。
BATB 8的第八场比赛由@NikeSB 大牌滑手同时也是Berrics场地主理人之一的Eric Koston对阵实力派小将Miles Silvas!Hardflip可一直不是Koston的强项,Miles对此也是了然于心,虽然他也并不非常熟练,那么他Miles会抓住这次机会吗?一探究竟的时候到了!
今晚的BATB 8第七场比赛带来年度最佳AM Chris Joslin和Kevin Ramsay的一战!在视频中总是最敢冲最敢拼的Chris Joslin平地如何?快来一探究竟!