Vans Phenix AM 2014比赛落下帷幕,现在的AM比赛越来越精彩了,所有滑手在这超大的场地里将自己最棒的招发挥出来,Matt Berger火力全开,最后一回合超长完美的发挥为他获得冠军增加了重量级的筹码,一起感受Vans PHX AM 赛事的火热! Am contests these days are straight up mental. Bear witness to the barrage at this year's PHX AM contest, and congrats to Matt Berger for grabbing the top spot.
X Games‘20 Years, 20 Firsts’系列影片这次由Ryan Sheckler担当主角,Ryan Sheckler 13岁就获得了X Games滑板街式的第一名,作为最年轻的X Games冠军获得者,Ryan Sheckler在X Games里创造了历史! The X Games "20 Years, 20 Firsts" series continues with Ryan Sheckler who, as a 13-year-old in 2003, became the youngest gold medalist in X Games history by winning Skateboard Park.
Marc Johnson在滑板界里活跃了差不多30年之久,这位元老级的滑手不仅仅因为他的滑板而著名,他的智慧更让人称道,这个访谈历时10年之久,学习MJ的人生哲学,这时我们更愿意称他 智者Marc Johnson You’ve probably heard of Marc Johnson- he’s been in the skateboarding spotlight for nearly three decades, after all. You probably know him as insanely talented, unpredictable and hysterically funny. But what you may not know is that Marc Johnson is brilliant. His talent with his skateboard got him in the door,...
Willem Veugels执导Youness Amrani纪录片上线,Youness Amrani的妈妈是滑板场的拥有者,这成为了Youness滑板启蒙指路,天赋和勤奋造就了现今的Youness,一起走进他的童年,走进比利时小镇Hasselt Originating from Belgium, Youness Amrani grew up training at a local skatepark owned by his mother to become one of the most versatile individuals in skateboarding today. Directed by Willem Veugels, this short film bring us into the uncommon origin of his talent, Hasselt, a small city in the Flemish region...
Berrics与相机品牌RED召集了12名摄影师包括Chris Ray, Jason Hernandez ,Chase Gabor等,即将发布REDIRECT系列滑板影片,在这12位非凡摄影师与RED神机的碰撞之下将会诞生何种惊人的作品,敬请拭目以待 CHRIS RAY JASON HERNANDEZ COLIN KENNEDY CHASE GABOR BEAGLE JON HOLLAND KEVIN BARNETT FEDERICO VITETTA RUSSEL HOUGHTEN RICKI BEDENBAUGH KYLE CAMARILLO RB UMALI,what will these 12 visionary filmmakers show us?
滑板要从娃娃抓起,今天给大家介绍三位来自加州的小板女,她们的三个都只有6岁左右,别看她们个头小,玩起那些大碗池不在话下!她们成立了名为Pink Helmet Posse的队伍,目的在于Inspiring Girls To Go Skateboard,来证明滑板不仅仅属于男孩子,女孩子照样可以玩转滑板! Let me introduce to you 4 girls from the Pink Helmet Posse which established in 2013, to showcase that skateboarding is not just for boys, here's their website(for English)
HUF X Thrasher大片‘Stoops Euro Tour’整片上线!记录了整个HUF Team历时3个星期在欧洲以及加拿大周游的旅程,以 Dylan Rieder 和 Austyn Gillette 为首的风格型滑手更让整个视频帅气十足 Here's the full video of HUF x Thrasher 'Stoops Euro Tour' video featuring Dylan, Austin, Peter, Keith and more
BATB 7这场比赛由高飘远的Luan Oliveria对阵新秀Tanner Lawler,Yooni客串主持..Koston当起了摄影师..Luan开局不久便失误频频一直被杀到了T,后来Luan抓住Tanner失误的机会也回敬了4招,两人又到了T VS T的较量! BATB 7 Luan Oliveira vs Tanner Lawler
Official正式宣布"The Chief" Jamie Thomas的加入,并放出欢迎剪辑,Jamie Thomas的签名款现在正在酝酿之中,今年就要40岁的酋长依旧凶猛,一个漂亮的Gap-Back Smith稳稳地落地 Official just upped their skate team steez with the addition of living legend Jamie Thomas to the team. His signature collection is on the way, stay tuned.
RVCA发布Kevin 'Spanky' Long签名款 PVSH/FRESH 系列牛仔裤,新品视频由Spanky本人拍摄,取景于立交桥下自制的道具;新产品融合了天然棉布和混合布料,使得裤子更加耐磨,更适合滑板,现已官方商店上架! A session with Kevin 'Spanky' Long in his RVCA Signature PVSH/FRESH denim. RVCA PVSH/FRESH denim is a series of jeans designed and created for the everyday rigors of skateboarding. Featuring a blend of natural cotton and synthetic denim blend, PVSH/FRESH jeans fully embody the RVCA Balance of Opposites ethos. The...
由Nike SB澳洲滑手Alex Campbell和大胡子Nick Boserio出镜拍摄的新片Two Up正式发布,两位滑手在澳洲、美国、新西兰、中国等地肆虐,作为Nike SB澳洲队伍的第一部滑板片,质量当然也是无需质疑地高 'Two Up' is the first Australian Nike SB video by Chris Middlebrook. It features Alex Campbell and Nick Boserio was filmed in Australia, USA, New Zealand & China over 2 years.
摄影师Chris Ray也是Chris Cole的忠实粉丝之一,现在Chris Ray将他和Cole一起拍的视频拿来重新剪辑,一位摄影师里的顶级人物和一位顶级滑手的合作还有什么可以质疑呢 I was the biggest Zero fan as a kid. "Misled Youth" and "Dying To Live" played a huge role in my teens on how I dressed and skated. It defined who I was at school. If you told me I would one day get the chance to travel the world and...