SEARCH RESULTS FOR: cons project

Huang Jie - I Can't Skate the Same Stuff Every Day

Huang Jie is someone who's gentle on the outside but tough on the inside. In everyday life, he might seem quiet, but when he gets on his skateboard, that wild side of his comes roaring out. During the VANS 2024 Skateboarding Day project, we got to see a lot of different sides to Huang Jie....

Landing - A Hong Kong Tour Documentary

It has been 6 years since the release of the first "LAND". From Shanghai, Chongqing, to now Hong Kong, Joe has showcased many skaters and the landscapes of different cities through his lens. This time, KickerClub's videographer Shang Yu filmed a documentary "LANDING" for Joe's skateboarding series film "LAND 5", taking us to explore the...

Pierre Fratter - Associate Director of Olympic Games Strategy and Development

With our friend Bernhard Spahni's help, we had the opportunity last week to check out the venue for the Shanghai stop of the Olympic Qualifier Series. We also spoke with Pierre Fratter-Bardy, the Associate Director of Olympic Games Strategy and Development, about the relationship between skateboarding culture and the Olympics, as well as highlights of...

Edan Q - Work at Redbull's Headquarter

熟悉的朋友应该都知道,我们的好朋友 Edan 离开了中国去往奥地利,在那里他有一份新的工作——Red Bull 冲浪&滑板全球媒介经理。过去大半年里,你可以在各大有 Red Bull 标志的比赛上,看到他的身影。我们不得不好奇,这一切究竟是怎么回事,他在瑞士和他在中国的 Team Healthy 现状如何,下面就是一切的答案。

先别忙着跨时代,2010 年代最好的滑板片你都看了吗?

10 月份的时候 Quartersnacks 做了一个问卷调查,让读者们选出他们心中 2010 年代最好的 5 个滑板片。



#独家专访# Mariah 再夺世界冠军,女滑手要勇敢做自己。

在刚刚结束的 X GAMES 悉尼站上,Mariah Duran 又夺得一枚冠军奖牌,此前她也刚刚拿下 X GAMES 明尼阿波利斯站的冠军,随着 adidas DasDays 上海站的到来,我们采访到了这位年轻的世界冠军。


拍摄滑板空城计的Russell Houhgten助手James Messina发布了一段令人震撼的短片Lost In Translation,在哥本哈根的街头,Jared Cleland上演完美的复古情调,背景音乐的悠扬和片段的结合美的无法表达! James Messina (Russell Houhgten's assistant, but a damn good filmmaker in his own right!) created Nostalgia as a series of short films about skateboarding and the places it takes us. Lost In Translation is one of those short films. "I met Jared Cleland a few months after I moved...

Drew Fraser 离开 SHOX 告别短片及访谈

Drew Fraser 正式宣布自己离开了效忠多年的 Shox,并且制作了长达6分钟的Shox Memories回忆视频,里面包含了这些年Drew在Shox的片段合集,同时我们还对Drew进行了简短的采访,探究一下Drew离开Shox的原因所在。

Laser x Official 合作款帽饰产品发布

Official 正式发布其和成立于2010年的巴塞罗那品牌Laser合作产品,本次共发布8款限量帽子,每个都具备Chill到炸的加州风情,同时宣传视频也采用了上下拼接的方式,信息量很大。 Official is pleased to announce the release of the Official x Laser Capsule Collection, a collaborative limited edition 8-piece headwear collection consisting of bucket hats, 5-panel strapbacks, and 5-panel campers. Each piece manifests the uniting of Californian and Catalonian influences, which at the core is the driving force behind the collaboration as evidenced...

CHRIS COLE 第三款签名款- Cole Lite 3 宣传片 “NEVER BEEN DONE”

Chris Cole 签名款 Cole Lite 3正式发布,DC也发布了鞋子的宣传视频“Never Been Done”,而Chris Cole在里面的表现更是非常好的突出了这个主题,里面的招似乎都是平时都没做过的神招呀! Consisting solely of tricks he’s never been done before, Chris Cole’s latest video project #ColeNBD is a part like no other before it. Simply put, it’s Never Been Done.

Penny Skateboards Launches World’s First 3D Customiser

Penny skateboards正式发布全球首个3D Penny Board定制软件,使用者可以通过此软件定制自己的滑板,全3D视角,并且可以联网进行分享游戏,这个软件支持无限放大,每个部件都支持定制,支持真实3D视觉展现,同时可以在线上分享,现尽在iOS平台推出 PRESS RELEASE – Penny Skateboards is excited to announce the launch of the revolutionary Penny 3D Customiser, a world first for both the skate industry and the iOS8 platform.