HUF挪威队伍发布新视频Balcony Nights,挪威美景净收眼底,不论是白天还是黑夜,HUF队员们流畅轻松的风格让人赞不绝口,视频中还有图片的不间断插入,足以看出摄影师在视频剪辑中下的苦功夫,又是一部好片! A skate montage from Oslo, Norway shot through a sunny summer week starring Henrik Lund and Eirik Ballo.
滑板的乐趣总是在于不断发现和征服,这次Nick Jensen带你穿梭于英国伦敦大街小巷之中,寻找一个又一个滑板好地形,给你介绍英国滑板现状,去和当地滑手碰面,伦敦街头古典的街道和滑板融合起来的感觉实在太棒了 This week, Nick Jensen and crew give you a personal skate tour of London.
Supra英国之旅整片上线!Tom Penny,Lizard King,Stevie Williams还有“反脚小王子”Keelan Dadd等等Supra众多旗下悍将肆虐在英国街头,各种奇怪的地形,超级丰富的视频片段,精彩的剪辑,让你体会将近15分钟的视觉震撼 From Penny to Lizard, Switch God to Furby, the Supra team covers all the bases. They recently took occupancy in the UK and went to work. Everyone put it down, but special props to Ellington for going the extra kilometer.
Vans Shop Riot意大利站打响,在这个不算太大的滑板场内竟有超过100名选手参赛!每个角落都是充满滑手身影,所有的人也都尽全力拼了,最后Nixon大绝招环节更是大招频出,来看现场传来的精彩视频 A perfect skatepark, more then 100 skateboarders, and a crowd so big it barely fitted in the skatepark, literally invading every empty corner available, and an unbelievable amount of tricks. This has been the best edition of the Shop Riot ever! Enjoy it!
Dew Tour比赛纽约Brooklyn站即将于美国时间9月21日周日打响!又是一年精彩比赛,城市主干道即将封闭!Zered Bassett,Alec Majerus,Curren Caples,Nick Merlino,Greg Lutzka等人将在这里一决高下! For the fourth time in history, Dew Tour will shutdown a major metropolitan street in a big city to erect a true-to-life streetstyle course. Watch Brooklyn local Zered Bassett try his luck against Alec Majerus, Nick Merlino, Curren Caples, Greg Lutzka and more on Franklin Street in Brooklyn,...
HUF最新视频“Americans Do America”终于上线!整体阵容强异常大,整部片子前半部分是板场内肆虐的镜头,后半部分便是纯正疯狂的街头片段,跟随镜头一起体会Austin Gillette,Dylan Rieder,Kevin Terpening等人即将在美国当地滑板之旅 The HUF team tours the heartland from Tulsa to Buffalo. Featuring Austyn Gillette, Josh Matthews, Dan Plunkett, Joey Pepper, Dylan Rieder, Kevin Terpening, Matt Gottwig, and Richie Rizzo.
@8Five2ShopHK 发布最新Transformers合作板面系列宣传片, 旗下三名职业滑手Dan Leung、Chun Chai以及Jeff Gonzales分别拥有一款独特的Transformers板面,宣传视频也凸显变形之意,竟然从一个收音机变成了一块滑板! Dan Leung "Soundwave", Chun Chai "Optimus Prime", Jeff Gonzales "Bumblebee", Official Hasbro Transformers and 85ive2 shop pro boards are available now at
#一切皆有可滑# Vans Bust Crew第五集上线,一张桌子成了大家争相找乐子的地方,各种街头地形都不在话下,每个新的地形都是一次全新挑战,又是极为自然而又出其不意的招式 Vans Bust Crew ep 5 and cellout 8
滑板是一种文化这种说法被越来越多的人们所接受,既然是一种文化,那就有它的禁忌所在,于是这次Spencer Nuzzi带你走进各地滑板场,一起了解板场的规矩,同样本文也讨论了一个新的问题,究竟这种规矩该不该存在,是不是违背了滑板无拘无束的初衷 There is increasing recognition of skateboarding as a culture and part of this popular recognition comes from the construction and use of skateparks. The designed exclusion of skateboarders from the city has been matched with the provision of specifically made places to skate, these being ‘skateparks’. In may ways skateparks are a boon...
作品上如此熟悉的花纹,你说不定一样就能识别“这不是给Berrics做奖杯用的木料吗”,没错,这就是来自Haroshi的作品,Haroshi是为艺术家,他喜欢用废弃板面拼接做出各种形状雕塑,现在就跟随镜头一起体会这位艺术家从早出门的一天生活吧 Haroshi makes his art pieces recycling old used skateboards. To Haroshi, his art pieces are equal to his skateboards, and that means they are his life itself. They’re his communication tool with both himself, and the outside world.
今天给大家介绍一个来自日本的自由式滑手Isamu Yamamoto,他今年只有10岁,滑板已有两年了,然而脚下功夫却了得,翻活儿到Primo接Primo,现在他已经是日本滑板孩子中最棒的自由式滑手了,真的是年轻有为!访谈之后还有他的个人片段,看看这10岁孩子的潜力吧 10years old Freestyle skateboarder Isamu Yamamoto in Japan, now he's the best kids freestyle skater in japan.Check out the interview and the video clips of him.
Quintin旗下滑手Vincent Luevanos最近造访了由P-Rod设计的Ritchie Valens滑板场,他在板场内的热身视频现在放出,虽说仅仅是热身,但是他在Gap上的各种大招更加让人印象深刻 Vincent Luevanos makes a quick pit stop to warm up at the Paul Rodriguez designed Ritchie Valens skatepark in Pacoima, CA.