继五月份张子杨所代言的经典Old Skool Pro鞋款之后,六月份的China team 款式再次证明了Vans在中国不遗余力的推动滑板的决心,让更多的滑手穿上China team专属款式并引以为豪。
昆明井捌捌的三位滑手@RIpper小杰克 @sk8何绍吉 @Henrik_11 和摄像师@溅浆 的玉溪一日游视频,轻松惬意的旅途令人向往,玉溪的好地形真的让人看着眼馋口水直流! Kung Ming #88 Yu Xi tour video
Converse Team来到南美洲的秘鲁和智利开始极具风情的滑板旅程,Kenny Anderson,Zered Bassett,Tom Remillard和Mike Anderson四人躁翻南美街道,并且在当地的板场内给当地滑手带来精彩地表演,持续两星期的Converse滑板之旅现在开始 The spots, the people, the food, the culture: South America is truly unlike anywhere else in the world. Which is exactly why Converse headed down to Peru and Chile for Louie Lopez's first international trip with the team, joining Kenny Anderson, Zered Bassett, Tom Remillard, and Mike Anderson. Ripping...
《什么才是真汉子》这一期带来了Justin “Figgy”的一次Double Set扶手尝试,他在烈日炎炎的炙烤之下连续进行了58次尝试后终于成功,滑板硬汉本色! WHATS A GUY GOTTA DO?! JUSTIN "FIGGY" FIGUEROA
BATB 7八强选手最后一轮由Tom Asta对阵Cody Cepeda,Cody是Joes团队中仅存的一名草根滑手,而Tom Asta的实力也不容小觑,关键是胜出者下一轮就要跟Sewa决斗了!谁会更有把握呢! BATB 7 Tom Asta vs Cody Cepeda
X Games Austin比赛碗池比赛和Big Air比赛已结束,在碗池比赛中,来自巴西的滑手Pedro Barros强势夺冠,位居其后第二名是Grant Taylor,第三名则是跳楼哥Jaws;而Big Air比赛里Tom Schaar问鼎桂冠,Bob Burnquist和Pereira分获第二三名,一起看比赛回顾 X Games Austin Big Air & Skatepark Results and Video Recap
BATB战火再次烧到两位平底实力绝对的Pro身上,由MikeMo Capaldi对阵Sewa Kroetkov,MikeMo号称地球上最棒的平地滑手,而提到Sewa,他的杀手锏540Flip和各种Hardflip转体就令人心惊胆颤,但是冠军只有一个,谁能胜出等你来看 BATB 7 MikeMo Capaldi vs Sewa Kroetkov
X Games 2014 Vert比赛开始,大师级滑手Tony Hawk,Neal Hendrix和跳楼哥Aaron Jaws Homoki都来到比赛现场助兴进行Demo表演,而Vert比赛最终经过激烈角逐,由Jimmy Wilkins力压Sandro Dias和Mitch Brusco获得冠军,一起看比赛现场回放 Tony Hawk kicks off X Games 2014 in Downtown Austin with a demo with some of his Friends like Neal Hendrix, and then we've got some footage of Vert, where Jimmy Wilkins takes home Gold, beating Sandro Dias and Mitch Brusco.
Vans欧洲滑板之旅来到了雅典继续走起,除了标准的鱼眼片段,航拍带来的独特视角也为片子增色不少,雅典各种地形在Flo Marfaing简直被玩坏了,如果雅典政府让Flo Marfaing来吸引旅游业发展,说不定早已摆脱经济危机... Who’d have thought those drone copters would break into filming skateboarding and I wonder how many kids will get one to film down the local park… Either way it doesn’t deter from how much Flo Marfaing absolutely destroys Athens! If they keep him and use him to favour tourism they’d probably get...
2014 Dew Tour比赛Vert项目将于6月27日至29日在大洋城开战,当地Vert传奇人物Bucky Lasek将要捍卫自己冠军宝座,但这条路可不是那么简单,众多高手云集赛场,记得按时做好准备看比赛吧! Skate vert will be going off again in Ocean City, MD for the fourth consecutive year. Local legend Bucky Lasek is ready to defend his title, but will have to do battle against PLG, Sandro Dias and the rest of the vert lineup. Get pumped for the Skate Vert battle to...
Nixon发布2014夏季产品视频Lookbook,本次发布新品包括手表,服饰,帽子,书包等配件,为了迎合夏天的活力都采用了清新的色彩设计,而这部视频做得也非常有新意,所有片段全是倒序播放,喜欢的可以入手了 Nixon’s Summer 2014 collection is out now, and the Encinitas, Calif. based brand has just released its lookbook video to support the latest product, which—in the spirit of the season—incorporates some bright, poppy colorways into Nixon’s classic styles of watches and tech accessories.