这部名为Somebody New的音乐MV里滑板镜头颇为丰富,不仅仅有滑手真实的表现,还有很多Tony Hawk Pro Skater游戏场景中的Bug镜头,各种无限高的Ollie画面和变态到无穷的动作,好歌好MV! Video from Keith Schofield. skate and/or die.
身为摄影师的Partik Wallner经常和队伍一起进行旅途,大家看到他的视频觉得这里真的太吸引人了,然而这背后的故事也只有摄影师滑手自己知道,那么除了美妙的旅程,还有什么回忆让人痛苦万分呢?一起来看背后的故事,Patrik Wallner五次最糟糕的旅途。 PATRIK WALLNER – TOP FIVE WORST DAYS OF MY LIFE. English scroll down.
滑手自创啤酒品牌Saint Archer即将发布联合创始人Paul Rodriguez的纪录片The Path Unseen,通过P-Rod成长背后的故事来讲述这个品牌的真谛,并且激励下一代滑手努力前行,预告片现在发布,一起期待正片的到来。 Created by Saint Archer Brewing Company’s President Josh Landan, featuring co-founder and professional skateboarder, Paul Rodriguez Jr. Saint Archer’s film series, The Path Unseen is a look at the unique personalities that make the brand what it is and their stories that inspire all on their path through life.
Torey Pudwill 2014年全年视频精彩片段合集All The Time发布,这里收录了Torey去年的不少镜头,一贯凶猛的Torey全年的表现都非常优秀,精选中的精选,喜欢Torey的滑手们不要错过。
Daewon Song去年的Instagram所有视频合集发布!可以说,他在Almost视频中的表现还是略有收敛的...没有PU的桥、转着圈的Manual,这部视频各种怪招各种奇葩动作让你看到爽!
Vans BOWL-A-RAMA™ Bondi 2015比赛落下帷幕!成千上万人聚集到比赛现场,观看世界顶级滑手争夺$81500澳元奖金!最终Pro组的冠军被Bucky Lasek夺得,大师组冠军被Tony Hawk收入囊中!一起通过镜头回顾下滑手们当天的精彩表现。 As all great things must come to an end, Vans BOWL-A-RAMA™ Bondi 2015 went out with an absolute bang as crowds went wild to mark another day of exhilarating bowl shredding. Thousands eagerly gathered in celebration of the 11th annual event to watch the world’s best skateboarders compete for...
也许你每天都可以滑板,但是你知道你脚下那块结实的板面是怎么制作完成的吗?滑板元老George Powell和Stacy Peralta现在就带大家了解Powell的制作过程,这也是少数美国制造的板面品牌,一起通过视频了解一下复杂精细的工艺。 Sure, you ride one every day. But do you know how skateboards are actually made? Stacy Peralta takes you through Skate One with George Powell to shine some light on the manufacturing process behind boards, wheels, and bushings.
Converse队伍在今年1月份来到英国进行Kenny Anderson 3新鞋子的推广,英国潮湿的天气和寒冷的气候不能阻挡队员们的热情,一贯的CONS滑板风格在英国街头上演。 The UK Converse CONS tour to promote the KA3 shoe was decided for January 2015, which obviously provokes skepticism in regards to a piss wet Albion, but the hunger to visit new places and to see what we could conjure up with was high and provoked the tour name ‘Braving The Cold’,...
你可能滑板滑得挺好,但是你知道滑板是如何诞生的吗?你又是否了解滑板的历史?这段《滑板简史》就带你上一节滑板历史课,由内而外提高自己滑板修养,各种动画插图看得真是晕了,毛主席都来亮了个相! Some history squeezed into a few minutes of visuals.
CREATURE队伍波多黎各滑板之旅全片发布!海边、滑板场、街头一个地形都不错过,各式各样的怪地形加怪招风格,即使满地沙子的粗糙地面也无法阻挡队员们滑板的热情,跟随镜头一起参与到这趟波多黎各之旅。 Relax, You're Dead! Creature Skateboards and Strange Notes Presents Creature Beach: Puerto Rico. Get dead on the beach with David Gravette, Ryan Reyes, Taylor Bingaman, Sean Conover...
DC Skateboard在去年成就非凡,不仅发布了很多振奋人心的视频,同时还在主流赛事上斩获颇丰,今天DC就发布了一年回顾视频,一起体会下DC硕果累累的2014. The Skateboard Mag's Best Shoe Team of 2014 was also the winningest shoe team of the year. DC not only dropped some of the most visually-striking videos of the year, the team also swept the major skate events: Street League, X Games, Tampa Pro, BATB, and Run & Gun. Here's just a taste...
TWS发布了一段简笔画滑板短片Style,黑色的背景只有线条勾勒出的人物和道具,而背后响起的是美国作家Charles Bukowski的诗,风格是什么,这不就是为滑板而写的片段吗! When you hear the opening line of Charles Bukowski’s poem, you can’t help but think he’s talking about skateboarding.