一个职业滑手站在滑板上几十年之久,很少有人能做到一尘不变,曾经的青涩少年现在可能变为帅气男神,曾经的滑板金童也有可能锒铛入狱,KickerClub就为你带来全新栏目“蜕变之路”,带你了解众多滑手的生平经历,第一集Dylan Rieder走起 Few skateboarders can remain unchange, so we create a new column called "Transform", showcasing videos to give you the direct contrast of a skateboarder from a youth age to now. Ep.1 featuring Dylan Rieder.
Supra发布新片“无限潜能”,Supra队伍一群人来到伦敦东部Frontside Gardens滑板场内,对现有滑板场进行改造,Chad Muska还向大家展示了自己的艺术作品,这一切结束少不了的就是精彩的Demo表演,Kevin Romar,Muska等等滑手让现场炸翻! Supra released a short film about Frontside Gardens skatepark in east London, featuring founder Andy Willis and Chad Muska, who designed a new obstacle for the park.
很少有人能在一个领域坚持20年之久,而Andrew Reynolds就是其中一个伟大的例子。很多职业滑手会慢慢向摄影,艺术或是滑板产业转型,而他这几十年来依旧坚持在滑板的最前沿,不愧老板的称呼 There are very few individuals that have been at the top of their craft for over 20 years in any subculture. As we know, it’s hard to gain momentum, and even harder to keep it. Andrew Reynolds is one of those extraordinary people, pushing a relentless career for several eras of skateboarding. He...
Vans BUST CREW第四集发布,又是不停地在各种地形上找乐子,很多招式看上去都是那么顺其自然却又出其不意,各种地形上都会有新的动作诞生,真的是#一切皆可滑#! It was difficult to cram all the Richmond footage in one montage so we're back again with another full Richmond episode. Richmond has become pretty well known for it's crusty spots as people who live there have to dig deep in the small city to come up on something new to skate....
一个完美的地形上挂着“禁止滑板”的牌子岂不是很扫兴,浪费了如此宝地,不过没事,学学视频里是怎么做的,等到保安来到了,你就光明正大地说:“哪有禁止滑板?” Dave England provides a public service to ye olde skateboarding ditch.
“WISH YOU WERE HERE” 纪录片比赛首映 9月13日,由Vans呈现的”WISH YOU WERE HERE” 城市滑板纪录短片比赛的首映式暨颁奖礼将在HOUSE OF VANS 上海的奂镜(Central Studio)现场举行。 究竟谁能获得冠军呢,House of Vans上海见!
一旦有了滑板,你的生活可能会因滑板而改变,不是说你做的招要多么狠,玩道具要#抱着必死的决心#,滑板给你带来的始终是那前所未有的快乐,你有想过吗,没有了滑板将会怎样 Enter the everyday life of a skateboarder. Tips in the tip jar are greatly appreciated! Directed by David Chang & Kody Kohlman
帅哥教学又来了,这次Spencer Nuzzi带来了Heelflip的视频!看过之前Spencer教学的滑手肯定对他教学的搞怪和细致印象深刻,这次的Heelflip教学依旧如此,给你Kickflip和Heelflip的详细对比,看了还怕不会Heelflip吗! Learn the BASICS of how to Heelflip with Spencer Nuzzi.
Almost Famous第19集带来的是一部混合视频,其中包括了Instagram队员的动作集锦,Willow的片段还配上了卡通音乐,同时大神Mullen,Youness,Haslam,Daewon等人的出镜更让视频亮点多多 It's a mixed tape episode! Willow stomps bolts to manic cartoon music. The #almostlocals hotshoe through a few greaser songs. We set the groove to filtered footage from Mullen's, Youness', Haslam's, Daewon's, Coop's and Mitchie's IG accounts.
滑板打开了Al Partanen音乐创作的大门,他的音乐之路起源于Gonz很久以前的一段视频之中,从此便一发不可收拾地爱上了音乐,著名文化杂志Huck联合Levi'S一起带来Al Partanen滑板与音乐之旅,体会滑板对他的音乐的创作带来的深远影响 HUCK heads to Long Beach, CA to check out Al Partanen's vinvl collection, supported by Levi's Skateboarding Collection.
这部宽幅慢动作滑板片又是一部略有科技含量的作品,它以MAGIC LANTERN扩展包为基础,采用1080P 50帧每秒RAW格式直接录制,气势磅礴的配乐更加体现这部片子的精雕细琢 1080P 50 fps SLOW MOTION RAW TEST (MAGIC LANTERN) Test Tootage from December 2013 for a future Skate Short Film Project that will soon be online. Stay Tuned!
广州最新夜拍片段出炉!由@L1nCanHua 拍摄制作,蝌蚪进步着实不小!不仅长高了,技术还突飞猛进,各种翻板,Manual,台子不在话下,一起出镜的滑手还有阿标,文超、阿鹏、阿标和阿康