Vans与北京迷笛音乐节共同呈现House of Vans 提供创意自我表达平台
就在飞说不可带你去美国的同时,我们又开始了另一段旅程-KickerClub.com欧洲滑板之旅.在接下来的半个多月的时间里,跟随KC一起探索芬兰/瑞典/法国及英国的滑板文化.今天先从第一站 - 芬兰首度赫尔辛基 开始. Europe skateboarding tour. Helsinki,Stockholm,Paris,London. From April 13th - May 1st.
找个阳光明媚的午后,带上滑板,享受每一刻,这可以说是在L.A.最惬意的一件事了.又一部制作精良的慢动作滑板大片. The perfect mold of skating in the city of Los Angeles on a clear and sunny afternoon. Together, they are as thick as thieves.
安徽首个专业滑板场曝光!位于黄山市休宁县滨江路万全村,离黄山市区20公里左右,交通还算方便。不管场地在哪、好坏,安徽总算是有自己的滑板场了,希望将来不久合肥也能拥有自己的专业场地。 The first skatepark in Anhui province.
5月4日,中国冲浪之都---海南日月湾将举办第一场极限比赛,比赛项目分两个,冲浪和滑板。 On May 4th, Hainan’s Riyue Bay will be host to an event the first of it’s kind ever in Hainan, when the two extreme boardsports of surfing and skateboarding come together in one competition.
DC China正式放出了欢迎A DEE加入team的视频, A Dee玩的越来越狠了, 结尾大招360下大台阶直接看傻掉! Welcome to DC China team, A Dee!
很久以前有个孩子,他梦想着在马路上就能像在海里一样,站在一块板子上驰骋,于是动手自己做了块简陋的滑板,第一次滑上了马路.来看下这个小视频重演滑板诞生吧... The short film Since Day One is a story about a kid from long ago. His experience of taking his dreams of riding like the men of the seas on planks and doing it on the streets for the very first time.
Steve Caballero第一代签名款The Cab结合现代无缝科技,变身Cab Lite -- 史上最轻 Half Cab 诞生!Vans China Pro P Dan在昆明为这双鞋子拍摄了一个小短片. Vans China pro skater P Dan show you the new Cab Lite in Kunming.
身为职业滑手同时也是当代艺术家的Mark Gonzales在伦敦举办了画展"One Week,One Show"。画展在71a Leonard St 画廊举行,24小时开放,画展里从各种定制的明信片到巨幅画画,都是在一星期内完成的,一起欣赏一下。 Skate pioneer and contemporary artist Mark Gonzales host a One Week, One Show, a twenty-four-hour affordable art show at 71a Leonard St gallery featuring artwork from customised postcards to large-scale drawings, all produced in the space of a week.
DC 杭州滑板日在30 日与杭州Action滑板携手合作展开,无论是Demo表演还是趣味环节都绝对精彩,Demo中ADee继续飙高,飞巨大的障碍,刘佳明也有Treflip 50-50 台子这样的猛招上演,还有“飞牛”赛和Mini摩托趣味赛,杭州滑手们这回不仅玩的过瘾而且满载而归
Street League Skateboarding (以下简称SLS),最让滑板爱好者们津津乐道的除了集合众多顶级滑手之外,另一个精彩元素便是让滑手表现随时变为分数实时呈现给观众,让滑板比赛更戏剧性。 在早些时候我们报道了SLS和ESPN全面合作的消息,现在SLS的这套打分系统将全部无缝连接至ESPN今年的X Games所有比赛,包括7站Street League 世界巡回和X Games现场的4场SLS比赛。 ISX Scoring, also known as Instant Scoring eXperience™, is ingrained in the Street League Skateboarding (SLS) popular, fan-friendly format and has been since the league’s inception. With the recent partnership announcement between ESPN’s X Games and SLS, ISX Scoring is now the scoring and statistics cornerstone...
Carhartt WIP x Vans Syndicate Era Tab “S” Reflective 联名限量鞋款,最大的亮点是鞋面采用了荧光面料.为了突出这一特点,还特别拍摄了一段前所未有的"荧光"滑板短片,绝对新鲜体验,进来看视频!