滑板越来越疯狂了,Sabre Norris这个来自澳大利亚的年仅9岁的小女孩在巨大的U池里做出了自己的第一个540转体,而这个动作成功的背后是当天75次失败的尝试 Skateboarding is getting crazy! Nine-year-old Sabre Norris from New South Wales, Australia just landed her first 540 on vert. check our her story in her own words
adidas Skate Copa比赛的第一站选在了纽约,旗下滑手Rodrigo TX刚开场就来了条干净利落的Line,而整场比赛也是相当精彩,Mark Gonzalez来当裁判主持,滑手们在赛场里的大招一次又一次让全场欢呼,晋级的滑手最终将在Berrics板场内进行冠军的争夺! In the spirit of fun and camaraderie inherent to skateboarding, adidas Skate Copa is a national shop vs. shop contest circuit broken into 5 regional stops, culminating in a massive Final at The Berrics. Each stop features tales from the road, insane contest skating from the best shop teams in...
在我们期待徕卡Let Us Roam最后一部视频的同时,徕卡‘Rolling Through the Shadows’项目发布了旗下摄影师Anthony Acosta在过去几年内用Lecai M系列相机拍摄的照片,独特的光影记录下了每一瞬间的精彩 While we wait for the fourth and final episode of 'Let Us Roam' (which should be out in time), Leica publishes on his blog another great skate photographer of the day: Anthony Acosta. As with all the other protagonists of 'Rolling Through The Shadows', the series that...
Converse旗下Kenny Anderson,Louie Lopez,Ben Raemers等人全副武装,在为期10天的德州新地形发现的旅途之中尽情展示自己精湛的脚法,正片将于本周五首映,看预告就知道Converse这部新片有多躁了 The Converse team packed as much skating as they could in this spot-hunt road trip. Featuring Louie Lopez, Ben Raemers, Sammy Baca, Kenny Anderson, and The Nuge. Premieres here this Friday.
距离上次Shanghai Files 1发布一个月之久后,Brian Kleiber和他的朋友们再次发布”Shanghai Files 2″的滑板视频片段,记录的是几个外国人在上海街头滑板找乐子的过程,各种熟悉的地形尽收眼底,甚至商场里也不放过,从老外的镜头里看下他们眼中上海的滑板 A few skateboarding clips out skateboarding in Shanghai featuring John Sawchak, Brian Kleiber and Kevin Nevado.
英国老牌滑板店Focus Skate Store即将发布大片“Weather Permitting”,一群小伙子们在英国各种地形上大开杀戒,街头板场全不放过,当然摔得也不轻,再加上精心地剪辑制作,又一部大片即将上映,先来预告片热身 Focus Skate Store are proud to present “Weather Permitting”, a Film by Zander Ritchie. Featuring: Adam Paris, Daniel Nicholas, Scott “Dunder” Anderson, Miles Kondracki, Charles Myatt, Bobby Baillie, Ross “Shezz” Mcsherry, Jack McCallum, Julian Shaw, Aaron Wilmot, Fergus Wood, Blair McCafferty, Ferg, Gordon “Gusho” Dear, Colin Adam, Div Adam, Tom Remillard,...
去年Zoom发布的旗舰级产品H6震撼全球,成为了业界新标准并获得了各界一致好评,一年之后Zoom再度发力,为我们带来了新的H5手持录音机,作为H6的跟班,H5更小更便宜,并保留了很多核心功能包括可更换的Mic,详细参数请进 Zoom sent shock waves through the pro audio world last year with the introduction of its flagship H6 recorder and its breakthrough modular microphone system. Although still very young, the H6 has already become an industry standard and a go-to piece for professional and enthusiast videographers, journalists, engineers, and musicians alike. Now, just a...
纽约滑手艺术家Matthew Willet和他的化学家父亲Peter Willet联手打造了这块99.999%镀金滑板,售价达到了15000美元!仅限量6块!同时视频也非常热情地欢迎P-Rod,Lil Wayne和Rob Dyrdek三名土豪级滑手前来订购,一起体会下这块天价滑板的制作之路
Ride Channel带来最新视频,Tony Hawk这次玩得更加惊险,他疯狂加速冲上抛台高高跃起,跳过一辆疾驰而来的Mini Cooper,刚刚过完46岁生日的Tony Hawk还是这么凶猛卖命地滑板 Tony Hawk risks his life by jumping over a Mini Cooper a split second before it plows through the ramp.
本场比赛也是两名Pro之间的较量,以稳健著称的Paul Rodriguez对阵Moose,这场比赛有可能是Berrics里最短的一场了,整场比赛只持续了一分钟!到底是Moose被杀得片甲不留还是P Rod爆冷收场呢?请看 BATB 7 Paul Rodriguez vs Moose
今天最大的新闻不是 SLS Pro Open 开赛,Nyjah夺冠 Chris Cole 被淘汰,是 Twitter 上盛传 Alien Workshop 倒闭。这真是个爆炸性的新闻,当年盛极一时的 AWS 竟然会走到今天这一步一定让很多人都大跌眼镜!Rob Dyrdek 可是滑板界最精明的商人之一呀,不是穷的只剩下钱了么?怎么会把小外星人给玩坏了呢?