这是Jim Greco在Deathwish片子中的个人部分再剪辑片段,虽然音乐变了,视角也变了,但是不变的是Jim Greco的勇猛,让这段曾经重量级的视频再度抓住人的眼球 This is a kick-ass re-interpretation of an already-amazing part with a song that keeps perfectly building to the edit. There's new angles and outtakes as well. Jim's legacy speaks for itself.
Old Line是KTV最新推出的一个视频栏目,主要拍摄国内30岁以上老滑手的一条Line。期间也会穿插一些关于滑板往事,最喜欢的动作之类的小采访。第一期上线的是来自青岛的,今年34岁,板龄20年的仲华。我们一起来看一下仲华在青岛的板场给我们带来了一条怎样的Line.
Zoo York发布其和职业滑手Ricky Oyola的第二次合作产品,包括板面、T恤和帽衫,图案设计灵感来源于Love Park中经典的O字母的造型,采用橙色为字母色调,现已上市 As a second drop to Zoo York’s Ricky Oyola collaboration, ZOO YORK KINGS proudly presents the LOVE-O COLLECTION. Available in skate shops worldwide now.
NikeSB旗下滑手Grant Taylor肆虐水牛城的未剪辑视频放出,Grant Taylor对板子的控制能力实在太精准了,在那么巨大的泳池里都能做到如此自如,令人感叹不已 Raw Buffalo Grant Taylor and the Nike SB SE Pack, get bulk huge, stoked
各位滑手注意,原定于4月19日在苏州工艺美院举行的Backfire高校滑板比赛的时间由于天气原因已经改到20号,各位滑手互相通知!目前奖品已经准备完毕,这么多东西有没有很兴奋!苏州的滑手们准备行动起来吧!同天举行的成都站活动流程和奖品设定请进 The contest supposed to be held on 19th April gonna change to 20th April due to the weather problem!
Vans位于Huntington Beach的大型滑板场今日开张,半场内各种道具一应俱全,还有配套的滑板店及附属设施,这绝对是滑手们的福音呀!跟随镜头体会下这个崭新漂亮的滑板场 Chris and Pierce Brunner are the next up to break in the new Vans/Jack’s Garage Off The Wall Skatepark in Huntington Beach, California. After the hour of power, they hit up the Jack’s shop on site and went on a shopping spree for YOU. We’ll be giving away this package from Expedition, Royal...
他在Toy Machine大片Brain Wash中打头阵出场,他是个艺术家,他还在Stance队伍之中占有一席之地,Vans也推出了他的签名款Era Pro,他就是Daniel Lutheran。通过Brain Wash片段和Dan Lu的简短访谈感受下这位充满艺术气息的滑手 Toy Machine is known not only for raising a crop of some of the finest skateboarders to ever step on a board, but for also bringing some of the most fun and eclectic personalities to the masses and loyal pawns. Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Daniel Lutheran is no exception...
Safari Clothing《10 Year Safari》整片上线,滑手们在钢筋混凝土的都市里寻找着最原始的快乐,带来长达40分钟的视觉冲击。片子取景于巴拉圭,秘鲁和印度尼西亚,后期采用不少老胶片的处理特效,在体现10年之久的同时,将欧洲滑手脚下的流畅和技巧性展现得淋漓尽 They’ve been exploring the urban jungle for a decade now — Safari was started Guy Kämpfen, his brother Luc and their friends in 2002 and keeps on going strong ten years later. In order to properly celebrate the anniversary, a new video called “10 Years Safari” was premiered last weekend and...
昨天是Danny Way的生日,为了庆祝这位伟大滑手的40大寿,DC发布了2003年Mega Ramp视频的附加部分,当年拍摄完成之后Danny总觉得这个Mega Ramp没有物尽其用,于是再次折回此地玩爆这个Mega Ramp,拍下了这些惊人的片段,生日快乐Danny! Danny Way Mega Ramp Bonus Part - The DC Video,HBD Danny
Brian Peacock在Something Sinister中的表现赢得了众人的眼球,Something Sinister仍在继续,TWS放出Brian的5招视频,这对板子的控制力太有感觉了 The Something Sinister crew just keeps on coming! Check out five mind-bending tricks from Brian Peacock and pick up Something Sinister on DVD!
Carter是个来自合肥的先天唇裂患儿,来自美国的Rory将他收养,并为他治好了唇裂,在Carter 5岁遇到了滑板之后,他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,现在7岁的他已经可以在3米多的Ramp上Grind,可以Drop In将近5米高的Vert Ramp,而他的父亲Rory也在3月收养了第二个国内儿童,现在隆重向大家介绍这位来自美国的父子Rory和Carter Carter is originally from Heifei, China in the Anhui Provence. Carter was born with cleft lip and cleft palate which had been corrected. When he was 5 years old Rory enrolled him in a summer camp program teaching science to children. The summer camp was next to a skate park -...
男神Dylan Rieder加入HUF,离开Alien Workshop已经不是什么新鲜事,但是他的决定背后到底隐藏着什么秘密仍然未被人知晓,当然只要你看了这个壁炉边的访谈,就知道Dylan的这些举动意义如何 Chris Nieratko sat fireside with Dylan Rieder and interviewed him about a variety of topics from his split with Alien Workshop to his current perspective on skateboarding. Here is the video version to go along with it.