Light | Dark

isle Skateboards X Dazed Digital又给我们带来了一部文艺十足的短片,Isle队员们用了两晚上拍摄而成,夜晚的黑白光影效果加上烟花的点缀,以及迷幻般的配乐,建议全屏观看... ‘Light | Dark’, was made over two evenings and features the Isle team skating after dark. The film focuses on the atmospheric experience of night with an addition of fireworks to add a stark contrast. isle Skateboards X Dazed Digital.

The Panoramic Series - Berlin with Jan Kliewer

刚刚看完神同步镜像,再来个全景拍摄的滑板片,取景于德国柏林,全景镜头给了我们更广阔得视场,让每个不同的Spot看上去更为宽阔,配上柏林浓郁的欧洲风情以及滑手的完美动作,绝对的好片呀!总之还是一句话,拍好片得动脑子呀! The Berlin episode of The Panoramic Series with Jan Kliewer, presented by Dakine & Carhartt WIP. Full article on The Panoramic Series Berlin now live at Lodown Magazine.Best viewed in full screen!

‘Left | Right'

这部片子由Isle Skateboards X Dazed Digital合作出品,看照片像是镜像制作而成,而实际则为两个脚位相反的滑手花了两天时间拍摄于伦敦,亲身把视频特效里的镜像效果给做了出来!更多神同步镜头视频看起来呀! ‘Left | Right’, was filmed over two days in London. It shows Tom Knox and Nick Jensen skating in synchronicity. Their opposing stances allow for some very interesting mirrored imagery. Isle Skateboards X Dazed Digital.

ourCaste QUICK CUT The Freedom of Youth

到了周末,约几个朋友,背着包,带几桶水,去外面找找地形Chill一下,去板场放松放松,这就是滑板的生活方式,不论青春与否,要的就是这种自由自在的感觉,ourCaste给我们带来了新的视频,来体会下这无拘无束的自由... OurCaste has a new video with some ripping pool and full pipe skating

Skateboarding through Detroit's ghost city

曾经辉煌的底特律城如今已陷入破产,城市萧条杂草丛生,而对滑板人来说,这就意味着自由的开始,红牛带着旗下的队员们来到了这座荒凉的城市内,去寻找昔日繁荣的踪迹,一并奉上的还有Detroit的摄影照片 The formerly symbolic ‘Motor City’ of Detroit has rarely been out of the headlines lately. During the 1950s it was a metaphor for relentless American capitalism, the showroom of a prosperous ‘Made in the USA’ car industry. The city is a shadow of what it once was.A French expedition to explore a forgotten world.

Vans Syndicate X 8five2 Shoe collabo videos

Vans Syndicate 联合香港 8Five2滑板店发布两款新鞋,分别是Vans Cab Lite和Authentic,鞋子采用了高档的皮质材料和水洗面料制成,每一双都独一无二,外加8FIVE2的独家迷彩配色,着实具有很强的吸引力,如果你正好在香港,那么恭喜你,现在8FIVE2店内已经上架了,不要错过 Introducing the exclusive 5th A and 5th B Vans Syndicate x 8FIVE2SHOP shoes; AUTHENTIC ’S’ and CAB LITE ’S'

美国普通17岁高中滑手Nureldin Maslu

住在旧金山的中国滑手Joe又给我们带来了新的视频。这次他拍的是Nureldin maslu,他身边的朋友,一个普通的高中生,17岁,没有任何赞助。他们断断续续拍了快2个月,在bay area 找一些地形。看过那么多逆天的滑板机器人再来看下美国的普通滑手玩的怎么样吧。

etnies Skatepark 10 Year Anniversary and Holiday Festival 2013

etnies 森林湖板场10周年纪念活动现场,超过了400名孩子来到这儿参与这次活动,连圣诞老人都踩着滑板给孩子们表演了!先来etnies官方视频预热一下!KickerClub.com也在现场参加本次活动,后续为大家带来精彩的KTV视频! In the true spirit of the Holidays, etnies celebrated the 10 Year Anniversary of the etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest by giving nearly 400 Orange County kids in need a new pair of shoes. etnies Owner and CEO Pierre-Andre Senizergues, Ryan Sheckler, Nick Garcia, David Reyes and Aidan Campbell were joined by Lake...

Red Bull Daily Grind FULL VIDEO

各位上班族们,大清早拖着疲惫的身子来到办公室听着老板的“谆谆教诲”是不是感到很头疼但是却依旧硬着头皮?RedBull告诉你,还有另一种方法:提起你的滑板大闹办公室吧!把咖啡撞翻泼在老板身上脸上,将办公室肆虐得不成原型! This is what happens when the Red Bull Skate Team works in an office. The highly anticipated full clip from the Red Bull Daily Grind Project has dropped. On the 23rd floor of a high-rise in the heart of downtown Chicago an office floor was turned into a unique skate park. The Red Bull...

Introducing The 85IVE2SHOP 5th Vans Syndicate Collaboration

The Vans Syndicate X 8FIVE2SHOP 5th Collaboration series Authentic "S" & Cab-Lite "S" was officially launched on 14th December 2013 at Vans Sk8Five2.

Volcom, The Making of ‘True To This’ Episode 2: ‘It’s Not You, It’s We’

在Volcom 纪录片The Making of 'True To This'第二集:‘It’s Not You, It’s We’(你不是一个人在战斗)里, Volcom 旗下的传奇人物一一出镜,来给大家介绍Volcom那看似有些怪异的艺术风格影片,并用自己的亲身体会告诉我们,如果你只想着自己,你迟早都要Out的,因为你不是一个人在战斗 In this episode of The Making of True To This, legends divulge the secret of the stone in a fast-paced road trip down memory lane. Geoff Rowley, Dustin Dollin, Terje Haakonsen, Gaven Beschen and Richard Woolcott tell the tales of art films...

Etnies Skatepark of Lakeforest 10 years

周五在参观完Sole Tech办公区之后,下午我们就来到一条马路之隔的Etnies滑板场参加他们的例行圣诞节表演和十周年庆典。这是一年中Etnies最重要的活动了,现在就来跟随KickerClub.com的镜头一起感受一下来自加州的滑板文化。