深圳的海边不论冬夏,总有一群追逐海浪的浪人在海面上驰骋,这里云集了众多深圳浪人@leongzhang @EricLaiii ,@L1NCANHUA 最新拍摄制作冲浪短片《这个冬天不太冷》一起看。
从10岁开始Danny Way就梦想着在后院建起自己的Mega Ramp,如今一把年纪的他梦想成真!他买下了一块地,并且邀请CA Productions来设计这座山上的Mega Ramp!想要目睹这气派道具的全貌,请期待Danny Way最新纪录片:Waiting For Lightning。 Danny Way's ten-year-old dream of building his very own Mega ramp in his Kauai backyard, has finally become a reality. Here's the story of how Danny rediscovered his dream and brought to life this never before been constructed ramp he envisioned a decade ago. See the full...
Sean Malto 年度回顾视频发布,这部视频集中剪辑了小摩托去年以及今年早些时间的视频片段,长度达到了7分钟之多,让你一次看到爽,小摩托的粉丝们千万别错过。
红牛发布吉尔吉斯斯坦之旅“太阳之子”第二集滑板纪录片,滑板的目的就在于不断探索世界上不同新的地方,红牛的滑手们体会这里的异域风情,踩着滑板继续在吉尔吉斯斯坦这个未经开发的土地之上前进。 One of the greatest dimensions of skate culture is being on the road to explore new places. This philosophy is what took our squadron to Kyrgyzstan. Brian Delatorre, Aidan Campbell, Charles Collet, Manu Etchegoyen, Tjark Thielker and Maxim Kruglov struck out on a new kind of expedition amid spectacular scenery, to put wheels on...
滑手自创啤酒品牌Saint Archer正式发布@NikeSB 当红滑手,也是其联合创始人Paul Rodriguez的纪录片The Path Unseen,12分钟的记录视频带你了解P-Rod成长背后的细节故事,同时来讲述Saint Archer品牌的真谛,并且激励下一代滑手努力前行。 An in depth look at the life and career of professional skateboarder Paul Rodriguez Jr. Created by Saint Archer Brewing Company.
继上个月Instagram上的预告之后,Supreme日前正式发布全新滑板短片《The Red Devil》,继续由William Strobek掌镜,他也是去年Cherry背后摄影师,这次Aiden Mackey,Sage Elsesser,AVE,Alex Olson,Jason Dill等人一起走上了纽约和洛杉矶街头开躁! After teasing it on Instagram last month, Supreme just dropped a short new skate video titled “the red devil.” Shot on the streets of New York and Los Angeles by William Strobeck, the same videographer behind last year’s full-length video “cherry,” this new piece features riders Aidan...
@Vanschina 正式宣布年仅19岁的小将Rowan Zorilla加入其鞋类和服饰队伍之中,Rowan对于碗池的绝对掌控和街头正反脚开弓的能力获得了许多人的赏识,他也将在今年春天Vans的重量级滑板视频中出现! Vans proudly announces the addition of 19-year-old am Rowan Zorilla to the brand’s skate footwear and growing apparel roster. Rowan is among the most naturally well-rounded skateboarders to emerge on the scene in recent years with the ability to charge a bowl as hard as he can skate a 12-stair rail, switch...
Madars Apse 疯狂的世界番外篇第25集今天正式发布,在这里Madars和Wes Kremer、Matt Miller等人带我们来到了他为日产Juke拍摄广告的背后,拍摄现场还在不停地琢磨如何获得更多乐趣。 Madars Apse - The Lost Episode It's a Mad World - Episode 25
昨天的船变身滑板道具的视频看过都叫好,今天摄影师 Ludovic Azemar 又给我们带来了一部沙漠滑板的视频,沙漠怎么滑?几块木板就搞定!哥几个一起来到了荒凉的沙漠中,拼起木板就耍了起来!片中的手绘动画更让视频活灵活现,速度欣赏。
帅哥教学又来了!Spencer Nuzzi 这次即将给大家讲解 Ollie 下台阶的基本要领,从路边的一级小台阶到那些看看就算了吧的大台阶,速度、时间、重心皆有涉及,跟着 Spencer 一起学起来! How-To Skate Stairs - BASICS with Spencer Nuzzi
Volcom 发布了最新与 Spirfire 合作产品宣传视频,这次大家真的玩起了火,废旧的碗池内升起了火堆,两品牌共同的滑手Grant Taylor, Ryan Sheckler,Dustin Dollin等人在这里撒野的动作更是让视频加了把躁劲。 Volcom unveils its latest collaboration inspired by the thrashin’ fashion of gouging grinds and heat-seeking aerial bombardments. Together, Volcom and Spitfire bring a collective 50 years of experience in making quality products specifically designed for those who keep the eternal skate-fire stoked. Hard like Stone and hot...
今天给大家介绍以为来自瑞典的插画师 David Hermansson,他的作品风格非常有趣,喜欢用鸟类作为设计元素,将滑板融入其中,他还曾经为Streetlab设计过合作款板面,现在是瑞典马尔默视觉学院的学生,来欣赏下他所创作的插画作品。 Freelance illustrator and animator currently living and studying Visual Communication in Malmö, Sweden.