西雅图今年的滑板日绝对会让所有人羡慕无比,Torey,Sheckler,Decenzo将自己设计建造的Red Bull Skate Space艺术道具带到了滑板日的现场,制作一件艺术品同时让他可以用来滑板,这并不是一件简单的事情,但是在红牛这么多Pro面前,就是这么易如反掌 Pudwill, Sheckler, Decenzo, and more will embark on the Pacific Northwest for Red Bull Skate Space.As you see in the teaser above, making art that is a functional skate piece is not an easy task. It will take creativity and an open mind to figure out how to make this one-of-a-kind...
Matix发布了其2015年春夏新品预览,明年的产品线主打牛仔设计,同时Matix也给我们带来了一下夏季配饰产品包括帽子,钱包,皮带等等,充满惬意悠闲气息的产品散发着浓郁的复古风情,一起来抢先预览Matix 2015春夏新品 Previewed for for 2015 spring/summer, California skateboarding staple MATIX centres its latest “SECONDHAND EXPOSURE” collection within the conceptual framework of new perspectives on familiar sights. With emphasis on denim offerings of course, MATIX additionally brings some proper accessories and additional summer-ready gear, with full installations included at the label’s Compton Surf Club event...
当巴西,甚至全世界都在为世界杯而疯狂时,全世界球迷们都聚在体育馆或是围坐在电视机前观赛,而此时不正是游走巴西街头的最好时机吗!NikeSB组织旗下欧洲滑手,在Luan Oliveira等人带领下玩转巴西街头,一起体会桑巴之国的狂热 Nike SB recently took the time to address a question that perhaps many of us have not asked ourselves; how does the electric fervour in FIFA World Cup 2014 host nation Brazil impact local skateboarding communities? As the largest South American nation’s 12 stadiums fill on match night, and fans gather around their...
先公布一下上周#周四大放送#的幸运滑手吧 - 微博名字 @Mika兎是變態小貓奴 的滑手被抽中! 南京的板场最终还是由全球最顶级的板场设计建造公司 California Skatepark Design 来设计并监制的。
今天给大家介绍一位来自日本的滑手Keyaki Ike,他只有13岁,但是动作一点儿也不含糊,Mini Ramp,大台阶全不在话下,看他平时训练的视频你就发现这孩子是不是有点猛过头了,DVS也于近期发布了欢迎视频,一起了解下这个年轻的滑手 Introducing a 13 Years Old Skater: KEYAKI IKE
BATB 7决赛由Luan对阵Cody,最终Cody夺冠消息已经不是什么新闻,KickerClub.com抢先带你看比赛现场视频!Luan一再挡住了Cody的狂轰滥炸,Cody似乎有出不完的招,实在精彩 BATB 7 Final Luan VS Cody
BATB 7的四强决赛已经开始,刚刚结束的是职业滑手Sewa对战草根新秀的Cody大战,由于网络原因,不得不剧透一下石头剪刀布的结果,Cody率先出招!Sewa能否用他制胜的540Flip扳回比赛呢!一起来看 BATB 7 Sewa VS Cody
Vans加拿大队伍开始了一场为期两周的旅途,他们来到波士顿,纽约和费城的著名滑板街头地点施展自己脚下娴熟的脚法,非常干净简洁,而配乐更是采用了Tommy Guerrero亲自创作的乐曲,别有一番风味 Last fall the Vans Canada skate team, featuring Dustin Henry, Antoine Asselin, Joey Larock, Ben Blundell, Russ Milligan, Riley Boland and Kyle Macdonald went on a 2 week road trip to Boston, New York and Philadelphia to skate the iconic streets and spots of the East Coast.
Ryan Decenzo 个人滑板片段Double Down发布!绝对实力派的片段,各种大地形在Ryan脚下被玩爆,杆上翻活狠招频频,这个人视频就好比大招合集一般,让你目不暇接 Ryan has that rare "problem" where he stacks such a firestorm of utterly insane clips that even a skate rat's brain has a hard time comprehending it all. You just have to watch this.
红牛巴拿马之旅游记第二部上线,Axel Cruysberghs, Jarne Verbruggen和Kevin Tshala三人继续在巴拿马城中肆虐,躲避警察保安同时不断寻找这里的新地形,精彩的滑板风情旅途 Belgians Axel Cruysberghs, Jarne Verbruggen and Kevin Tshala alongside British maniac Korahn Gayle touch down in Panama, Central America with photographer Davy Van Laere and filmer Stijn Lammertyn on hand to document their adventure.
Tony Hawk悬浮滑板的恶作剧吊足了大家的胃口,这不,真实的水上悬浮滑板来了!它采用了摩托艇的抽水装置,可以以每小时23英里的速度上升,而你所做的只需要抓住手柄控制即可,在海上漂浮起来这种感觉太帅了! About three years ago, French jet ski champion Franky Zapata made a splash with the Flyboard, a small platform attached to a nearby personal watercraft that flies you high above the water, and at high speeds. Videos of groups of people frolicking in and out of the water like dolphins went viral immediately,...
Patrik Wallner越南新片再度放出,这次由Timmy McMeel带你来到越南河内,跟Converse越南滑手@LinhDo和当地滑板人碰面,一顿地道越南早餐开始了一天的滑板生活 This week Timmy McMeel and the crew give you a personal tour to Hanoi, Vietnam