King of the Road 2013 Real Yardsale

Real整个队伍在King Of The Road里的表现绝对是最有冲劲的,不论何时何地,或是在比赛里的任何项目,他们总是力求做到最棒,他们的目标就是King Of The Road! An extra make or two here, a twist of fate over there—and Real would have won this thing. They really went for it, they're good sports, and they have a ripping squad.

Nike SB Shelter in Berlin

Nike SB于1月15日在德国柏林中心地带开放自己的新滑板场:Nike SB Shelter,板场主配色为灰色,用薄荷绿作为点缀色彩,风格与刚刚发布的Lunar One Shot极为类似,NikeSB同时放出视频来让大家先睹为快,光影交错之下的板场显得尤为大气,来欣赏板场细节照片和视频 Nike SB proud to present their new skatepark in the heart of Berlin - The Nike SB Shelter.

STANCE Spring 2014 ‘Expressions’ Video

STANCE为其新品发布视频Lookbook ‘Expressions’,视频发黄的色调看上去十分惬意,阳光、滑板、机车一样不少,颇有加州独特的人情风味,美女的出镜让视频添色许多,流露出更加Chill的感觉 STANCE present their new collection of assorted socks with the now classic video 'Expressions', which portrays the main inspirations and the main series of the collection, always in the company of local beauties and the various testimonals, including Theotis Beasley. Take a look at the video on the website a comprehensive look at...

Fragmented memories in Paris

普通的招式也能拍出文艺好片,独特的角度、对称的镜像、配乐中的噪声、视频一帧帧中字符的穿插,碎片化的巴黎滑板影像被黑白视频记录得唯美无比,短短两分钟的视频,连崴脚的那一瞬间看上去都那么舒适... "Fragmented memories of a skateboarding day in Paris. The approach was to work on the symbiosis between live-action, design and wicked sound design." (For a better experience watch it in HD and use Headphones)

DSL:Let Yourself Go Trailer

身处11月的哥斯达黎加,体会着无与伦比的经历,享受着茂密的绿荫,原始的生态,壮阔的海平面,恢宏的夕阳...Desillusion杂志为我们倾情呈现短片Let Yourself Go,释放自我,提起滑板,尽情生活! Last summer Sosh teamed up with Desillusion and endless skateboarder/traveler Samuel Partaix to present ‘Let Yourself Go’.The aim of the game: To give someone the opportunity to share the ultimate experience in one of 8 destinations worldwide, by joining SOSH, Desillusion and Samuel Partaix on a voyage to one of the world’s...

King of the Road 2013: Chocolate Yardsale

King Of The Road 2013比赛已经结束,每个队伍玩的都非常开心,Chocolate更是如此,Stevie Perez边吃香蕉边Manual已经成为绝活,身为Team Manager的Sam Smyth用说唱形式表达了自己力挺Chocolate的决心,别错过最后1分钟里的说唱接力 Every team had fun this year, but Chocolate really had a blast. Here's a bunch of outtakes and extra angles.


3周转战5座城市,发掘全新地形,DC中国之旅紧凑的安排让这部短片看上去简洁而更具速度感,ADee在2分18秒时大脱脚的Nollie Pop绝对算得上猛快高飘远,Chris Cole,Mike Mo,Nyjah等等大神让你体验全新的视觉冲击! The DC team spent three weeks in five different cities, in three separate countries, and encountered some of the most known – and not so known – skate spots that Manila, Singapore, Jakarta, Beijing, and Shanghai have to offer. DC leaves it’s mark on another part of the world in this...

Captains Attack, Southern France Part 3

Helas Caps Presents Captains Attack最后一季法国南部片段,Lucas Puig, Stephen Khou, Brian Peacock, Dan Leung继续在法国南部和巴塞罗那走起,板场街头地形一样不少,还跟着车内的音乐一起疯,Peacock连帽子都甩掉了 The CAPTAINS ATTACK saga continues ! Helas Caps and Legion of Sorts are proud to present you its 3rd part called SOUTHERN FRANCE !Featuring : (in order of appearance) Timi McMeel, Max Geronzi, Brian Peacock, Clement Brunel, Brian Dolle, Dan Leung, Luypa Sin,...

Levi's Skateboarding editor's event

上周五在洛杉矶,KickerClub.com有幸受邀与TWS, Thrasher, Skateboard Mag等美国一线滑板媒体一起参加了Levi's Skateboarding的新品媒体试穿活动。活动在Girl职业滑手Brandon Biebel的私人板场举行,现在就随着KickerClub的这组高清大图一起来回顾一下活动全程。

Cuatro Sueños Pequeños

Cuatro Sueños Pequeños是一部采用16mm胶片拍出来的电影,讲述了梦境之中滑板的点点滴滴,拍摄的角度丰富,老旧的风格跟梦境之中朦胧的场景极为相似,梦幻一般的感觉表现得淋漓尽致,值得一提其中还附上了Fred Mortagne的摄影作品,文艺气息爆棚 If you don’t know by now, Cuatro Sueños Pequeños is a 23 minute skate video shot entirely on 16mm film, featuring the versatile skills of Madars Apse and Javier Mendizabal. The title translates to four small dreams with the film itself adopting a dream like manner, whilst accompanied by an original...

Volcom Welcomes Back Ryan Sheckler

继Ryan Sheckler 2009年离开Volcom成立自己的服装品牌RS Clothing之后,Volcom于近日宣布Ryan Sheckler的回归,这一举动将会弥补David Gravette和Mark Appleyard离开Volcom之后的空缺,同时还能为Volcom 3月上线的大片增加不少粉丝,也从一方面反映出滑板公司运营的困境,大家要尽力Support Your Local呀! After leaving Volcom Clothing back in 2009 to start his own brand RS Clothing, it seems Shecks has finally found his way back to the stone. For Volcom, who recently released Creature Skateboards’ David Gravette as well as long time rider and former SOTY Mark...

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 15

King of the Road 2013第15集上线,Real来到了洛杉矶开始了最后的行程,他们找到了Lil' Wayne一起滑板,将生猪肉,鸡腿挂在了车子内外,Justin Brock最后霸气的豪言壮语能否让Real获得最终的冠军呢?一起拭目以待吧! Here's Real in the final stretch. They have to push Arrighi into a pool, they meet up with Lil' Wayne, Brock battles a kickflip late shove-it, and TJ Rogers again tackles some wild tech moves.