Sheckler Session第三季第九集上线!在Sheckler基金会的赞助下,印第安部落S’Klallam里成功建起了一座幽静的滑板场,Sheckler在正式开放之前来到了这里进行内测,烤着湖里捞的贝壳,煮着鲜美的螃蟹,一边吃一起欣赏Sheckler等人在板场精彩的表演实在惬意至极 Ryan and David Reyes travel to Washington State to unveil a skatepark for the Port Gamble S’klallam tribe. The youth of the S’Klallam Tribe submitted their cause to the Sheckler Foundation’s “Be The Change” initiative. They received the most votes for their plans to build a much-needed skatepark in their community.
Ryan Sheckler和Plan B队伍一起来到巴塞罗那一起寻找街头地形,Torey Pudwill向众人展示了他惊人的舞技和无论在哪都睡得很欢的能力,Kilian Martin还带来了现场的滑板芭蕾!Sheckler Session巴塞罗那走起! Ryan and the Plan B team continue to hit up the best street spots in Barcelona. Along the way they meet up with Kilian Martin who shows them a different kind of flatland skating. When he's not skating, Torey shows off his mad dance skills and his ability to...
Dew Tour Portland街式比赛结束!现场比赛非常激烈,Ryan Sheckler, Riley Hawk,Greg Lutzka等众多Pro参加比赛,最终Sheckler凭借一条超长的Line获得冠军!赶快看看视频剪辑,不要漏掉当天精彩瞬间!比赛详细名次请进 The course was absolutely insane this time around, but for his third year in a row, Ryan Sheckler took home 1st in the Dew Tour Streetstyle contest. Congrats! Alec Majerus and Curren Caples came in 2nd and 3rd, respectively. The Dew Tour will continue with skateboard street and...
Sheckler Session第7集上线走起!巴塞罗那的地形简直就像专门为滑板而设计,Sheckler的脸和电线杆的亲密接触开启了这场西班牙的旅程,而这次旅途的目的便是为大家期待已久的PlanB "True"拍摄片段 In episode 7 of Sheckler Sessions, Ryan and the whole Plan B team travel to Barcelona, Spain. The architecture of the city is made for skateboarding so it’s the perfect place to continue filming for their highly anticipated team video “True”.
Sheckler和红牛队伍一起来到了西雅图,Torey Pudwill在这里打造了一个用来滑板的艺术道具,高大的圆弧让Sheckler欣喜不已,在那之后,Sheckler,Gustavo,Decenzo等等还给大家呈现精彩表演,Sheckler Sessions第三季第6集一起欣赏 Sheckler joins his fellow Red Bull Skate Team in Seattle to support Pudwill's Skate Space project.
红牛发布Sheckler Sessions第三季Ep5,Sheckler继续在澳洲当地体会独一无二的民俗风情,去Oakley设计自己的眼镜,去打球,在港口享受日落,当然少不了街头滑板的乐趣。可以说,澳大利亚已经成为Sheckler的第二个家乡了 At this point, it's safe to call Australia a second home for Ryan Sheckler.
Nixon带来Ryan Sheckler在纽约为MC杂志拍摄的背后视频,Sheckler每年都要来纽约待几天,来感受纽约街头专注于工作的人群,而这种投入的精神让Sheckler非常喜欢 For issue #43 of Monster Children, the legendary Method Man spent the day with Ryan Sheckler in NYC. Nixon presents this behind the scenes video, shot by Erik Bragg from the day of the shoot.
Sheckler Session这一集实在太Chill了!他找到红牛旗下车手Robbie Maddison,用自己的滑板换了一辆摩托车开始赛车,之后转型为水上滑板选手,没多久又变成跳水健将,最后终于变回了我们熟悉的滑手,开始澳洲滑板场内的肆虐 Sheckler connects with fellow Red Bull Athlete Robbie Maddison for a tour around Australia.
Sheckler Session最新发布,这次Ryan Sheckler一行人从加州转战澳大利亚,来到了美丽的黄金海岸,除了滑板,海浪的诱惑也让大家难以抵挡,Sheckler也拿起了冲浪板来到海里体会冲浪的乐趣 Ryan Sheckler transitions from the cold weather of Estonia to the beaches of SoCal and Australia.
Sheckler Sessions第三季第二集中,Sheckler一行人来到爱沙尼亚参加Simple Session比赛,这旅途可不止比赛一项内容,他们还拿起了枪一顿乱射,爬上了Tallinn最高建筑的楼顶,体会了一下生死就在一“线”间的惊险,又一次刺激愉快的旅途 Ryan Sheckler takes a trip to Estonia to compete in the Simple Session competition. But this trip isn't just all work. Sheckler takes a break from skateboarding to hit up a shooting range and to climb over 170 km to the top of one of the tallest buildings in Tallinn to get...
Sheckler Sessions第三季正式回归,这一集中Sheckler来到了他刚刚回归的赞助商Volcom的总部,在这里精挑细选一番之后满载而归,开始Volcom板场内的肆虐,一起感受下职业滑手快乐的生活 Sheckler travels from San Clemente to Estonia, as the adventures continue in episode 1 of season 3. Season three of Sheckler Sessions is officially back, and it's better and more adventurous than ever. In the first episode of season three, Ryan Sheckler visits his newest and former sponsor, Volcom.
在Sheckler基金会的赞助下,当地的印第安部落S'Klallam里成功建起了一座幽静的滑板场,Sheckler和当地居民一起参加了板场的开幕仪式,大家吃着当地的海鲜特产,一起欣赏Sheckler等人在板场精彩的表演,相信这里的孩子定会好好利用这个场地,为成为日后的Pro打好基础 On April 12, 2014 the S'Klallam Tribe in Washington State, joined by pro skateboarders Ryan Sheckler and David Reyes, unveiled their new skatepark with a ceremony and tribal feast for hundreds of Native Americans. This is the first skatepark on the reservation, and it was made possible by the Sheckler Foundation's first-ever "Be the...