Sheckler Sessions 第8集隆重登场,Nike SB 滑手 Justin Brook 也加入了Sheckler之行的队伍之中,相比前几部钓鱼,游泳,卡丁车来说,这一集完全的就是滑板,找Spot,从 South Carolina 到 Atlanta,虽说下雨了,但这并不能阻挡大家滑板的激情,在雨中也成了不少漂亮的招,Sheckler带着你来欣赏 Sheckler Sessions-Storm Troopers-Episode 8, guys facing the rainy days but still having fun
众多大片齐上阵的架势之下,Lakai也将以前的片段重新排版,发布新片 YIR OR DIE,虽说这部相比其他的可能没有那么冒着必死的决心,不过轻松流畅的风格使片子看起来格外舒服,周末看看这个片子,想想明天即将到来的周六,心情格外舒畅呀! Lakai Footwear 2013 Year In Review featuring Stevie Perez, Miles Silvas, Riley Hawk and Marc Johnson.
在近日狠片频发的日子里,Etnies 率先发部了这轻快简洁的视频:AB&A(Albert Nyberg,Barney Page,Axel Cruysberghs首字母缩写)。来自Etnies欧洲的3名AM周游全世界,几乎把全球所有著名地形都给耍了一遍,现在即将给大家呈现这风格技术兼并的片段,轻松的配乐,流畅的招式,这些都似乎是在衬托动作的难度,这仨的脚下功夫可是了得呀,保护好你的下巴!不要脱臼! Featuring the endlessly creative skating of Sweden’s Albert Nyberg, all-terrain destruction of England’s Barney Page, and super heavy hammer fest of Belgium’s Axel Cruysberghs, Etnies’ European am video is a face melter. Filmed all over the world, spanning an entire year, this is the first time either of these international...
Quintin El Camino Sierra 淘金之旅第三集也就是最后一集,大家终于到达了赌城 Reno,这儿可以说是拉斯维加斯的翻版,不过可以滑板的地形却很多,当地有超过100个不同的地形可以玩耍,这回除了玩滑板场,大家带着滑板走上了街头,去享受街头各种道具带来的快感,第三集走起! After the crew destroyed South Lake Tahoe & Carson City skateparks they kept it moving up El Camino Sierra to Reno, Nevada. Reno is basically a run down version of Las Vegas. However it has so many skate spots! They were lucky to have an awesome tour guide, Steve...
见过滑板加摄影的,见过滑板加音乐的,你见过滑板加舞蹈的吗?现在就来让你开开眼界,在马德里成长的职业滑手Kilian从小就受艺术体操方面的熏陶,他将这种天赋融入滑板之中,让他滑板的动作如同芭蕾舞般优美,再加上经典的Carmen交响曲配乐,芭蕾和滑板的完美结合让滑板直接登上大雅之堂,你们缩去金色大厅演出怎么样! Growing up in Madrid, Kilian developed an early love of gymnastics and artistic expression, all of which helped him to develop his own unique, dance-like skateboarding technique. The collaboration with Ballantine's sees him participating in a unique experiment, which draws from each and every one of these personal life influences, fusing all of the...
黑色星期五是美国感恩节过后的第一个星期五,它也是传统购物季的开始之日。当天商铺都开门很早,关门很晚,很多人都去购物一整天,因为商家在那天大让利,然而中国似乎还没有这种风俗,蓝色极限敢为天下先,首先将黑色星期五的文化引入到中国,在当天前来店里的顾客均可享受全场8折的优惠!希望这一天可以向万圣节和圣诞节一样将来自大洋彼岸的风俗继承下去!大家都准备好了嘛! China still don't have tradition for Black Friday concept, but It will be popular in next several years just like Halloween and Christmas, BHS BJ want be pioneer on this day, BHS only have few days discount in each year, we want add "Black Friday" one day only for our consumers,all the products 20%...
Nike SB新的滑板鞋产品 Lunar One Shot 即将正式发布,这鞋子第一眼看上去绝对不会让你觉得它是双高科技耐磨的滑板鞋,相反鞋子从俯视图角度看上去颇有点儿足球鞋的风范。它非常轻,从人见人爱的Janoski和Koston2里汲取了设计灵感,经过 Nike SB 队员 Sean Malto 和 Shane O'Neill 亲身测试,无论在弹性,减震性,耐磨性等等方面都表现出色,来欣赏红绿两种色款的Lunar One Shot全方位无死角大图 The Nike SB Lunar One Shot is a subtle reminder that looks can be deceiving. At first glance, you’d never guess you were staring at the most data-informed, wear-tested, technology-packed competitive skate shoe on the market. Did we...
大猩猩也出滑板系列啦!现在哪个潮牌要是没有滑板系列简直都不好意思跟人打招呼了...为BAPE拍摄lookbook的是日本著名滑手Yoshifumi Egawa,除了照片还有一段小视频进来看。 A SKATING APE offers up a look at its inaugural collection with this Fall/Winter 2013 lookbook. Featuring Japanese skater Yoshifumi Egawa, the lookbook finds him skating through Tokyo as he rocks the latest looks.
红牛第二届冲浪比赛今年9月在杭州钱塘江举办,钱塘江的大潮简直让参赛选手惊呆了!绵延几公里的巨浪让选手冲到腿酸,以至不得不直接跳进江水之中休息,撞击浪尖爆发的水花以及摩托艇,轮船,冲浪板穿梭在江面上的景象壮观无比,值得一看的好视频 2nd Annual surf contest on the Qiantang tidal bore in Hangzhou, come see the big tide, miles of huge waves, yeah, huuuuge waves you have never seen. Gnarly, actually splendid, Damn!
Converse CONS Space 002 柏林的视频上线了。之前报道了这个场地的照片及CONS Space 001在巴塞罗那的视频。在柏林的一个废弃厂房里,Converse找来雕塑艺术家Roberto Cuellar把这个空间作成可以滑板的空间,Converse的滑手和柏林本地的滑手们痛痛快快的玩了一把!
I had a chance to meet up with Dahooder Billy, to check out one of the most important releases from SUPRA this year - The SKYTOP IV - Chad Muska's famous signature model. 我有机会见到 Dahooder Billy,来聊聊 Supra 最近最重要的一个产品发布 SKYTOP 4, Chad Muska 的签名款!