Lakai队伍在加拿大进行了10天的旅途,Marc Johnson,Stevie Perez,Rick Howard等人给当地滑手带来了相当精彩的表演,同时大家也在加拿大不断寻找新的地形,MJ在悬崖峭壁上都玩了起来!看着悬崖边掉落的石头甚是揪心啊! From June 28 to July 8, 2014 Lakai had a Stupor time in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City and here’s the proof. Featuring: Marc Johnson, Rick McCrank, Stevie Perez, Rick Howard, Jon Sciano. Lakai Canada: Ty Peterson, Will Marshall, Pat O’Rourke.
几天前的Van Doren邀请赛女子组比赛也是精彩纷呈,姑娘们拿出了自己最好的水平在碗池里一较高下,比赛激烈程度一点也不输男子组,最终Lizzie Armanto凭借出色发挥强力拿下冠军,紧随其后的分别为Alanna Smith和Julz Lynn,一起回顾女子比赛精彩片段 Lizzie Armanto took first yesterday at the Van Doren Invitational Women’s contest. Alanna Smith was on her heels in second and Julz Lynn snagged third. Check all the action and stay tuned all weekend for videos from the #VansUSOPen in Huntington Beach, California
RVCA正式宣布Curren Caples和Greyson Fletcher加入旗下滑板队伍,同时还宣布了Ed Templeton的回归!Ed在RVCA正式成立之前就帮助其设计了首批产品,这次3员大将的加入也让RVCA实力更加雄厚,同时其品牌风格也变得更加多元化 RVCA is excited to announce two new additions to the skate team – plus the return of a RVCA legacy athlete/ANP artist.
TWS室内滑板场重装上阵!板场以灰色为主色调,淡蓝色加以点缀,看上去非常漂亮,而且板场内的道具可以自由拼接,Jamie Thomas, Trevor McClung等滑手也迫不及待前来体验一把! Welcome to the new, fully interchangeable, Skate & Create inspired, TransWorld Skatepark. Jamie Thomas, Ben Fisher, Kirby, Trevor McClung, Denzel White, Brad Cromer, Nick Boserio, Chris Gregson, and Tom Remillard stopped by to feel it out. Thanks to our awesome sponsors for making it a reality: Fred Water, Bones, Official, Stance,...
VansWYWH 亚洲巡回-第二站:昆明走起!Vans Team全部队员在Ardent滑板场内给大家呈现精彩表演!子杨最后一条让现场炸翻天!
Madars Apse疯狂的世界第12集,他和Element队伍一起来到了台湾,在这里逛夜市,游瀑布,还体会了一把针灸。少不了的就是在台湾街头寻找好地形拍视频了,Madars虽然因伤不能滑板,不过他自然也乐在旅途之中,跟随Madars镜头一起体会台湾神奇之旅 Madars heads to Taiwan with the Element Crew, expect night markets, breaking in to tourist attractions and police encounters.
Berrics和Matix邀请所有滑手上传自己的Manual动作,经过艰难的评选,John Garfield凭借自己扎实的Manual功底获胜,赢得了和Daewon一起在Berrics滑板的机会!一个民间Manual高手和一个神级Manual人物在一起会是如何! The Berrics and Matix asked all of you to upload your finest manuals - tagged #MATIXBERRICS2UP - to win a chance to skate with Daewon at The Berrics. We received HUNDREDS of jaw-dropping entries, and after tallying the votes, the winner is... John Garfield! We were stoked on his "If I Can Dream"...
今天微博上 @bengya 爆料,深圳再填神地形,估计用不了多久这里又会出现在各种美国滑板大片里了吧。
Almost Famous第16集发布!这次带来的是2006年用VX在日本拍摄的经典片段,包含Lewis Marnell,Chris Halsam当然还有Daewon的精彩表演,同时还有一段Rodney Mullen的小访谈,Mullen表示,他将继续拍摄自己的滑板视频!又有的期待了! Haslam, Lewis and Coop battle a Mechapark in Japan. Rodney reflects. (He's filming again!) Almost local Steven Ban rolls the rocks. Daewon exorcises his spin demons. Lewis drops some golden advice that may just bring a tear to your eye. #LewisMarnellForever
Brixton发布2014秋季新品Lookbook和宣传视频,本次产品色彩朴实,充分展现了秋季舒适怡人的气息,宣传视频融入了滑板,冲浪,机车,美女等丰富元素,Lookbook内容也非常丰富,Lookbook欣赏请进 Check out all of the new gear from Brixton in this video and the Lookbook.
滑板只是Danny Way众多交通工具中的一种,他还喜欢赛车,摩托车等任何能给予其速度感和力量感的东西,宝马就邀请到Danny Way拍摄新车视频,发布新BMW M3和全新BMW M4车型,肌肉感十足线条看着口水四溢,Danny Way也用他经典的飞越长城为宝马代言 A skateboard is only one of Danny Way’s vehicles. Anyone who’s followed his career long enough knows he’s super into fast cars, dirt bikes, and anything else that’ll give him at least a little thrill — hell, just look at the ramps he builds if you need anymore evidence...
新建于洛杉矶的Diamond滑板场正式对外开放,同时现场还找来各地滑手前来表演,Trevor Colden,Torey Pudwill等人都助阵现场,和当地滑手一起将这个新滑板场滑翻 Diamond opened up a new park in Los Angeles and people are hyped. Check out some of the ripping from opening day.