Vans Pool Party 2014碗池决赛吸引了成百上千名观众围观,比赛分为3个级别,一级比一级要精彩!职业组由Tristan Rennie获得冠军,大师组的冠军则为Bruno Passos,传奇滑手组的冠军被Chris Miller强势夺下,精彩比赛不容错过! Legends and young bucks converge each year on this hulking concrete behemoth. Congrats to Vans on 10 years of Combi and big ups to Tristan Rennie for coming out on top. This kid went ape...
本场比赛由曾经的BATB冠军 Morgan Smith对阵新人Nick Holt,上场比赛获胜的Sewa当起了裁判,虽说到了第二轮然而两人似乎都不在状态,在一些基础招式上的失误实属不该,那么究竟鹿死谁手,请看本期Morgan Smith vs Nick Holt BATB 7 Morgan Smith vs Nick Holt
这个周末最大的事情就是Converse昨天在上海搞的大活动 - Cons Project. 这是 Converse 全球的活动,之前搞过三站:巴塞罗那,柏林,巴黎。 上都能搜索到相关的图片视频报道,尤其是第一站巴塞罗那,印象深刻,建议当时错过这个视频新闻的滑手都回去找来看看。
Shep Dawgs Vol.4整片上线!片头的失误集合就可以看出这部视频是多么地疯狂,这群年轻的小伙子来势汹汹,各种大扶手大台阶一一拿下,控板能力与胆量绝对高,欣赏整片给你长达一小时的震撼滑板体验 What a long, strange trip. Thanks for the ride, Dawgs. Here's the full edit from one of the hardest-skating crews we've ever seen.
DVS Team南美拍摄的新片“Pandemonium”整片正式发布,Torey Pudwill, Daewon Song, Chico Brenes等DVS悍将不论街头还是板场全都直接秒杀,大神Song和Torey更是一次又一次的用大招给当地滑手献上精彩的表演,Torey最后巨大的Nollie Flip太炸了! The DVS squad invades Costa Rica, Panama, and Peru, slaying demos while still handling lots of business in the streets. Torey caps things off with that massive nollie flip from our March cover. Boom!
本场BATB 7由干净利索的Sewa Kroetkov对阵非常有实力的小将Will Fyock,上回合淘汰掉Pro Chaz Ortiz的Will Fyock本轮稳扎稳打,但是Sewa绝对是个硬骨头,他那些电风扇绝招看着就胆战心惊,究竟谁能更胜一筹待你来看 BATB 7 Sewa Kroetkov vs Will Fyock
继Rodney Mullen之后,阿富汗Skateistan的发起人之一Oliver Percovich也登上的TEDx的讲台,讲述自己在阿富汗推广滑板的种种经历,而在他的不断努力之下,阿富汗的女孩子最喜欢的运动成为了滑板,他改变了战火纷飞之中孩子的命运,致敬! TEDx Sydney video of Skateistan founder Oliver Percovich
Official发布Janoski签名款配饰套装,包括一无顶太阳帽和一条毛巾,上面均有Janoski的刺绣标志,相信正式发布之后,Janoski的粉丝们除了脚上的Janoski之外,脖子上又会多处这条白色的毛巾了 For spring Official devotes a special pack to one of the most popular characters of his team, Stefan Janoski. In line with the casual style of the 34-year old pro-skater of Nike SB more, the Californian brand has achieved visor and towel in a coordinated, both in cotton terry cloth (towel) with embroidered loghetto....
Ollie跳过一个人你是否觉得已经很惊现了,但是跳过一条活生生的野生大鳄鱼是不是更为刺激!看那血盆大口,这万一失误被鳄鱼咬着,你这辈子也就告别滑板了... Crazy dudes...
出门滑板喝啤酒没带扳手怎么办,教你一招实用技巧,用滑板秒秒钟就将酒瓶盖解决!不需要你听懂多少,看着视频就可以学会,方便快捷,关键是符合滑板人的风格,新技能你Get了没 Elliot Murphy teaches us how to open a bottle with your skateboard at Stoner Plaza!
Quintin官方昨日正式发布欢迎视频来迎接Dave Bachinsky的到来,之前Quintin的视频他也都参与其中,国内的滑手们对Dave Bachinsky肯定不陌生,他在2013 CX Open中获得了国际组街式冠军,恭喜Dave Bachinsky Dave is a rad individual who has a true passion for everything he does. He is an outdoorsman at heart and you can catch him camping and exploring the outdoors every week. Dave also rips it on a skateboard! He can skate everything - transition, ledges, big drops, etc....
在美国上学的@Nanking_Joe 给我们带来了新的视频Ride In Bay Area, 几个Homies在旧金山的滑板场内发挥着自己的创造力,抖动的场景和剪辑让片子节奏显得更加快捷 Ride in Bay Area by Joe.