Wes Kremer"Extra Crusty By Nature"上线,实在太狠了,各种惨摔穿插在巨大震惊的动作之中,还有很多上海、香港、成都等国内经典地形镜头,像这种狠片,无需配乐也能让你震撼 Simply amazing. Kick back and enjoy this behind-the-scenes journey, featuring slams, outtakes, and never before seen footy. Wes is best.
Volcom大片True To This上线之后,Volcom便带着旗下悍将Dustin Dollin,Dane Burman,Louie Lopez,Alec Majerus和Nassim Guamez以及Volcom日本队伍成员来到马来西亚,菲律宾和印尼,开始了3国家的亚洲之行 With the launch of True To This, Volcom sent a select member skate team to 3 Asia countries including Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. Comprised of Dustin Dollin, Dane Burman, Louie Lopez, Alec Majerus, and Nassim Guamez, and joined by Volcom Japan skaters Riota Abe and Kota Ikeda,...
佳能职业摄影师Mo Ming拿起了刚发布的全新7D Mark2,联合香港滑手箭猪,一起给Canon 7D Mark2拍摄了一段滑板示范短片,Arrow脚下踩着发光的滑板穿梭于香港夜晚的街头,而作为刚刚发布的C幅旗舰,7D2究竟表现如何,且来一探究竟 Canon Pro Ambassador Mo Ming測試 EOS 7D Mark II 的 EOS Movie 功能,以滑板為題創作示範短片
Chris Bradley,Flo Mrafaing等人来到了香港滑板,香港无数街头好地形看着实在眼馋,视频中间的各种Manual让人眼花缭乱,最后公交站台顶上Gap的FS Flip简直绝了! Skaters: Piet Guilfoyle , Chris Bradley , Ben Coniam , Seb Batty , Dani Bautista , and Flo Mrafaing. Song by : Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M
这一次的KickerPick大家带来深圳冲浪短片“柱擎龙头”。他是深圳本土冲浪者!从小在海边长大的他热爱大海,热爱自己的渔村,一年的冲浪学习后成为了今天的小滑手< >
Polar Skate和Converse滑板联合发布新片‘Manhattan Days’,几个滑手推着购物车,拿着Polar标志性的笑脸标识,在曼哈顿街头穿梭,黑白的色调和Chill无比的动作实在帅爆了! Manhattan Days is a film composed by Pontus Alv celebrating the Converse Cons Polar Skate Co. CTAS Pro and featuring Cons and Polar riders Aaron Herrington, Kevin Rodrigues, David Stenström, Jerome Campbell, Dane Brady and Pontus himself. Taking inspiration from back in the day when you skated all over the city we...
几乎每个滑手都曾经说过“我永远不会放弃滑板,我要滑到我老了滑不动了。”这段子现在在那些70年代滑手身上得以体现,比如曾经Badlands的一员Steve Alba,他已经51岁了,在滑板上滑了41年!但是仍然在四处寻找碗池,他的两个儿子Jessee Alba和Riley Alba也是现在滑板中坚力量!向这位OG元老Skater致敬! At some point in every skater's life, there will be a moment when you'll declare, "I'll never quit skating. I'm going to skate until my legs fall off and I'm too old." That feeling of dedication is embodied in some of our OG skate pioneers who continue to roll around and...
兴致勃勃来到滑板场却突然发现自己没带滑板怎么办,一个购物车就能救了你!什么?购物车?这家伙绝对是“灵魂滑手”! "Dude, I forgot my board!" "Dude! I found half of a shopping cart!" "Dude?" "Dude!"
P Rod的自主品牌Primitive旗下滑手P-Rod,Brian Peacock,Nick Tucker和Carlos Ribeiro一行四人前几天来到了Active的总部里,并且在Active总部的滑板场内开始练习,几个镜头个个完美,Nick Tucker的Switch翻板真够飘的 Featuring Paul Rodriguez, Brian Peacock, Nick Tucker & Carlos Ribeiro
本次的KickerPick带来了刚刚回到国内的摄像师@Nanking_Joe 完整版作品“Survivor”,片子用VX2000拍摄,黑白画面,记录了Shadow滑板店@Shadow陈晓剑 和西安当地滑手们平时滑板的日常,一起体会VX带来的复古效果,请点击原画观看 KickerPick-Survivor
Vans Bust Crew第六集上线!没有花哨的片段,极度的自然随意风格,轰炸西海岸到东海岸街头的各种地形,Jon Rowe 5050那个晃动的围栏简直是绝了!一切皆有可滑,Vans Bust Crew第六集继续走起 A mashup of West and East Coast spots. Starting in Los Angeles and ending in Richmond. Jon Rowe ends this season off with one of his famous nightmare spots. Cellout heads to Virginia for Montage 9, the Richmond Edition.
Madars Apse一行人来到巴塞罗那也是Madars曾经的家乡拍摄视频,队员们在这个拥有阳光和海滩的城市里尽情享受,在Demo上给大家呈现精彩表演,和朋友一起碰面寻找街头的各种地形,Madars Apse的旅途总是Chill到爆 Madars hits his old stomping ground Barcelona on a filming mission for his upcoming parts and runs into a crew of friends, locals and interlopers on a mission to enjoy the city's famous beaches, street spots, hills and naked grannies.