小火箭Adee再添一服饰赞助商,纽约服饰品牌AFTERMIDNIGHT NYC从2009年成立至今已逐渐成为纽约颇具影响力品牌. AM Team New Rider,Adee Lu from Taiwan.
Dylan的HUF签名款鞋子即将发布,首先发布的是它的宣传视频,当然拍的是Dylan Rieder,而且是由Dylan亲自指导,优雅的配乐回荡在耳边,怎一帅字形容的了... He went to Berlin to make this feature for his new Huf shoe. Shot by Martin Riegel, directed by Mr Rieder. Additional camera work by Russell Houghton & Cody Green. Enjoy...
KickerPick 栏目从原来的产品评测改版为滑手投稿。本期是新疆 Streetlife 滑板工作室 的创始人阿勇前往昌吉刚修好的滑板场勘察地形并拍摄的这段 miniramp 小视频。
Dave Bachinsky来到Diamond Ramp里拍摄了一段视频,每个动作即使是在慢镜头的表现之下依旧那么完美,慢镜头之中断板的一瞬间也能清晰地展现出来,流畅连贯的动作足以体现Dave脚下扎实的基本功
超宽幅滑板片再度轰炸!摄影师和Joe Gavin等滑手一起游走于曼彻斯特街头,超宽幅影像,原始的背景声音,更加凸显轮子与地面摩擦之声,配合滑手脚下熟练的技巧,这片子实在太带感了 The Manchester episode of The Panoramic Series with Joe Gavin, presented by Dakine & Carhartt WIP.
Bryggeriet滑板课堂又来一期,天气寒冷时,大家在学校的室内板场内活动,而天气暖和晴朗时,学校会组织学生每天都出去滑板,滑板的同时教授课程逐渐培养学生相信自己所做的事情是有意义有价值的,在这样富有学习动力的学校中你还怕学不好吗! “In May of 2012, I was fortunate enough to spend nearly 3 weeks documenting a group of teenagers as they went about their daily routine at Bryggeriets Gymnasium, a high school in Malmö. What makes Bryggeriet such a unique educational experience is that skateboarding actually plays a role in the school curriculum. Each morning...
香港滑板日由于天气原因推迟至6月28日举办,比赛地点选在了刚刚新建的将军澳滑板场,现场活动非常丰富,一共进行了9种不同的比赛项目!每天都是滑板日!进来大图回顾当天的热情 Everyday is Go Skateboarding Day but we tend to celebrate the Hong Kong Go Skateboarding Day in June. This year it landed on the 28th June 2014. As usual, we all met up at Morrison Hill and then to the newest skatepark in Hong Kong at Tseung Kwan O also known as TKO skatepark.
帅哥教学第二集来了!上次的Kickflip教学之后,Spencer Nuzzi再来脚把脚教你如何做Boardslide,从脚上动作到上身动作以及各种失误方式全面细致讲解!看完找个Curb练习起来! Learn the BASICS of how to Boardslide with Spencer Nuzzi.
给你48小时拍摄制作一部滑板片,你能做出什么样的作品?欧洲就举行了一场48小时滑板片制作比赛SKATE48,获得今年SKATE48获胜影片的就是这部名为“Bombaklats”的影片,篮球,足球,网球全被滑板统一起来了! Create the best skate video you possibly can in 48 hours: therein lies the premise of SKATE48, a European skate video contest in which crews of a maximum of six skaters and one filmer and editor each try to make the best skate edit possible in just 48 hours. This year's skating took place...
Levi's发布其2014年秋季新款宣传视频,视频拍摄于玻利维亚街头,不但有街头的取景,滑手们还参与到拉巴斯的Pura Pura滑板场的建造之中,朦胧的片段更让人有梦幻般的感觉 For over 30 years, skateboarders worldwide have been wearing Levi's® Denim. Our newest collection of classic styles — built with details specifically for skateboarding — focuses on construction, durability, and comfort. Filmed during the Pura Pura skate park build in La Paz, Bolivia
Lakai发布Marc Johnson全新签名款滑板鞋宣传片,Marc Johnson的终极粉丝跟随MJ来到他滑板的地方,隔着铁丝网含情脉脉地向MJ望去,激动地都要哭了,突然Marc Johnson站在了他的旁边... Introducing the new Marc Johnson shoe from Lakai Limited Footwear. Described in detail by a creepy piece of shit!
本周的#周四大放送#要摩擦起来!拍《我的滑板鞋》MV,赢你的滑板鞋!参加办法进来看!是爪牙,是摩擦,还是魔鬼的步伐?Show me what you got!