Converse CONS Space 003 Paris

继巴塞罗那和柏林CONS Space成功建设之后,Converse将自家的艺术之风吹到了浪漫之都巴黎,在蒙特勒依的一座废弃工厂内,Converse带领着滑手,音乐人和艺术家,将其变为了街头文化的聚集地,让废弃工厂再度焕发!改造起来! For a 1 week period in December 2013, Converse took over an industrial edifice in Montreuil, a creative suburb of Paris, to create the third CONS space with skaters artists and musicians.

AVE & Jason Dill x Vans Syndicate AV Native American Spider Pack

AVE & Jason Dill这俩好哥们一起为Vans Syndicate设计了全新蜘蛛图案AV Native American Low “S” 和 High “S”,鞋身细节做工出色,并选用高档皮质,此前AVE & Jason Dill均与Vans合作设计多款产品,这次的合作可谓轻车熟路呀! Skateboarding’s odd couple returns for another Syndicate project. The AV Native American gets a Low “S” and High “S” treatment from AVE and Dill, respectivly. Both styles feature original details, premium leathers and custom AVE / Dill artwork.

éS Comeback

KickerClub美洲之行中带大家走进了3E总公司Sole Technology,Sole Tech全球市场副总裁Don Brown给我们透露éS今年将会有新的举动,果然éS选择在情人节2月14日时复出市场,并且为大家带来3款新产品,准备好迎接这个核心品牌的回归了吗? KickerClub Company Tour-Sole Tech took you inside of the company, Vice president Don Brown gave us some hint that éS will come back during the year 2014 and now the words got proved: in recent days, éS has been re-enabled website and Facebook as well as a new instagram account that...

Best 10 Opening Line By Jenkem

现给大家带来十大最佳开场Line,从90年代Stevie Williams在Love Park那段经典到极致的Line,到Eric Koston在Yeah Right中神勇的发挥,再到Pretty Sweet里Marc Johnson飘逸的开场,每个都是经典之中的经典,还在犹豫自己的视频片头怎么开场吗?来看看大神们都是怎么做的吧! Jenkem Magazine sorts out best 10 opening line ranging from the Stevie Williams's Love Park clip to Marc Johnson's Pretty Sweet Clip, all the classics, all the best, enjoy!

Andrew Reynolds slow mo at Stoner

Andrew Reynolds几天前来到位于洛杉矶的Stoner滑板场滑板,正巧碰上好用慢镜头记录滑板的摄影师ashomsky,于是老板的这部慢动作视频就诞生了!每个动作在慢镜头之下依旧如教科书般标准,这功底绝对地无可挑剔呀! Here are a few slow mo clips of Andrew Reynolds at Stoner skatepark a few days ago. Shot with a Sony FS700 camera at 240 frames per second.

Gravis Japan: Hiroki and Jiro in Taipei

虽说Gravis已经淡出欧美市场,不过其在日本依旧活跃,Gravis组织旗下日本滑手Hiroki和Jiro来到台湾,开始对接头各种地形进行肆虐,不得不说这俩人西海岸风格浓厚,配上节奏十足的音乐颇具观赏性,不过这配乐竟是从千里之外的印度来的... Japanese Gravis riders Hiroki Muraoka and Jiro Kaneko made a trip to Taipei, in association with VHS mag, to hit the streets and find some fun spots. It looks like they came up trumps and got some banging clips, managing to find a selection of marble and some rugged looking spots too; Taipei looks...


背带裤,拖拉机,原木块,牧场奶牛...在这种原生态的环境下滑板是多么享受的一件事情,这部来自法国乡村的半纪录片着重于故事的讲述及真实情感的表达,带你来到法国的乡村里,一切都是那么原始而粗糙,给你无穷无尽的想像空间,来体会下这纯正而浓郁的法国乡野风情 Out-of-the-blue: this short movie introduces a group of young skateboarders cruising in the most remote spots of Dordogne, a french rural department.Le skate moderne’ is a half-fiction half-documentary video inspired by Raymond Depardon’s piece ‘La Vie Moderne’ (2008).Here costumes, landscapes, dialogues are inspired from this movie, but it definitely puts a new take on...

Coping Mechanism

摄影师Phil Evans执导的最新大片Coping Mechanism,讲述了瑞典城市马尔默独一无二的滑板现状,板场的铸就过程,滑手们日常的生活,每个镜头都深刻体现滑板与这座城市之间的密切联系,不论在哪里,滑板都是城市里不可分割的一部分! Coping Mechanism is a documentary about the unique skateboarders of the Swedish city of Malmö and how they build their community and spots on their own terms and with their own hands, all with a special support network from a city that sees the social value that a strong skater-run scene has...


Volcom和Baker合作新品即将在2014年3月面世,包括T恤,帽子,鞋子皮带等产品,其宣传视频则有Volcom和Baker共同滑手Dustin Dollin拍摄录制,大家期待这绝对风格的大牌与大牌的合作吗? Volcom has teamed up with Baker Skateboards for a new collaboration. This limited-edition Volcom Stone-Age range will be hitting stores in March 2014. The designers at Volcom and Baker worked with mutual team rider Dustin Dollin to come up with a progressive and eye popping line that represents both Volcom and Baker’s unique...

Matix presents Matix Mini Ramp build w Daewon Song

为了将Matix的文化更好地融入办公环境之中,Matix在室内打造了一个全新的Mini Ramp,不过谁来为这个刚刚建成的Mini Ramp剪彩呢?不出所料,非Daewon Song莫属,看着Mini Ramp的建筑过程和Daewon Song轻松自在的剪裁视频,真的很有冲动自己打造点道具来滑板呀! Finishing touches, the attention to details and bringing the whole story of the brands and the work environment together. That is where the mini ramp comes into play, with the roots of Matix firmly planted in the world of skateboarding it is only natural to build a ramp at...

Phil Zwijsen's Time Chase

新春第一弹,好片带你看!百年工装大牌Carhartt支线Carhartt WIP和英国滑板杂志Kingpin合作大片《追逐时间》,会动的Ledge,怪异的两只大手和鸟嘴,Doodle风格贯穿于连贯利索的动作之间,活泼而不失文艺,轻松而不失飘远,追逐自己的时间去滑板吧! Phil Zwijsen's Time Chase is an exclusive Cahartt WIP x Kingpin video part that coincides with the release of Phil's 14 page interview in our latest issue (122). It's filmed and edited by Paul Labadie and features artwork by Vincent Guillermin.

2014 Redbull Nanshan Open tour with Korean snowboarders

今年的红牛南山公开赛在北京Mellow Park举行,来自芬兰、挪威、美国等11个国家的参赛滑手把各自的看家本领都拿了出来,最终由来自奥地利的Mathis获得冠军,来自韩国的朋友们用自己的镜头记录下了比赛的每一瞬间,我们来从国外滑手的镜头里感受下南山比赛的精彩 2014 Redbull Nanshan Open tour with Korean snowboarders