由Jonathon Lim, Kristian Kvam Hansen和Charles Lanceplaine三名摄影师共同成立的视频制作公司发布新片In The Hai,Jay Meador,Johnny Tang,Dan Leung,Chris Bradley等大家熟知的滑手出镜拍摄,全片慢镜头制作,光效、取景,那真是大片风范十足! Director/DP: Jonathon Lim, Kristian Kvam Hansen and Charles Lanceplaine. Produced By: PUSH (pushmedia.co). Edited by: Kristian Kvam Hansen. Sound Mastering: MortenForsland.com
滑手一般都是敢于不断挑战自己极限的人,而在肾上腺素不断分泌之后,有些人挑战的就是生与死,我们为你罗列出10个不成功便成仁的视频片段,有的跳地铁,有的跳房顶,有的跳楼... Skateboarders are often categorized by people outside of our community as thrill seekers or adrenaline junkies, a comparison that always makes me cringe. For the most part, (speaking from personal experience here) skateboarders remain low to the ground – their biggest adrenaline rushes come from doing a backside tailslide slightly faster than the one...
Volcom 欧洲队伍前不久来到了美国西部地区,虽然现在是冬天,不过开片不断出现的氤氲就让人感受到了那里的炎热,片中最显眼的就是队员们各种动作接大坡了,当然也少不了碗池,扶手上的肆虐。 Enjoy this edit of Volcom adventures in the US with Axel Cruysbergs, Eniz Fazliov, Daan van der Linden, Harry Lintell, Alain Goikoetxea and some extra Volcom guests.
Nixon发布全新蓝牙冲浪手表Ultratide,这块全世界最智能的冲浪手表中集成了蓝牙芯片,可以和手机同步联合Surfline官方数据显示冲浪条件。这块手表也将于2015年春季上市,售价为$300,Nixon也发布宣传视频来介绍这块手表的重要性。 Nixon is introducing the new Ultratide, which they have dubbed the world’s smartest surf watch. The watch is bluetooth-enabled, allowing it to deliver surf conditions straight to your wrist by syncing with your smartphone device. Nixon’s Ultratide will be available for Spring 2015 and retails for $300. Here’s the scoop from Nixon on their...
今年6月我们曾爆料过Eric Koston穿着他的新鞋子在Berrics滑板视频,并猜测会不会就是Koston 3,现在结果终于揭晓,这双鞋子叫做Koston Huarache,采用了Lunar大底和皮面设计,鞋跟处有橡胶绑带,将于2015年上市。 To give a bit 'of enamel to pro-model image of her man, for next year proposes the Nike SB Koston in a more hype version Huarache. The result of hybridization between the two Koston and the popular model running class of 1993 is not bad, and the sole Lunar and basic...
KickerClub 2014年度大盘点第四篇与大家见面!本次盘点的是今年最佳赛事/活动,今年大型赛事活动非常丰富,House of Vans,Cons Project同时还有滑板第一次参与青奥会的展演以及红牛极限腾跃赛
点地的瞬间,翻板的一刻,Andrew Reynolds将Kickflip完美地掌控,Berrics发布Boss最值得纪念的Kickflip视频,同时发起活动,只要你在Instagram,Facebook或者Twitter上传自己Kickflip的视频并添加标签#KickflipLikeTheBoss,如果被Boss看中,你就会获得一整套Nixon Boss签名款和一只Mini Blaster!有兴趣有条件的滑手赶快出击! The pop, the flick, the catch… Andrew Reynolds has the best kickflip in the game. But this time he wants to see yours. We’re giving away Andrew’s entire signature Nixon collection and a Mini Blaster portable Bluetooth speaker to his favorite kickflip on social media. All you’ve gotta do is upload...
究竟是谁操控着滑板品牌的运行?是谁决定一名滑手能否成为Pro?何人掌管滑板圈内一举一动?红牛滑板记录大片Pushing Forward第三集走起 So, who really controls skateboarding these days? In Chapter Three of Pushing Forward, we scratch the surface of understanding the ...
红牛南山公开赛多年来保持连胜,是因为其一直是滑雪界最热门的话题,如今,红牛南山公开赛进入了第十三个年头。自从索契冬奥会之后,单板滑雪已经成为了世人关注的焦点,在中国,庞大的粉丝群体基础使得体育运动的迅速扩张,而南山公开赛则是本土人最近距离直击感受到此项运动的最好途径---对许多人来说更是第一次! The Red Bull Nanshan Open continues its hot streak as one of the most talked about contests on the tour as it enters its 13th year. With snowboarding hitting the spotlight recently at the Sochi Winter Olympics, the sport is rapidly expanding it's already huge fan base in China and the Nanshan Open is...
现在到哪里人们都抱着手机,Pro们也是如此,有的Pro说他喜欢将自己的东西和大家分享,而今年的年度滑手Wes Kremer却没有Instagram,戏称自己在社交圈里没有粉丝,那么社交软件是否对滑板圈产生了重大影响?来看红牛滑板记录大片Pushing Forward第二集。
“Wayward Cognitions” 是Ed Templeton的最新摄影集,其中包含了Ed Templeton在各地记录的瞬间,Ed Templeton也对着镜头告诉我们他想通过这些作品,让大家体会到他在按下快门瞬间所感受到的震撼 "Wayward Cognitions" is a new book featuring photographs by Ed Templeton. Check out this video of Ed explaining it.
ISPO BEIJING 2015第十一届亚洲运动用品与时尚展将于1月28-31日隆重举办。新品牌、新潮流、新科技一直是每届展会的重要看点,ISPO BEIJING 2015将带来些什么?新品速递第三期,时尚与专业并举,至潮新品抢先看!