House of Vans广州站滑板比赛

Vans的活动,怎能少了滑板!在广州的House of Vans上,我们将为大家带来精彩的滑板内容。除了Vans的职业滑手会悉数到场之外,我们还为House of Vans广州站特别制作了全新道具,并且设置了独立滑板区域。同时我们特别邀请到了五个板面公司以及旗下滑手参与活动,并以Team为单位展开两天的Best trick比赛。 Never can less the skateboarding on activities of Vans! In Guangzhou House of Vans, we bring to you a wonderful skateboarding content.

Bones Brigade Secret Session at House of Vans Brooklyn

Tony Hawk基金会在House of Vans Brooklyn滑板场内组织了一场资金募集活动,Bones Brigade队伍里的老家伙们和现在顶级滑手齐聚一堂,Eddie Elguera, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, Christian Hosoi, Chris Cole, Nyjah等等滑手表演让你一次过足瘾 The Tony Hawk Foundation hosted a fundraiser at House of Vans Brooklyn. Skaters included Tony Hawk, Eddie Elguera, Lance Mountain, Mike McGill, Rodney Mullen, Christian Hosoi, Ben Raybourn, Chris Cole, Ishod Wair, Corbin Harris, Kevin Staab, Riley Hawk and...

Skullcandy板烧社 – 第十二课

Skullcandy联合KickerClub.com带来KTV新栏目-KickerTrick。我们特别邀请来自英国的滑板教练Bobby,从零开始教你滑板。今天上第十二节课,教你如何 跳转180!

Larry's Pizza 《OFF THE WALL》MV发布

Larry's Pizza《OFF THE WALL!》MV正式发布,张子杨@ZZYgangstashit 友情出镜助阵Woodward现场,跟随镜头来到Woodward碗池体会乐队和滑板的精彩配合

La République du Skateboard

又一部超宽幅唯美滑板视频来了,这部名为“Republic of Skateboard”的视频使用Red Epic拍摄,其中大量采用了慢镜头效果,再次唯美到词穷... "An impressionistic ode to street skateboarding" (Shot in Red Epic with Kowa Anamorphic Lenses)

Atypical Skateboards in Italy

Atypical由三名意大利小伙子成立于2012年,这个独立滑板品牌专注于生产手工定制板面,他们的板面均由一整块木料手工打磨完成,它不使用砂纸而是刷上胶水之后直接洒上沙粒,整个制作工序复杂严谨,一块块艺术品就这样诞生于三人手中 Atypical is an independent brand created in 2012, specializing in tables cruiser of quality, hand-made. Unique pieces inspired by the first tables of the Sixties and Seventies that represent a direct bridge with the reality of surfing those years. The tables, the highly recognizable design, are handmade in Italy using wood from the selection...

Spanish Skate Adventures with Madars Apse

Madars Apse西班牙滑板探寻之旅上线,Madars,Josef Scott和Manu Margreiter沿着地中海海岸线,来到巴塞罗那的南部,寻找西班牙街头的奇特地形,完美的Ledge,独特的街头Spot以及当地滑板场巨大的碗池都被他们一一征服 Madars Apse, Josef Scott and Manu Margreiter decided to tack along the Mediterranean coastline, south of Barcelona, in a search for unorthodox skate spots. The improvised road trip brought them to perfect ledges, unusual street features, and flow-filled skateparks...all the makings of an epic skate adventure.

The Panoramic Series - Paris with Bastien Duverdier and Joseph Biais

超宽幅系列滑板新片再度出炉!摄影师Philip Evans给我们展示了巴黎的街头,能把刷街做到这么Chill实在帅得过分了!帅得没话说!强烈建议全屏观看 The Paris episode of The Panoramic Series with Bastien Duverdier and Joseph Biais, presented by Dakine & Carhartt WIP.

Eight Socio-Political Board Graphics

世界上有成千上万滑板板面公司,它们需要为自己的板面,衣服,广告设计图案,有些非常简单明了,而有的则具有很深层次的含义,今天就为大家展示8块有关社会政治图案板面。 There’s thousands of skate companies out there in the world, and all of them need graphics for their decks, ads and clothes. Most companies make graphics that simply look cool, or at very least will sell. However, sometimes skaters, artists, or whole companies want graphics that have much deeper meaning than simply appropriating pop...

#Rewind : Adee Lu(盧弘成)

“Rewind”就是音乐/视频播放器上常见的快退功能。会做hip-hop风格的 Beat,还会视频剪辑的职业滑手Dan Leung(Nike/8five2/Helas/Avenue&Son)从“Rewind”一词上面找到了新的灵感:在Stephen Khou所拍的滑板素材基础上,加入自己专门创作的混音采样Beat,通过画面和音乐同步进行播放,倒退,又播放的形式来从新呈现滑板视频。 在继上回首次推出的Rewind 处女作之后, Dan Leung 在今天又给我们带来了最新的Rewind片段,这一回出现在镜头里的是台北滑手Adee Lu(盧弘成),没有加入配乐,只有Adee在上海LP平地上的一系列高难动作,正如栏目名“Rewind”的字面意思,相信大家一定会不停地Rewind查看细节动作,一遍绝对不够!

KickerPick - 广州浪人白菜

最近冲浪运动日渐升温,KTV KickerPick 视频投稿栏目再给大家带来一部中国浪人的小片,投稿人仍然是给我们带了过好几部片子的 @l1ncanhua,拍摄的是居住在深圳海边的来自广州的冲浪新手 - 白菜的冲浪故事。

IN TRANSITION And The Winner Is...

Berrics弧面比赛结果揭晓!第一名就是...看图片你猜出来了吗!第二名是Rune Glifberg,第三名Bob Burnquist,获奖视频一起内附! 10 skaters, 10 locations. In Transition: a tranny contest like you’ve never seen. We picked 10 of the most progressive skaters on the planet to choose one location each—any location in the world—and film a full part. Your votes are in. They've been counted. Without further ado: our first place winner who...