你体会过在屋顶滑板的感觉吗?将屋顶改造成滑板场是多么的刺激:没有保安驱逐,数不胜数的Ledge,Manual Pad等好地形,不过一个小失误就可能让你的滑板或是你自己从楼顶掉下,这才是真正冒着必死的决心呀! It 'just the original online intro of "Tengu: God of Mischief", the independent video shot exclusively by Colin Read between the roofs, tunnels and streets of NYC, San Francisco, Tokyo and Bordeaux. The protagonists of these two and a half minutes of action Connor Kammerer, Koki Loaiza, Piro Sierra, Eby Ghafarian, Alex Fogt,...
2013 King of The Road第十四集Chocolate队伍继续大躁一通,接吻,踩断别人的长板,找一个会Kickflip的妈妈,Justin Eldridge还将Shane O'Neill在Street League里的大绝招再次重现,Chocolate弗雷斯诺走起 The stoke and delirium combine as Chocolate nears the end. Here's a gnarly pool roll-in session, tech madness, filmer hijinx, a Too $hort cameo, and Cory Kennedy continues to rip while gaining no points.
Converse宣布旗下新的滑板大使Javier Mendizabal,并且放出名为TXABOLISM的视频向大家介绍这位新晋成员,片子由Cons的老朋友Fred Mortagne拍摄制作,不论从配乐,取景以及特效的运用都天衣无缝,这是为接下来的欢迎视频树立新标杆的节奏呀! To welcome Javier Mendizabal to Converse Cons he worked with his long time friend Fred Mortagne to produce Txabolism. A little film inspired by the creative partnership they've both shared for many years skating and filming all over the world together. The name Txabolism comes from another old friend of Javier's, the...
赫尔辛基这座城市酝酿着欧洲古城的浪漫情调,同时又充满国际化大都市的韵味,同样在这里拍摄的滑板片也是如此,动作轻松连贯却又不失难度,惬意的旅程让摄影师Lucas Fiederling与众多滑手享受其中,请欣赏红牛欧洲风情视频:来自赫尔辛基的喧嚣 Working on a new full-length independent video project, Lucas Fiederling assembled the squad to visit Helsinki, Finland. And what a crew indeed: Axel Cruysberghs, Phil Zwijsen, Jarne Verbruggen and Albert Nyberg met up with Ron Modig, Tuukka Rajala, Samu Karvonen and Marius Sylvanen. Wes Kremer also joined the ranks and off they went,...
Gilbert Crockett凭借他全面的技术和独特的滑板风格,成为近年来最受年轻滑手之一,Vans在2013年底正式推出他的签名款Crockett Pro,Gilbert多年来的付出得到了回报,我们在为大家Pick这款科技与工艺完美结合的鞋子的同时,还为大家整理了这位并不太熟悉的滑手滑板生涯历程供大家参考
滑板要从娃娃抓起一点儿不假!这小家伙刚两岁,兜着尿布就站上了滑板,别看他才两岁,Push,荡板,冲坡,上台阶下台阶样样都行,还会FS Boardslide呢!这孩子未来绝对是滑板届的大Pro呀! The two years old kid can almost skate everything!
你见过隐形的Mini Ramp吗?Nomad就在市中心建造了一个隐形的滑板场地,当Mini Ramp和周围的环境融为一体,你看到的景象便完全不同,仿佛人是凭空飞上了半空之中,你能发现这些隐形的Mini Ramp吗? Nomad created a series of ramps camouflaged within the city, launching an outdoor campaign where billboards were turned into a powerful statement: Take your city back.
Berrics网站本周的主题是纽约,将用一星期时间来向大家呈现来自纽约的各种滑板元素,突出纽约的滑板历史,文化和风格,Eric Koston和Steve Berra将会给大家上一星期的纽约滑板历史课 THE BERRICS Presents NYC is the title of this week's programming on the website of The Berrics: a whole week dedicated to the protagonists, commercials, stores, brands, and more generally to the history, culture and style of the roaring skate scene New York. You can follow this guide to GrandeMela given by...
Volcom纪录片The Making of ‘True To This’第三集“Not New To This”放出,看着片子里一段段怪诞而又经典的镜头,一股自由的感觉从内心深处油然而生,不论滑板,冲浪还是滑雪,我们所追寻的不就是这种自由吗!期待正片的发布! The Making of True To This: Episode 3 'Not New To This', takes us deeper into the never ending journey of the stone and the beckoning of the inner voice. Explore the fringes of the Veeco Film Productions library with Volcom team riders past and present.
又一系列大片要登场了,红牛联合全世界滑手为大家拍摄“问候”系列滑板片,将来自各地的滑板气息通过镜头传遍全球每一角落,第一集走进了悉尼,Chima Ferguson等人倾力拍摄,红牛呈现:来自悉尼的问候! Red Bull dose of skate and presents a new video starring Sydney and some of his most valid pro skaters. Part of the series itinerant "Greetings From", the video contains a mix of maneuvers 100% NSW signed by five respectable locals named Chima Ferguson, Ryan Wilson, Beau Reed, Corbin Harris and Jake Hayes....
上班提不起精神?一集King of the Road让你打起精神来,Chocolate队伍的肆虐还在继续之中,路边一条红色路牙成为了队伍找乐子的好去处,当然少不了大扶手,长台子,还有Make Out的环节啦! It's rad how Chocolate has evolved into such an all-terrain team over the years. Here they skate deep pits, ledges, rails, and there's even a red curb session.
P Rod7去年的Skate Safari活动还历历在目,P Rod8的谍照就已经出来了,从谍照图片来看,P Rod8采用了Flywire飞线鞋面,这就意味着P Rod8的鞋面厚度将会大大降低,同时还采用了Lunarlon大底,鞋带穿孔的设计也有所改进,同时透露的还有P Rod低科技版本CTD,你对这两款新鞋感兴趣吗 Nike SB’s 8th Paul Rodriguez pro model. How many of you are interested?