Volcom和Baker俩大牌的强强联合影响力不仅体现在合作产品之上,合作款发布Party更是兼备两大品牌的风格,Volcom的怪诞和Baker的躁劲完美地结合,来看看这躁翻天的Party现场记录 Check out what you missed if you couldn't make it out to the Volcom X Baker Skateboards collab launch party at the Volcom HQ in Costa Mesa, CA!
长发加毛线帽组合的标志性人物,来自东海岸的年轻小将Tom Asta正式加入Ricta轮子旗下,Ricta发布欢迎视频来迎接这名充满潜力的小将的到来,干错利落的剪辑,正反脚的交替每招都力量十足 East Coast powerhouse and proponent of beanies, Tom Asta, gets busy in the raw streets in this video welcoming him on Ricta Wheel Dynamics.
Matix 2014春季系列Lookbook视频发布,取景于加州东南部的索尔顿湖,一滩死水和一座早已被遗忘的破旧的房屋成为了绝佳的拍摄地点,在这种遍地的鸟和鱼类尸体之地拍摄的视频风格绝对与众不同,还有比这好的地方让队员们来探索这片曾经的绿洲吗 Matix presents Spring 14, a visit to the Salton Sea. What was once a vacation destination for those living in the LA area and beyond, now has a horrid stench and heat that can not be taken for too long. The beaches are lined with thousands of dead fish, buildings have been long...
成都FLOW滑板店第一部滑板视频,通过自己的视角记录了2013年成都滑板的部分内容,从开场近3分钟的摔角到后续20分钟的剪辑,每个招式都是滑手的勤劳换来的!值得一看,躁翻成都! The First skateboarding video presented by Cheng Du Flow shateshop,enjoy!
GLOBE正式发布Louie Barletta的最新签名鞋款滑板鞋The Taurus,身为艺术家的Louie Barletta玩起U池也是创意十足,更重要的是来看看他是如何将一块树桩木头变为一只好鞋的! Skateboarder, Artist, Whittler, these are only a few words to describe one of the most creative people we know. The Taurus is Louie Barletta’s debut shoe from GLOBE.
Supreme的表现力的与众不同不仅体现在其衣物上,Lookbook也是如此,这次的主题竟然是穿刺!虽说围观的滑手们看着连连叫噁心,但是Mark Gonzales还是禁不住好奇亲手拿住了大铁钉... But that is already the 20th anniversary could not do a simple skate video, without the director cry and no special effects? Maybe that will come, but for the moment on the video front-Supreme touches to make do with this thing even signed by Harmony Korine, with the magician David Blaine as comparsata....
Thrasher给我们带来Luan Oliveira最新个人剪辑:Strike and Destroy,以巴西动感的音乐为背景,每一次的点地都是那么干脆的啪啪之声,没有一点多余的动作,给予你无穷视觉冲击力!不多说快看片! Like the Brazilian futbol greats that have come before him, Luan possesses the remarkable ability to make magic with his feet. When we say this piece is beautiful, we mean it - exceptional cinematography coupled with the board control of a skateboard wizard. Enjoy!
摄影师ashomsky又给我们带来了新的慢镜头视频,这次参与拍摄的是Sebo Walker,Sebo很喜欢Stoner滑板场,因为他玩得多,所以很多招式第一把就做成了,各种Late各种翻呀! Slow mo footage of Sebo Walker filmed at Stoner skate plaza and Westchester with a Sony FS700 at 240 frames per second. A lot of these tricks were first try. Sebo likes to just flow around Stoner doing a bunch of tricks in a row and some of these are tricks he does...
Legion of Sorts即将在3月份为滑手们带来大片Something Sinister,由现居上海的滑手摄像师Tommy Zhao拍摄,记录了滑手们在中国各地滑板的旅程,参与Mark Del Negro, Brian Dolle, Dan Leung, Jay Meador, Stephen Khou, Lucas Puig和Brian Peacock,预告片热身! Legion of Sorts proudly presents, SOMETHING SINISTER, a skateboarding film out of Shanghai, China featuring Mark Del Negro, Brian Dolle, Dan Leung, Jay Meador, Stephen Khou, Lucas Puig and Brian Peacock.
CONVERSE CONS 2014 春季系列宣传片用另一视觉带你走上街头挑衅全世界!一个颠倒的世界,不再遵循条条框框的束缚,颠覆传统,叫我们别做白日梦,拿出你的本事! Converse CONS 2014 Spring promo video
Ardent Park和朋友们来到云南东部的曲靖,找到了新的#中国好地形#!虽然在做Drop In时有安保大叔的阻挠,但并不影响大家的激情,云南这新地形看上去真的非常棒呀!云南的滑手们可以赶快去尝试自己喜欢的动作了! Ardent skatepark and friends in QuJing
2月21日,云顶密苑滑雪场携手中国单板联盟(CSbA)诚邀您前往Migas酒吧.参加ISPO北京派对!免费限量饮品,先到先得;派对特别定制酒水单,现场抽奖赢取滑雪装备,O’Neill 及 XSories旗下X-Treme 电影工作室-单板电影精彩不断! Secret Garden & CSbA ISPO Beijing Party brought to you by O’Neill and XSories FEBRUARY 21 2014! FOR INFORMATION IN ENGLISH PLEASE SCROLL DOWN