滑手们还真会找乐子,几个人带上两块三合板就在马路上玩了起来,没有支撑怎么放板呢?用人!流畅的小招,连贯的拍摄,看得真是非常新鲜,也辛苦板下那几位哥们了... When the spots are sparse, sometimes you gotta make one yourself. When all you have is a piece of plywood, sometimes you gotta take one for the crew and make the spot out of yourself. It’s hard to know what’s more sketchy—skating the most rudimentary spot, or being the most rudimentary spot. DIY or...
跳楼哥Jaws最新视频Criddler On the Roof发布!我就没看到不在屋顶上地镜头!摄影师也是真心胆大!好了!不说了!速度看起来! Out of spots? You're just not looking high enough. The King of Plop does it again!
Jason Park 2014 视频回顾今天也来了!作为怪招的代表人物之一,Jason Park能把各种怪招完美地结合在一起,他脚下的无限花样每次看都会让人瞠目结舌!合集更是融入了一年之精华,怎能错过!
Alien Workshop在羊年第一天发布了又一段视频,看来即将复活的AWS旗下第二名滑手已经诞生,虽然视频中没有提及到他的名字,但是确定是来自加拿大的Paul Liliani,他也是继Joey Guevara之后第二名新AWS滑手,我们一起期待AWS的重新到来吧! A little more than two weeks after teasing its likely first rider, Joey Guevara, the resuscitated Alien Workshop has posted a video showcasing probably second. The skater isn't named, but it's Paul Liliani, from Toronto, Canada.
Volcom正式发布Harry Lintell个人片段,这个欧洲小伙子动作流畅利落,他在英国街头简直就是如鱼得水,看了就让人脚下“饥渴难耐”想提着滑板就出门,千万别错过最后压轴的Switch Kickflip,队友都掩面而泣了! Watch Volcom Europe’s Harry Lintell makes easy work of the notoriously rugged British streets and back alleys of London in the latest True To This edit.
第三届 JBMC Method-Off将于二月二十二日重新开启,我们在这个经典抓板动作的赛事中将加入大家非常喜欢的元素- 就是夜场加铁杆儿赛,也就是说在夜里点亮这场JBMCMethod-Off经典抓板赛的同时也将同时进行一场由隐泉赞助的铁杆儿赛。比赛将于当天晚上6:00 开始,JBMC 丰厚的奖品就先不说了 ,赛后还将在南山木屋举行疯狂的赛后大啪 ,参加过以前夜场的朋友们 知道这将意味着什么! The third annual JBMC Method-Off goes down this February 22nd in the Nanshan Mellow Park, and this year the event is stepping it up a notch! Not only will the method-grabs-only event be held at night in a lit up park, but this year also sees the...
红牛摄影课堂第三课来了,总是有那些禁止滑板的好地形吸引着滑手们去一试身手,你要随时做好被警察驱赶的准备,保持你的成功率,相信你的摄影师,翻进去,拍好照,再出来,一切都是这么连贯,一气呵成。 The third chapter of the "Making of" series is all about nailing the trick and getting the shot. It takes a good skater to pull tricks consistently, and it takes an even better photographer to make them look sick. We take a behind the scenes look a just what it takes to get in,...
Matix发布了其2015年春季新品系列宣传视频,这次队员们来到了以前常去的野外,滑板的戏份并不大,而更多的是Homie在一起出行、烧烤、放松时的Chill感受,享受大自然。 Matix Spring 15 is about gaining a new perspective on familiar sights. It's about discovering something new in old places. We've all seen a cactus before, not really all that uncommon, but after taking a breather you stumble upon the neon flowers springtime blooms. Pretty bitchin' . mother nature is. Spring is the season...
Nixon全球销售战略不断扩张,现在香港和悉尼开设了最新的两家零售店铺,香港店铺位于香港Ocean Terminal大厦3楼,店铺采用Nixon水平式的营销布局,店内有冲浪、滑雪和滑板三块区域平行展示,店铺营业时间请看进来。 Encinitas, CA – Continuing Nixon’s global retail expansion, the California-based watch, accessories and audio brand opened the doors to their latest stand alone stores, now open in Harbour City, Hong Kong and Miranda, Sydney, Australia.
很多新手在选择自己的滑板时会纠结究竟是要买高桥还是买低桥,是高桥比较好点地发力还是低桥好点地发力?Braille的主理人Aaron这次就给你讲解以下,不过一定要记住,动作会不会与桥的选择并没关系,好好练习才是王道。 Braille Skateboarding: HIGH TRUCKS VS LOW TRUCKS
Tommy Zhao在2014年拍摄,制作完成的独立video – “Something Sinister ” 于去年被拆解成多个滑手个人part,经由国外各大滑板网站陆续发布, 今天为大家带来Something Sinister中最后一位滑手(Dan Leung)的个人部分!
@陕西滑板联盟 @shadow陈晓剑 西安滑手@MASU_王子弹 利用寒假时间,到上海边打工边拍视频。一个多月来到上海不少滑板地形,@周伟 @王玓 @JohnnyTang @栋锵锵 等不少大家喜欢的滑手出镜,全程GoPro拍摄,一起体会下。