Krooked韩国自拍杆之旅视频发布!Krooked带领旗下滑手Worrest, Manderson, Sebo以及一名特别嘉宾Jake Johnson一起来到了韩国,在这里大家找到了许多未曾见过的地形,当然自拍杆作为这次旅途的名称也有其独特用武之地,跟随视频一起体会。 The worldwide terrain hunt has been going strong for years now, but even we are shocked by the buttery, never-seen spots these guys found. What a trip! Featuring Worrest, Manderson, Sebo, and speci...
2014年秋天Levi’s滑板与Keith “K-Dub” Williams携手合作,在西奥克兰翻修了一座名为Town Park滑板场。现在Levi's发布纪录片整片来告诉大家这个板场的前前后后,讲述K-Dub、Town Park以及整个西奥克兰的滑板故事。 In the Fall of 2014, Levi’s Skateboarding partnered with Keith “K-Dub” Williams in West Oakland to revamp the existing Town Park Skate Park. Along the way a documentary was shot to tell a story of K-Dub, Town Park, West Oakland, and those who skate there. This documentary highlights the importance...
滑板人总是在不断探索着全新地形,征服全新挑战,没有什么比一个极具异域风情的城市更能吸引滑手们的目光了,@Redbull 红牛就带来全新滑板旅途大片:Children of the Sun太阳之子第一集,探索吉尔吉斯斯坦。 One of the greatest dimensions of skate culture is being on the road to explore new places. This philosophy is what took our squadron to Kyrgyzstan. Brian Delatorre, Aidan Campbell, Charles Collet, Manu Etchegoyen, Tjark Thielker and Maxim Kruglov struck out on a new kind of expedition amid spectacular scenery,...
Chris Haslam在Almost滑板集锦中经常现身,并且给大家带来很多独具特色的片段,他那大胡子风格独特,怎么怪怎么玩,看似简单的招做得出神入化,来看Chris Haslam绚丽的视频回顾。 Hey guys, como me pediram ta ai o vídeo do Chris Haslam. Se gostarem já sabem, deixe aquele like para fortalecer o canal e inscreva - se para não perder os próximos vídeos. Bom role a todos.
继昨日 Brixton 2015春季新品视频宣传片发布之后,Brixton官方发布2015春季新品图库,产品线非常丰富,帽子、T恤、衬衫、针织衫等等等等,风格则是一如既往的休闲轻松,跟随海量近百张新品照片一起欣赏。 BRIXTON SPRING 2015 | LOOK BOOK PHOTOS
2013年CX OPEN总决赛上映了轰动一时的索尼极限影片-肆城记,现在@Converse滑板 也带着美国肆城记来袭!首站波士顿,CONS旗下滑板大使带着我们来到当地的滑板店、各种地形,无比潇洒的CONS风格一起走起来! A Tale of Four Cities 肆城记 Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. Starting with Boston the films follow CONS skate ambassadors while they visit some of the cities' best skate spots, shops, hangouts, and...
重新回到自己的家乡,回到曾经留恋的地方滑板,除了这极具怀旧风格的主题之外,这部名为Re-Visited的独立影片更加注重滑板与生活之间的联系,是滑板推动你不断前行。 Re-Visited is a video about coming back to our country, to the places where we have been, but besides that it's a video that talks about being constant, goals, achievements, skate, life and especially about keep moving forward.
本次Almost系列滑板短片Almost Famous第28集专门献给了Lewis Marnell和Youness Amrani两人,其中包含了Lewis Marnell生前种种精彩片段,一头大脏辫的风格实在抢眼。 Lewis Marnell & Youness Amrani Thowback Remix - Almost Famous Ep. 28
Vans俄罗斯队伍不久之前在当地和欧洲部分地方巡游拍片,Tolya Titaev, Alexey Krasny, Andrey Vorokhobin等7名滑手出镜拍摄,小动作技巧细腻,大动作也都能体现战斗民族的英勇气魄。 Short video filmed in Russia and Europe presenting Vans Russia Skate team riders. In order of appearance: Tolya Titaev, Alexey Krasny, Andrey Vorokhobin, Dima Shatalov, Vova Pavlov, Vadim Abramov, Denis Uzefovich. Filmed by Anton Beliaev, Pasha Kryukov, Luca Gendre and others. Directed by Stas Galaktionov.
随着春天的临近雪也开始慢慢融化,我们也将用这期的NEWSLETTER 来总结我们的雪季!我们再次以精彩的活动赛事度过了欢乐的雪季! As the snow starts to slowly disappear, we'd like to close our amazing season with our final winter newsletter! We had a kick-butt season once again filled with highlights!
Chris Joslin面对Berrics板场里的台阶,大乱从没失误过,但是如果他脚下踩的是沃尔玛的玩具板,变现会是如何?好了,Berrics今日特地跑去买了几块玩具板,一起看Chris Joslin的表现! Chris Joslin lands everything first try - you've seen his footage, you already know. So what happens when you give him a shitty twenty dollar skateboard from a department store? The Berrics Consumer Report is here to find out. You get what you pay for in life... This is a public service...
Brixton发布2015春季新品宣传视频,新产品包括T恤,衬衫,帽子等,颜色较为明快,一扫冬季产品厚重的风格,而本次取景也选定在了室内,几个人玩弄音乐的感觉也是非常Chill。 Song Credit: The Rooms "Ride"