很多词可以用来形容Cory Kennedy,不过“严肃”绝对不是其中之一,他最近在华盛顿玩了两天,滑雪,在街头找各种奇怪的地形,以及在碗池内的片段,无论何时何地都能看到他随意的动作和脸上灿烂的笑容,一起来看他快乐的生活 There’re a lot of adjectives to describe Cory Kennedy, but ‘serious’ isn’t one of them. Here the Washington-based skate savant spends a few days in his home state with new clothing sponsor Fourstar. Having refined his trick selection since those early days on The Berrics, Kennedy asserts an irreverence for spot difficulty, cruising...
RVCA正式宣布Greyson Fletcher的加入,同时发布了Greyson Fletcher入队视频,Greyson这位碗池好手以碗池内一条超长的Line征服了所有人,猛快飘逸的风格更是印象深刻 Greyson Fletcher Welcome to the Team on Vimeo
本周 #周四大放送# 截止时间已过,我们的幸运滑手是 @滑在阳光下 !恭喜他。下周四继续!
震惊了!到现在才知道Chris Cole每次出门都得把电脑揣在背包里!这绝对是学者风范呀!开个玩笑,不过近来东芝电脑也找到Chris Cole来拍广告了!Cole神拍电脑广告也是霸气十足 BREAKING NEWS! Chris Cole is world known NERD and he always leaves the house with his notebook in a backpack… just kidding, he just played in new Toshiba commercial.
传奇滑手Ray Barbee于9月3日来到北京参加@SPY中国 的北京见面活动!Ray Barbee现场倾情演绎,来自北京音乐现场的视频看起来!欣赏滑板人的音乐传奇 Ray Barbee live music in Beijing, China
Quintin发布旗下滑手Nolan Lee纽约街头视频视频,从布鲁克林到曼哈顿的街头,Nolan完美的动作融于这短小精干的视频之中,惬意的配乐让人听了就有踩着滑板出门的念头 New York City. One of the most fun cities to skate! Nolan Lee takes us on a ride from Brooklyn to Manhattan and throws down on some sick spots! Via Quintin Co.
Vans Bust Crew第三集来了!不论校园,Hollywood还是Korea Town,所有街头地形都不在话下,每个新的地形都是一次全新挑战,#一切皆有可滑# Schoolyards, Hollywood and Korea Town are heavy in this episode. The Bust Crew rarely ventures far from Echo Park because it’s so easy to come up on new spots all the time. WKND, A-Street and Richmond boys collaborate for this episode and skate the streets of LA. Then in Montage 6...
滑板总是可以带来无穷的乐趣,Evan Smith踩着滑板来到了Woodward滑板营地,啃着披萨在Woodward场地里到处游走,还把自己的披萨分给孩子们吃,不论是跳水还是滑板,那头长发随风摆动总是那么飘逸 For a pro skateboarder whose life can be stressed out due to filming for videos, shooting photos and skating in contests, sometimes he has to go off the grid just to have a little fun. Evan Smith shows you just how much you can have at Woodward skatecamp after gorging on pizza. --...
来自Lakai的碗池滑手Ronnie Sandoval最新个人视频!同时发布The Owen鞋款,Ronnie一个碗池转战另一个碗池,动作熟练而轻松,Ronnie绝对是一个水泥碗池杀手 Introducing Ronnie Sandoval and The Owen from Lakai. From Pedro to Diego, and the pools in between. Ronnie is a concrete killer.
红牛带来Jart滑板队伍巴西之旅,探索巴西特色的街头,寻找当地可以滑板的地形,到处玩滑板找乐子,队员们可以完美适应各种场地的挑战,脚下功夫和基本功着实让人佩服 Jart Skateboards team riders Ivan Rivado, Sergio Muñoz, Adrien Bulard, Fran Molina and Jorge Simoes went to Brazil with one mission in mind: explore the depths of Brazil and skate...a lot. They did just that, and their impromptu Brazilian skate trip turned into an epic adventure. Watch the footage from their trip as they...
Vans x Independent秋季合作款套装正式发布!继承两品牌极具个性的风格特色,本次发布包括合作款鞋子,帽子,短袖长袖T恤以及非常有个性的牛仔背心! Synonymous for their rich history and leadership in skateboarding, Vans and Independent Truck Co.—“The Original Tools of the Trade,” have come together again for fall 2014 with a new collection of Vans x Independent footwear and apparel.