Bobby老师的学生齐齐只有5岁大,来上海学习滑板只有一个月的时间,不过他滑起滑板却不含糊,他已经可以很自如地Drop In下掉Mini Ramp,很轻松就跳下两级台阶,5岁小朋友照样可以玩转滑板! 5 Years Old Skateboarder: Qi Qi
说到高中体育课,大肚子体育老师,一圈圈的跑道,以及那些令人毫无兴趣的比赛立刻浮现眼前,不过在瑞典Bryggeriet体校内却不是这样,这里的主要课程就是:滑板!当然除了教受核心学科如数学,科学,语言等,这里还教你怎么剪辑滑板视频!来感受下这令人羡慕的滑板学校 The cliche of the high school gym class – with its out of shape teachers; laps, and unenthused competitions – is a lasting caricature in the high school experience. Leave it to Sweden to shift the paradigm though, where the Malmö community banded together to integrate skateboarding directly into the high school experience. Where...
Fourstar发布其视频精选片段,看看这阵容Guy Mariano, Eric Koston, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Mark Gonzales, Brian Anderson, Sean Malto, Shane O'Neill, Ishod Wair等等大牌,还有不看的道理吗 In 2004, as an alternative to doing a standard clothing catalog shoot, Fourstar decided to have a fun skate session around Los Angeles instead and photograph that and just make that the catalog. Spurred on by this...
Sheckler Session这一集实在太Chill了!他找到红牛旗下车手Robbie Maddison,用自己的滑板换了一辆摩托车开始赛车,之后转型为水上滑板选手,没多久又变成跳水健将,最后终于变回了我们熟悉的滑手,开始澳洲滑板场内的肆虐 Sheckler connects with fellow Red Bull Athlete Robbie Maddison for a tour around Australia.
Nyjah个人片段Fade To Black绝对是去年最重量级的滑板片之一,而在最后发布前,片子早已进行多次剪辑,最原始片段由Chris Ray剪辑,配乐片段均不一样,一起感受原生剪辑,感受不变的凶猛 Nyjah's "Fade to Black" video part was one of the heaviest of all time, but before the call was made to Metallica the soundtrack was quite different. Here's the original edit...
纽约地铁滑板片段全片发布,之前2011年Slap Magazine也发布过剪辑版本,一群人拿起滑板在地铁里开始表演,而Allen Ying那张地铁里经典的照片就出自这里 The NYC Subway section of Tengu: God of Mischief. A film by Colin Read. Order a copy. Peep the ollie made famous by Allen Ying‘s photo. Watch that third rail!
上周六在北京 Woodward 举行的 Vans 滑板日活动全程。看照片感受不到现场的气氛,来看看视频吧。(本视频由Smartisan T1 锤子手机拍摄完成)
Carhartt和滑板队伍Carve Wicked联合发布新片,搞怪的松鼠动画和Doodle穿插于视频之中,时不时出现的古怪配音也让视频亮点频频,不过更关键的是滑手们流畅的动作让人享受 Carhartt WIP released a film in collaboration with Carve Wicked. How the Squirrel Started to Carve Wicked was filmed by Joe Gavin and Rob Smith, edited by Rob and features artwork by Jon Horner and skating from Joe, Rob and Phil Zwijsen among others.
在BATB 7的比赛集锦Koston慢镜头视频里,Eric Koston低调地穿了一双从没发布的鞋子出现在镜头之中,而这双鞋子的名字到底是什么呢?我们找到了这鞋子的图片,看来这款鞋子大众见面也是近在咫尺的事情了!暂且将其命名为Koston 3吧! In the video ‘Eric Koston In Slow Mo‘ we can see Eric Koston with never seen before shoes on his feet, already we found some photos of this shoe and we are pretty sure, that they will be available really soon. Unfortunately we don’t know name of this shoe, it could...
百年工装大牌Carhartt支线Carhartt WIP发布新片“Push to Pedal”预告片,记录了4名滑手兼车架制作人骑着车子背着滑板找地形的旅途,为期一周的旅途令人向往无比,先来预告片预热,期待正片上线 ‘Push to Pedal’ provides a behind the scenes look at the story of four skaters, turned-bike-builders who crafted custom frames specially for the Carhartt WIP skaters. The group then hit the road together in Fuerteventura/ Canary Islands for a week long adventure of cycling, skating and exploration.
TWS AM大片AM Transmission正式发布,Pro每天都在给大家带来新招新的惊喜,而AM滑手也非常努力向职业滑手迈进,现在就坐稳扶劳享受AM滑手们带给我们的视觉冲击 Sit back and soak in this mega montage of Transmissions From The Future.
Lakai德国队伍带给我们一段帅气的街头片段,拍摄于德国柏林等地,典型的欧洲滑板风格,流畅干净的动作配以活泼的音乐,看了脚下就满满的滑板欲望! Lakai Germany team in street video park.