今年春季,Vans在美国将发布两款扎染配色鞋款,分别为Era和Sk8-Hi,这很明显不是Vans第一次推出扎染配色的鞋子了,每次的扎染配色均有其独特之处,今年发布的这两款鞋就能非常好地迎合即将到来的加州科切拉音乐节,不知国内是否上市 For the spring season, Vans delivers the “Tie Dye” pack consisting of the Era and Sk8-Hi silhouettes. Certainly not the first time Vans has chosen to incorporate this psychedelic dying process into its sneakers, yet each model shows a refreshing element of contrast with a black or brown upper and white vulcanized sole unit....
Patrik Wallner 去年9月份周游伊朗的视频终于出来了!从伊朗第一个滑板工厂到滑手的采访,再到极富伊朗风情的滑板片段,无时无刻不散发着浓郁的异域风情,伊朗板女也是别有一番风味! Skating has taken root all over the world for decades now. Except in Iran. This is an incredible first-look at a country essentially experiencing skating for the first time. As seen in the April mag.
Nike SB即将发布新视频Two Up,由Nike SB澳洲滑手Alex Campbell和Nick Boserio出镜拍摄,从预告片就可以看出来这4月即将发布的新视频有多么燥了!看似轻巧的动作之后摔得也是不轻,流畅风格在镜头下展现精彩到位,一起期待正片到来 Nike SB presents Two Up, a two man skateboarding film featuring Australian team riders Alex Campbell and Nick Boserio. Full video April 4.
KickerClub Vans加州总部之旅中给大家提到了Vans在Huntington Beach新建的滑板场,现如今板场建设完毕,占地面积巨大,分为碗池和街式板场两大块,并且附属设施包括餐饮,店铺一应俱全,绝对是滑手们Huntington Beach必去之处呀! Vans Off The Wall Skatepark in Huntington Beach, CA.
2014 TWS Come Up Tour比赛将于4月5日开始,战火一直从4月烧至5月,整整6星期的比赛让大家过足瘾,比赛各大赞助商云集,奖品非常丰富,先来看下以往比赛的精彩剪辑! For six weekends in a row in April and May, CUT will be hitting six cities in America giving you the chance to Come Up! We’ve got Etnies Footwear, Alien Workshop, Bones Wheels, Independent Trucks, Official Headwear, Stance, and Fred Water ready to hook you up with tons of gear,...
红牛再添干将一名,来自德国的Vladik Scholz光荣成为红牛大家庭一员,飘逸无暇的动作,快慢镜头的交替,完美动感的配乐,这欢迎视频的水准已经登峰造极了,再次验证一句话:红牛出品,必属精品 Because of his extraordinary skills on a skateboard, it didn't take long for Vladik Scholz to make a name for himself inside and outside of his hometown of Bielefeld in the very west of Germany. Today this charismatic ripper with Belarusian roots is a household name in German skateboarding. Given that Vladik definitely...
联想为自己的Yoga平板电脑的广告可真是煞费苦心,跟Sheckler大闹红牛办公室一样,这回Sewa Kroetkov将联想的办公室闹了个鸡犬不宁,每天朝九晚五的生活令Sewa倍感无聊,他选择了做自己想做的,跳上桌子,干掉这一切 Lenovo Ads featuring Sewa paid tributes to the Redbull Office Skateboarding
Something Sinister Brian Peacock个人部分正式登录Thrasher,作为整个影片的最后一部分,高难度的动作却不失任何流畅性,Brian对于板子的控制能力绝对让人惊叹不已 Shanghai's Tommy Zhao just finished an independent video project and this right here is the last part. Skateworld, welcome to the Brian Peacock show. This is what board control looks like. Wow...
TWS 2013年度大片永动机“Perpetual Motion”广受好评,其中Silas Baxter-Neal表现出众,凭借其冲劲和利落的招式一举登上了TWS杂志封面,TWS将其片段单独放出,各种狠招在他脚下变得都轻松自如,最后一个大扶手直接炸掉! Silas Baxter-Neal had an incredible part in Perpetual Motion.
13/14雪季收官之战NITRO春季邀请赛日前在中国东北的吉林北大壶滑雪场落下了帷幕,众多中国单板高手参与到了本次赛事的激烈角逐当中,在激烈争夺之后,”小虎” 何伟锁定了冠军头衔,来自沈阳的钱程获得本次赛事亚军,贾辛以其招牌的后空翻动作最终获得了赛事季军 The NITRO SPRING INVITATIONAL at Beidahu saw the best Chinese riders re-unite for one last shred fest in the 2013/14 season in the North Eastern Jilin province.For English Scroll Down.
这是Brian Peacock的Firing Line,由Tommy Zhao拍摄制作,干净漂亮的三招!明天Brian的新视频将会发布在Thrasher里,将会很猛,先提前预警一下 This is Brian Peacock. He has a video part going up on thrasher tomorrow that might just melt your face. Consider yourself warned...
Quiksliver最近将其2006年期间的片段公开于众,视频取景于上海等地,其中还包括了Quiksliver组织的滑板比赛片段,当年的Stefan Janoski,Arto Saari和Bastien Salabanzi看上去都那么年轻... Some sick unseen footage from a trip to China that Quicksilver organised back in 2006 with Bastien Salabanzi, Arto Saari and Stefan Janoski just surfaced