SEARCH RESULTS FOR: cons project

The Self Portrait Project - Fabiano Rodrigues

Guilherme Guimaraes用自己的相机给我们带来了一部文艺无比的视频,全片采用黑白色调处理,讲述了来自巴西的职业滑手兼摄影师 Fabiano Rodriguez 的故事. Fabiano 会从一个滑手的角度和一个摄影师的角度告诉你他眼中的滑板 The guys Désillusion Magazine we have the full version of 'The Self Portrait Project', a beautiful mini-movie in black and white shot by Guilherme Guimaraes which tells the story of pro-skater and photographer Brazilian Fabiano Rodrigues. As anticipated the video makes accompaniment to its portfolio + interview published...

Fishing Lines... with Michael Mackrodt(A Patrik Wallner Project)

Michael Mackrodt samples the streets of Guangzhou, South China as part of our exclusive Fishing Lines series by Patrik Wallner. 著名的滑板摄影师Patrik Wallner已经搬来了深圳居住(去年为Cons拍摄了"我们落哪儿"),相信接下来的2012年一定会有很多大片拍出来.今天这部小片就是他在广州拍摄的滑手Michael Mackrodt的片段, 场景都非常棒, 拍摄的也超稳, 学习了.


@CONVERSE滑板 发布CONS PROJECT新片段,手把手教你如何回收旧滑板!这个对滑手实在太实用了,CONS 来到 Andy Vasquez 工作室,带你看看如何用滑板做成凳子! Join designer and friend of Converse CONS Project, Andy Vasquez, in his studio to learn how to create furniture from recycled skate decks.

How to Film Skateboarding with Don Nguyen

CONVERSE滑板 CONS Project第四节摄影课又来了,这次由Don Nguyen为你讲解他和Beagle两人拍摄视频时的技巧,有时固定不变的镜头并不是很恰当,你要学会从周围切入其中。 This is a four part series for Cons Project, providing a DIY lesson on how to film a skate video. Four films will show you tips on skate filming including editing techniques, follow filming, shot composition, and skating in front of the camera with experts.

How to Film Skateboarding with Nick Genova

Converse滑板 摄影课第三部来了!来自加拿大的摄影师Nick Genova手把手教你如何拍摄属于自己的片段,你不需要多好的器材,有了适当的准备,就可以拍下完美的瞬间,一起速度学习 This is a four part series for Cons Project, providing a DIY lesson on how to film a skate video. Four films will show you tips on skate filming including editing techniques, follow filming

How to Film Skateboarding with Ewan Bowman

Converse CONS Project摄影课堂第二课来了,这次Converse请来Thrasher的摄影师Ewan Bowman,让他教你一些日常拍摄滑板的提示,器材的检查,角度的选取,这些实用的技术相信各位摄影师看了之后会有所领悟 This is a four part series for Cons Project, providing a DIY lesson on how to film a skate video. Four films will show you tips on skate filming including editing techniques, follow filming, shot composition, and skating in front of the camera with experts Mike Gilbert, Ewan Bowman, Nick Genova,...

2014 年终总结第四篇:年度最佳赛事活动

KickerClub 2014年度大盘点第四篇与大家见面!本次盘点的是今年最佳赛事/活动,今年大型赛事活动非常丰富,House of Vans,Cons Project同时还有滑板第一次参与青奥会的展演以及红牛极限腾跃赛

VXchannel #2

社会滑板感恩节发布最新VX1000拍摄视频《VX channel 2》通过摄影师@wangxin010 的镜头记录了@李文金Vince @许莹010 @小明Eddie_Z 日常滑板片段,与此同时,社会滑板还会与你相约29号在@WOODWARD北京 的@CONVERSE滑板 #Cons Project#

a brief glance issue 26

在a brief glance杂志为柏林Cons Project发布特刊之后,终于第26期杂志发布了!封面上印有Kevin Tshala Ollie跳过一根杆子的照片,其内容还包括Daewon Song的对话,与DVS Team的烧烤照片以及来自全球各地摄影师的作品 a brief glance is an independent skateboard mag that talks about skateboarding and skateboarders from all over the world, places and about all what we like.. This is issue _26. On the cover: Kevin Tshala_Ollie over the pole. Photo_DVL_ Inside the issue: FRAGMENTS / Karsten Kleppan, Dave...

Converse Team再上路!期待大片!

今年 Converse 好像一直比较低调,除了上海的 Cons Project 之外也没有什么大动静,前几年大片频出的 Converse 很是让人怀念。不过从最近这几天 Converse team 的动向来看,他们又开始憋大片了,接下来又要燥起来了。

KickerTalk 滑板冬天的第一把火

这个周末最大的事情就是Converse昨天在上海搞的大活动 - Cons Project. 这是 Converse 全球的活动,之前搞过三站:巴塞罗那,柏林,巴黎。 上都能搜索到相关的图片视频报道,尤其是第一站巴塞罗那,印象深刻,建议当时错过这个视频新闻的滑手都回去找来看看。

KickerTheater 2024-08-24

No rules, that's just T4. With his killer opening and closing parts, GX1000 leaves their mark all over the streets of Tokyo and Yoko. 毫无规则可言,这就是 T4。在他猛烈的开场和压轴中,GX1000 将自己的痕迹深深刻在东京和横须街头。 From London to LA, Daniel Wheatley just dropped a new banger for Blanket. Mingus Gamble & Matlok Bennett Jones, plus Josh Pall, Avi Malina, Cam Sedlick, Charlie Birch,...