上个月16日,负责Street League等大赛滑板场建设的CA Production人员来到南京,开始为青奥会动工建设滑板场,一个月时间过去了,滑板场即将完工!南京滑手太福气了!赶快目睹国内首个Street League级别的滑板场! The skateparks built in Nanjing for the youth Olympic games which is designed by California CA production, is getting done! Come and check it out!
红牛队伍来到马来西亚这座神奇的城市,寻遍街头各种地形,耍猴,跳水...前方即将发生什么一切都不能预测,一起跟随Madars Apse,Ryan Decenzo,TJ Togers等人的脚步一起体会这场神奇的旅途 Skateboarding Through the Streets of Bangkok. Thailand's most unpredictable city is front and center in episode 3 of "Away from the Equator."
Almost发布了未曾公开的视频片段,全部用VX拍摄而成,记录了Lewis Marnell的360 Hippie Jump,Haslam和Daewon在Mini Ramp上的神同步表演,还有Youness在球场内练习的片段,乐趣永远不会褪色 Fun don't get old! For this episode, we unleash unseen VX visual gems from the past. Lewis 360 hippie jumps. Haslam and Daewon synchronize shredding. Cooper grinds across and down a ramp. Youness plays around in a playground. #SkateEverything! #RuiningIt
Vans发布最新AV Classics鞋款,也就是Anthony Van Engelen个人签名款。这个风格独特的滑手在AWS视频Mindfield中的片段被TWS评为年度最佳片段,而他出色的个人风格也让一代人记忆犹新,现在就一起品味一下原汁原味的经典
去年Sean Malto受了一次非常严重的伤,在经过漫长的治疗康复过程之后,几个星期前Malto又重新站在了滑板上!他在Berrics里拍摄了一些练习镜头,看上去动作仍有点儿力不从心,不过一切都会好的!欢迎小摩托的回归! Sean took a terrifying slam in 2013, putting him out of commission for months. After extensive physical rehabilitation (and an utterly superhuman amount of patience), he's back on the board and ready to tear shit up.
TWS联合Super Villians工作室发布滑板游戏软件Endless Skater,游戏人物可以选择Sean Malto, Danny Way等5名职业滑手,更重要的是你可以体会到在两房顶之间做720Flip的乐趣,还能突然跳起在灯管上Grind!现已可以免费下载!下载地址请进 We’re proud to announce that we’ve teamed up with Super Villians studios on the release of our first skateboarding game app called Transworld’s Endless Skater featuring Sean Malto, Danny Way, Ryan Decenzo, Christian Hosoi and Lyn-Z Adams Pastrana. It’s available now for FREE download by clicking here. Check out...
继LEVI'S在印度和南非推广滑板之后,LEVI'S再次将滑板向南美的玻利维亚,100多名世界各地的滑手和建筑师,在同一信仰的驱使下来到拉巴斯,一起亲自动手参与到Pura Pura滑板场的建设之中,这部纪录片完整地记录了这令人振奋的壮举 On the heels of supporting Holystoked and 2er with the DIY build in Bangalore, India and what Jamie O’Brien led in Johannesburg, South Africa, Levi’s® Skateboarding took to La Paz, Bolivia, this past spring to support Milton Arellano and his efforts to make skateboarding accessible to the greater skateboarding community.
DC正式发布Nyjah Vulc红色配色宣传视频,Nyjah走出豪车,迈上红毯,在众人的拥簇之中,在聚光灯下,在闪光灯的瞬息之间,Nyjah王者的霸气暴露无遗... DC proudly unveils the Nyjah Vulc. Created in a wide variety of colors and materials and featuring our Impact S sockliner, the Nyjah Vulc is the perfect combination of style and function. Find out which one is right for you and see all of Nyjah's true colors at dcshoes.com/nyjahvulc. Choose Your Nyjah.
etnies Marana Bloodline再度焕发生机,Marana E+新款鞋正式加入Marana Bloodline产品线,视频里拍摄角度丰富,航拍也让画面显得更加广阔,现在就跟随Ryan Sheckler等人在街头体会Marana Bloodline系列鞋款的魅力所在 The Marana Bloodline has come alive. The third and final Blood type (E+) has joined the family that has a prognosis for progression.
Converse发布最新Weapon Skate系列滑板鞋,Cons滑手Zered Bassett便穿着Weapon Skate,踩着滑板穿梭于纽约的街头车流之中,滑板与地面摩擦之声,流畅干净的动作,再加黑白的色调,一切都让视频回味无穷 Follow Zered Bassett through New York City as he navigates his neighborhood streets in the Converse Cons Weapon Skate.
现在隆重向大家介绍第一个踩着滑板巡逻的警察Joel Zwicky,今年已经40岁的他在人行道巡逻时总是踩着自己的长板,而在开车巡逻时便会将板子放在副驾驶,这位警察同志一下子便和当地滑手打成一片了! Officer Joel Zwicky Is The World's First Skateboard Patrolling Cop. THE world's first skateboard cop is now patrolling the streets of America on his longboard.