来自香港得8Five2滑板店已经走过15个年头,在这15年之中8Five2和香港的滑手们不断推进滑板在香港的发展,Stefan Janoski也加入了8Five2麾下,而且在这座拥挤的城市里已经有了14座滑板场,滑板在香港的发展越来越好,一起欣赏8Five2 15周年纪录短片 This is a short segment i shoot and edited awhile back on my good Friend Brian Siswojo Local skate shop owner in Hong Kong of 8FIVE2SHOP its one of the few skate shops in Hong Kong but in my opinion unlike most shops its very true to its roots and is helping...
刚刚问鼎Volcom Damn Am比赛桂冠的Etnies旗下滑手Axel Cruysberghs一夜之间家喻户晓,Etnies也发布之前AM大片AB&A中Axel Cruysberghs的未剪辑片段,如果这招没成,那就一定得一遍再一遍地尝试 Hot off the heels of winning Volcom's Damn Am yesterday, Etnies just dropped B-Sides and extras from the Belgian gnarler's AB&A part. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...
Vans中国官方Instagram账号@vans_cn 正式上线啦!同时@Vanschina 还在Instagram上举办首个活动,上Vans头条就可以赢得Vans鞋子一双,只要你的照片加上#LIVINGOFFTHEWALL 话题就有机会获奖!还在等什么?拿起手机拿起电脑Instagram关注起来!比赛细则
Volcom Damn Am 2014比赛资格赛告一段落,半决赛正在Volcom位于Costa Mesa的板场内进行之中,比赛战火纷纷,滑手们拼尽全力来证明自己,看这激烈的赛事,到底谁可以获得最后冠军殊荣还难下定论,跟随镜头体会下精彩赛况 You’ve seen the photos from the Volcom Damn Am 2014 qualifier, now check out the video. The semi-finals are going down right now in the Volcom HQ in Costa Mesa, CA. Who’s going to take it? Stay tuned for finals and DVS best trick coverage.
Rob Dyrdek和快餐品牌Lunchables共同打造了新的真人秀:Fully Uploaded,第三位选手是年仅13岁的Jagger Eaton,不论多难的动作,他的都像磁铁一样吸在双脚,随便一动就是狠招,伴随着电子计分器的不断增长,他又创造了新的高分!这完全是电子游戏呀! Listen up. This isn’t your standard online show. We’re about to take things to the next level. You’re about to get a never-seen-before look into the lives of ten Rob-approved game changers who are living the uploaded life. At 13, Jagger has already mastered the art of skating. So why give...
Adam Shomsky用超慢镜头给我们带来了12个招式的慢放,在超慢镜头之下,滑手将这12个不同寻常的动作演绎的完美无比,每个细节都清晰可见 12 AMAZING TRICKS IN SUPER SLOW MOTION!
这可能已经不算什么新鲜之事,近来NikeSB新鞋款All Court频频曝光于各大社交网站之中,NikeSB旗下滑手也在不停地用这双All Court做测试,看来鞋款已定,出与不出也只是时间的问题,那么究竟这鞋到底怎样呢,又有什么令人吃惊的小道消息?一起来看 This news shouldn’t be too surprising with all the exposure the All Court has been receiving as of late. Team riders have taken full advantage of their promo cards and have been purchasing All Courts to skate in. Who could really blame them though? Sure, the rest of Nike’s product doesn’t fall...
红牛DIY项目这次在迈阿密的高架桥下DIY一个小型滑板场,滑手们用桶装着水泥、石子,用滑板当搬运车,一起努力建造各种新的道具,抛台,MiniRamp,Ledge一样不少,自己动手丰衣足食,属于滑手自己的滑板场 Rock, rubble and a touch of paint. That's what brought Miami's newest skate spot to life. Red Bull DIY Spot Supply provided an alternative playground to the Miami skate community—a city with no public skate parks. The latest initiative in skate embraces the DIY (Do It Yourself) trend in Miami, placing emphasis on both...
Steve Caballero街式再剪辑片段发布,90年代的街式风潮席卷全球,Caballero也从碗池里走向了街头,开始了街头铁杆,路牙上的肆虐,致敬传奇! The '90s street wave was the final nail in a lot of vert dude's coffins, however, a few climbed down off the ramp, shed their pads and hit the pavement to stay relevant. Most failed, but a handful weathered the storm with ease. Steve Cabalerro is a legend for numerous reasons, including the...
男神Dylan Rieder的视频又来了,由Russell Houghten拍摄剪辑完成,男神板寸造型依旧帅气无比,高飘远的动作风格好到爆棚! Dylan Rieder. Filmed and Edited by RussellHoughten.com. Additional filming by Greg Hunt, Cody Green and Colin Evans. Music by Dirt Dress.
Vans 2014 Phx Am 赛事里加拿大滑手Matt Berger以超长的一条Line拿下冠军宝座,整场比赛的精彩剪辑现已放出,燥热的比赛中全部精彩招式全部容进了这部5分钟不到的视频里,实在太精彩了 Let loose into a perfect park a bunch of hungry ams with talent to spare and they will roll-away from more makes then you can fit in one edit.
巴黎剪辑发布,取景于巴黎时装和设计之城内,鲜艳明快的翠绿色结构和滑板的完美结合,片段与片段之间平滑的过度更显文艺范十足,滑板的日子每天就应该是无悔的生活! French Fred sent over his director's cut of Sammy Winter skating a museum in Paris. Can't describe how nice the video is, so just watch it.