一年前的昨天以为伟大的滑手因病陨落Lewis Marnell,从此滑板届少了一名猛将,一年后的今天,Almost录制了一段特别的视频来讲述Lewis Marnell一生的故事,Daewon Song,Rodney Mullen,Chris Haslam等人倾情演绎,缅怀这位标志性的滑手 Almost skateboards presents this incredible tribute video on the 1-year anniversary of Lewis' death. Daewon, Rodney, Haslam, Cooper, and Willow all recollect an amazing skater and individual. This includes amazing footage and photos. Rest in Peace, Lewis.
adidas Skateboarding旗下国际滑板队伍来到了德国柏林寻找新的地形,大家骑着自行车,背着滑板穿梭于大街小巷之中,和悠闲缓慢的寻找地形节奏相对比的是滑手们滑板时的干脆利落,参与其中的滑手有Tjark Thielker, Phil Anderson,Lem Villemin等 adidas Skateboarding presents the German International Team exploring the skate spots of Berlin. Featuring Tjark Thielker, Phil Anderson, Valeri Rosomako, Kai Hillebrand, Patrick Zentgraf, Markus Blessing, Sandro Trovato, Michi von Fintel and Lem Villemin.
这是西门哥拍摄Emerica ‘MADE CHAPTER ONE’ 背后未删减镜头,西门哥实在太狠了,就不多说什么了,这嘴在看视频时就没合拢过!狠片! Two words:The Best!
2013 Transworld Skateboarding颁奖典礼于1月7日在加州长滩举办,现场照片不久前已经放出,光看照片你绝对想象不到获得最佳滑手和最佳新人两奖的Mark Suciu是这么的腼腆,每个滑手在领奖台上跟照片中都截然不同,来用视频回顾下TWS颁奖典礼 Starting the night off, the GoPro Award went to the young Asher Bradshaw for best edit made with GoPro cameras. The Eric Stricker Memorial Award was given to artist Jim Phillips.
Quintin旗下又多了一名年轻的滑手Guido Zanotto,出生于1993年的Guido虽说年纪轻轻不过滑起板来却毫不含糊,他不断挑战,去追求完美的自己,Quintin也放出了这段轻松干净的视频,欢迎加入Quintin! Guido Zanotto, a young skater born in 1993 comes from Casale Monferrato, with a desire to push and explosive tricks on his surfboard! Here's his Quintin welcome video.
昆明滑板最有福!本月25日,世界著名滑板大牌 Enjoi 滑板队将空降昆明Ardent滑板公园!众职业滑手会在场表演,签名。这将是第一支真正意义上来到昆明表演的职业滑板队,免费入场!当日滑板表演后Ardent将举行通宵Party,通宵滑板有体验过吗?入场券只需100元!活动多多奖品多多! On 25th Jan. The enjoi team will boom the Ardent skatepark! Pros like Jimmy Carlin, Cairo Foster and more will come to a demo! Ticket free due to this great chance. After the demo, the Ardent park will held a midnight party which will start from 22:00pm to 9:00am next morning, the...
Nixon 2014宣传片Lookbook发布,老板Andrew Reynolds倾力出演,黑白的片段和工业化气息穿插于产品目录之中,充满朝气的音乐让人充满对2014年的美好憧憬,从拍摄制作都是如此精致巧妙,真可以说是Lookbook的典范作品了呀 Adding through subtraction: it’s the considered details and a refined approach to color trim pops, texture mixing, and global inspiration that make up this season’s offering of new watches, accessories and softgoods. Pushing through convention, we introduce new collections and six custom-built watch models that leave their mark in an understated way,...
King of the Road 2013第八集,Birdhouse在拉斯维加斯,Tony Hawk助阵Birdhouse队伍,协助拍摄不少镜头,Clint Walker简直就是接吻之王,从刚进电梯就开始了一路接吻之旅! Everyone wondered if Tony Hawk would get involved and get dirty to help Birdhouse on KOTR. Hell yes, he does. Also, Clint Walker is the make-out king, and Clive Dixon lipslides a monster rail.
Converse艺术大片上线!在柏林一座废弃厂房内,Converse找来雕塑艺术家Roberto Cuellar将其变成可滑板的空间,绚丽的造型在周围灰暗的背景衬托下格外鲜艳,建筑、光影、慢镜头的完美结合,这滑的不是板,滑的是活生生的艺术呀! For a two week period in October, Converse took over three floors of an abandoned textile factory to create the second CONS Space with skaters, sculptors and live-in artists.
Dylan御用摄影师Riley Blakeway新作出炉,黑白的片段加上古典的配乐,这视觉体会与以往截然不同,仅仅2分钟的视频却花了超过一星期的时间拍摄,摄影师用心良苦炮制出如此文艺的视频,浓缩即是精华呀! The cinematographer Riley Blakeway reveals a new Ep about his personal project.This third ep is featuring Josh Pall, Filmed over one weekend in Sydney.
滑板的精神在于不断探索发现,作为地中海第三大岛的塞浦路斯成为了Vans Italy旅途目的地的不二之选,美丽的海岛景色,连贯紧凑的招式,轻快民族风的配乐,欧洲风情尽收眼底,Vans Team这次塞浦路斯之旅值得细细品味 Traveling is part of the essence of skateboarding. Pushing your wheels in new places gives you a completely different satisfaction than walking on the same paved road. That’s the reason our skate team keeps exploring and venturing the farthest. The different smell of the air, the colors, the landscape. Meeting people that...
在Jason Dill和AVE离开Alien Workshop之后, Jason Dill 与时尚摄影师 Mike Piscitelli 创立了自己的滑板品牌 Fucking Awesome,其第一批板面“浮雕”系列已在其官网上线,板面正面采取浮雕设计,新奇有趣,高清大图请进 Months after the original announcement that formalized the departure of Jason Dill and Anthony Van Engelen from Alien Workshop, the dynamic duo has just come out with the answer to the question we all sti were doing since last May: open a new company...