今天给大家带来一个滑板童话故事,这个故事讲述了一块叫Seymour的滑板,通过学校的学习战胜恐惧的故事,各位滑板老爸可以用它来给滑二代催眠了... Short I directed in 2009 for Yo Gabba Gabba - S03E06 - School. All rights Reserved, Nick Jr.From Vimeo
今年的iOS平台滑板游戏巨作Skater正式发布!联合etnies,Lakai,Emerica等等大牌,完美复制包括Hollywood High,Berrics,Woodward等等经典地形,Andrew Reynolds本人也亲自来为大家介绍Hollywood High的过去,详情猛戳 Designed by skateboarders, the new touch-based game, Skater, is available for iPhone and iPod Touch today. The game includes iconic street spots like Hollywood High, Carlsbad Gap, and the best parks including The Berrics, Woodward and Stoner Plaza. Players can skate the newest products from etnies, Lakai, éS, Emerica, Zero, Toy...
这次的In Transition弧面比赛参赛选手就是那位用直升机玩Mega Ramp的Bob Burnquist了,他带着我们来到他的后院Dreamland滑板场内,后面竟然还有一只脚的Smith Grind!又是一部人板漫天飞的视频 10 skaters, 10 locations. In Transition: a tranny contest like you’ve never seen. We picked 10 of the most progressive skaters on the planet to choose one location each—any location in the world—and film a full part. Bob Burnquist takes on Dreamland. Keep checking back each day for a new...
为了即将到来的寒冷冬天,Levi's Skateboarding发布2014秋季产品羊毛套装,包括经典的卫衣,Crew Neck圆领羊毛衫和运动裤 Just in time for those crisp days ahead, the Fall 2014 Levi’s® Skateboarding Collection is the most robust sweat collection yet. With additional pieces added to the mix, the fleece collection now includes a classic Hoodie, Crew Neck and Sweatpant.
阳光明媚的好天气里,Bobby老师举着自拍杆,带着大家一起来到上海SMP滑板场,跟随Bobby老师的镜头来个SMP滑板场Sopt Check,发掘下都有哪些好玩的道具。
Berrics弧面比赛In Transition这次出战的是眼镜白鲨Ben Raybourn,他带着我们来到了位于俄勒冈州的Lincoln City滑板场内,雨水挡不住眼镜哥的勇猛,燃烧的弧面更是具有魅力 10 skaters, 10 locations. In Transition: a tranny contest like you’ve never seen. We picked 10 of the most progressive skaters on the planet to choose one location each—any location in the world—and film a full part. Ben Raybourn takes on Lincoln City in Oregon. Keep checking back each day for...
2014/10/06,Droshky tame来到深圳,联合BSS、1985在蛇口SWITCH滑板场举行了一场交流赛,除了有丰富的奖品,还有Droshky tame Demo,沸点JUSTICE PRO小兴也来到现场和大家一起滑板。一起通过1985主理人小秋的镜头回顾下当天滑手都有些什么样的表现吧!
Almost发布第21集,这一次的视频里给我们带来了当地滑手Issey Yumiba的个人片段,不仅有台子上精湛的脚法,还有各种大道具的凶狠,同时还带来了英国旅行视频和Daewon与Cooper两人Miniramp欢乐片段,Daewon的360Flip 5050简直帅呆 A biweekly mixtape made by a pack of friends on a rolling toy. The ALMOST family provides lots of skateboarding and lots of...well, just immature stuff, to tell the truth. Daewon Song, Rodney Mullen, Chris Haslam, Cooper Wilt, Willow, Youness Amrani, Mitchie Brusco and friends pack each mixtape with death defying.
ADee美国行的第一个视频片段发布,采用VX拍摄于纽约街头,Brett Sube, Akira Mowatt等等滑手出镜其中,2分05秒时ADee猛快高飘远出场!连过两个桶之后的动作那是更加飘逸!更有ADee纽约滑板“历险记”等你来看 PhoneVX in NYC. Feat. Brett Sube, Akira Mowatt, Pat Hoblin, Jarrod Brandreth, Mike Powley, Danny Supa, Adee Lu, Charles Lamb, Nolan Lee, Damon Hall, Cody Gomes, Dave De La Cruz, Isreal Adonis.
本次出战 Berrics 弧面比赛 In Transition 的是Converse滑手Rune Glifberg,他带我们来到了哥本哈根Faelledparken滑板场内,画面的交错叠加开场之后便是他带来的一次又一次视觉冲击 10 skaters, 10 locations. In Transition: a tranny contest like you’ve never seen. We picked 10 of the most progressive skaters on the planet to choose one location each—any location in the world—and film a full part. Rune Glifberg takes on Faelledparken in Copenhagen. Keep checking back each...
2014 Vans Shop Riot总决赛场地准备就绪!叉车,消防栓各种怪异的道具一起来到现场,三位当地滑手Renaud, Lenard和Jonathan在帮忙布置板场时还顺带体验一番,跟随镜头看下即将进行决赛的Flesh & Bones滑板场吧 Aalst's infamous Flesh & Bones skatepark is currently getting ready for the arrival of the Vans Shop Riot Finals, with a total overhaul of the park, including the addition of new features including a wooden bowl, which will provide the perfect set up to close this year's series....
Berrics “In Transition”弧面比赛第五名出场滑手是Taylor Bingaman,他把我们带到了他家附近的Power Inn滑板场里,一场高飘远的视频即将开始,从白天到晚上永不停歇! A million locations... pick one. Where you skate says just as much as how you skate. Here's Bingaman on his hometown skatepark, Power Inn in Sacramento, California.