KickerPick栏目版为滑手视频投稿之后,最新一期投稿来自@漳州滑板 @苏凯伦Karen-Su 个人视频,支持本地滑板发展,Support Your Local!
Thrasher发布超长整片《Beautiful Moment》!出自滑板圣地加州,在摄影师Dayman Torelli的镜头下,长达40分钟的片段中包含了数不清的好地形,Julian Klein,Greg Demartini,Nick Hutter等等当地滑手更是将滑板的随性轻松展现得淋漓尽致 The Bay Area skate scene is more alive than ever, as evidenced here in the full-length video A Beautiful Moment by local lensman Dayman Torelli.
丹麦新板场诞生!由丹麦建筑公司CEBRA和glifberg+lykke共同涉及建造的全民运动场地正式开放,整个圆顶建筑坐落于湖边,内部包括篮球场攀岩墙壁的设施,室内室外共拥有4500平方米的滑板场地面积!高耸的石柱也为现代娱乐场所建造设立了新的标杆 the close collaboration between CEBRA and glifberg+lykke has resulted in a fusion of architecture, design, and function, which forms the underlying DNA of ‘streetdome‘ and binds the entire park together to form an interacting whole. the overall ambition of the project is to set a new set of standards for the urban areas of...
House Of Vans 广州站圆满落幕,Team Battle 的最终成绩是香港852获得街区冠军,Vagabond 获得 Quarter Pipe 冠军,广州 Hero 获得最佳摔跤奖!今天的赛事情况就不发照片新闻了,直接上视频,速度一定要对得起 KTV Live 这个栏目的名字。别 BB 了,快来看视频吧...
House Of Vans 第二天的活动刚刚结束,广州站因为场地空间较大,增加了滑板比赛环节,现场比上海站更燥。今天一共两项比赛,一个是自由报名的业余组比赛,共有12名来自广东各地和香港的滑手参加。一个是四支滑板队(852, Hero, Vagabond, HKIT)的 team battle。结果如何?接着往下看吧。
KickerClub 在 House of Vans 广州现场为大家带来 Vans 中国队伍 Wish You Were Here 首尔枪版搞笑片头!看@ZZY @汇丰王 @王国华小又鸟 等等来韩国的“整容”搞笑片头,期待正片发布
Daewon Song在获得In Transition比赛冠军头衔之后,Berrics发布了Daewon在拍摄In Transition视频时的花絮片段,Daewon现在已经不满足于用脚滑板了 From 2UP to In Transition, the manny/tranny master comes through with a bonus encore. Hey, when the crowd wants more, you give 'em more. Daewon for president!
Enjoi新片Oververt举行了一次盛大的首映式,Thrasher也把这次首映式成为“史上最棒的首映式”,Jimmy作为记者将现场的每个人都采访了一遍,Jerry Hsu,Cairo Foster...等等,甚至包括enjoi自己派来的美女记者Erica Yary When you fall into his interview grip, Jimmy has a good 80-pound advantage on almost anyone in the skate industry. You're not going anywhere. Here's his brutal, hilarious approach to the enjoi "Oververt" premiere.
FISE世界极限运动巡回赛 中国.成都站将在3天内集合 世界上最优秀的滑板,小轮车,极限轮滑 ,山地车运动员. 每天9h到18h,让我们相聚在成都美洲时尚体育中心.这里不仅有刺激的极限运动比赛还有免费向观众提供的精彩表演:比如由迪卡侬 欧赛轮为您呈现的滑板车表演秀以及由iFlitz车队为您带来的改装车展示和漂移表演. FISE世界极限运动巡回赛 中国.成都站是完全向观众 免费开放的比赛.中国.成都站的滑板,小轮车,极限轮滑 项目向青年组(16岁以下)和业余组开放.因为他们可能就是未来的世界冠军! 成都,是中国西部最有活力的城市.它与FISE发源地法国南部的蒙彼利埃已有33年的友好关系.这次的比赛也 能够加强两个城市以及两个国家之间的体育,文化交流.10月24日至26日,让我们在第一届FISE世界极限运 动巡回赛 中国.成都站见! 更多信息请登录 The Festival International de Sports Extrêmes (FISE) in Chengdu will gather some of the best athletes in Roller, BMX, Mountain Bike and Skateboard for three days of insanity.
Brixton旗下滑手Mason Merlino个人视频片段发布!作为一名碗池型滑手,Mason Merlino不论是后院泳池还是板场内的水泥大碗池都可以轻松自如地应对,而面对街头一些独特大道具他也可以游刃有余 Song Credit: The Rooms "Red Shore"
DC 今日终于发布Matt Miller签名款鞋子视频整片!视频大半Spot都取景于上海,深圳等国内熟悉地形之上,Matt Miller超高的Pop冲劲十足,同时各种动作也凸显其细腻脚法,坐稳扶劳来看他给我们带来的新片 Matt Miller is the definition of a true skate rat, and his debut pro model shoe is more than well deserved. Sit back and enjoy the technical wizardry and massive pop in this video part introducing his signature shoe.
Vans在伦敦滑铁卢地下为House of Vans搭建了独一无二的滑板场,盛大的开幕式中Vans传奇滑手齐聚一堂,Desillusion也来到现场,用其独特的视角带你来看House of Vans伦敦滑铁卢车站内的“滑板人之家” WARNING: This video can potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. Inspired by neon lights, Americana and rugged skate environments; Vans have transformed the Old Vic tunnels under Waterloo station, London, into an ‘Off The Wall’ home for the European edition of The House Of...