Berrics推出全新比赛项目In Transition,10位顶级滑手将自行选择10处全球各地不同的弧面拍摄视频,首先出场的就是Greyson Fletcher,他选择的地方就是以巨大道具著称的Mommoth滑板场,内附Greyson Fletcher拍摄花絮视频 10 skaters, 10 locations. In Transition: a tranny contest like you’ve never seen. We picked 10 of the most progressive skaters on the planet to choose one location each—any location in the world—and film a full part. Greyson Fletcher kicks it off at Mammoth.
Converse亚太滑板正式宣布菲律宾滑手Jeff Gonzales的加入,欢迎视频中Jeff带着大家来到了泰国的街头,不论是台子,台阶还是扶手的动作都很轻松干净,Jeff同样还是香港8Five2的赞助滑手,恭喜Jeff! Converse CONS APAC Welcomes Jeff Gonzales to the team!
Quintin旗下滑手Brett Sube来到了Kayo新店旁边的Spot,灿烂的阳光绝对是视频的重点,摄影师拍了不少逆光的画面,即使只有一个Ledge和一小段可以Slappy的台子 We catch up with Brett Sube as he makes a quick pit stop at the new Kayo store to shred the Philly ledges they have there.
NikeSB 英国队伍En Route整片上线!这群不安份的滑手8月份开始在英国境内5座城市开始Tour,这些城市的街头地形,滑板场一个不拉地被滑手们造访,欧洲滑板的简洁风格被表现地淋漓精致 The Nike SB UK team has been putting in some miles this August as they went out on the “En Route” UK team trip. Starting off in Edinburgh, the 8 deep crew went through a total of 5 cities ending up at their final destination in London. Stopping off along the way...
DAKINE今天刚刚发布纪录片DEVOTION,拍摄于几个不同的国家,记录了20名滑手滑板的心路历程,摄影师在拍摄和剪辑的过程之中也是下了苦功夫,近14分钟的片子唯美至极,一起仔细体会DAKINE宽幅纪录片:DEVOTION Through the eyes of different generations of skaters, we get a glimpse of what it means to live and breathe skateboarding. It’s our life…. It’s devotion”.
美国民间摄影师Josh Katz买了iPhone 6,迫不及待地带到滑板场里对IP6的240FPS慢镜头进行测试,不得不说这个慢镜头的效果确实令人震惊呀! Josh Katz bought himself an iPhone 6 last week and took it right to Tribeca Skatepark to test the slowmo. It looks pretty amazing.
HUF x Thrasher亚洲行韩国首尔躁起来!Kevin Terpening, Sammy Winter, Peter Ramondetta和Brad Cromer四人给首尔滑手们带来精彩的Demo,抛台上的表现更是让围观滑手欢呼声此起彼伏 HUF team riders Kevin Terpening, Sammy Winter, Peter Ramondetta & Brad Cromer at the recent demo and signing in Seoul, Korea on the HUF x Thrasher Stoops Asia Tour.
Guy Mariano的片段总是那么值得观赏,不论是视频还是KOTR旅途之中,最后的Switch 360 Flip接扶手更是直接再现了Pretty Sweet里压轴动作的辉煌!回顾下Guy Mariano在2012年King Of The Road上精彩的表现 Lakai or Die. KOTR Blood. Guy does it all. Let's take a look back at his MVP performance from 2012.
Vans在法国Les Marquisats滑板场内组织了混凝土周末比赛,首先开场的是碗池比赛,滑手们不停穿梭于碗池与碗池之间,到了街式比赛更燥了,巨大的Forward Flip看得实在震惊,更有甚者从Hubba上滑了下来! Check out the video of last weekend’s Vans Concrete Weekend, which took place at the Les Marquisats Skate Park in Annecy, France. This year both amateurs and pro’s battled in the bowl and on the street for the rad cash prize of 4000€.
Old Line是KTV最新推出的一个视频栏目,主要拍摄国内30岁以上老滑手的一条Line。期间也会穿插一些关于滑板往事,最喜欢的动作之类的小采访。本期滑手是来自北京的曾冰峰。曾经是北京滑板的旗帜性人物,今年35岁,滑板24年!
Damn AM纽约站比赛结束,Yoshi Tanenbaum强势获得冠军,比赛竞争激烈,从开始滑手们便毫无保留地展现出来,到最后大绝招更是让全场炸翻,Double Set的台阶上大招频频,实在精彩 Damn Am NYC semi-finals, finals, and Independent best trick. YOSHI TANENBAUM won the game.
节日即将到来轻松一下,国庆节少不了的就是滑板了!做完一个动作你会怎么样把板子拿起来呢?Chris Chann和他的朋友们拍了这段视频告诉你他们是怎么做的... How do you pick up your skateboard?