圣诞节将至,每个品牌都忙着出新品好抓住购物旺季,我最喜欢的Altamont也不例外...(阅读全文查看更多图片) For the Holiday 2008 season, Altamont has aligned with Mike Jones and Mikhail Bortnik for an eerie collaboration of t-shirts based on the panic and shock of horror pictures and the merciless existence of street thugs.
上个周末,一年一度的Vans Downtown Showdown成功举办,和往年一样,四个赞助商各制作一个道具来让滑手比赛,道具都独具创意,比赛也非常激烈、有趣,经过激烈的竞争,Blind team获得了最佳Team,Jani Laitiala获得了最佳Pro,而Creature和去年一样,以一个充满创意的绝妙道具获得了最佳道具奖。阅读全文查看详细名次... Continue reading for more results...
Dustin Dollin在澳大利亚成立了自己的公司PD DISTRIBUTION,主要是批发Baker,Deathwish,Death,Consolidated的产品。 Dustin Dollin has started up PD Distribution in Australia to promote and disperse a stable of skate brands including Baker, Deathwish, Death and Consolidated.
北京真的不缺板场啊,不信你看看这里。但是为什么滑手总感觉我们没有滑板场呢?其实原因很简单,这些板场都不是为滑手建的,没错,滑板场不是给玩滑板的人建的,这么幽默的事情估计只有在中国才能发生,他们有的是建来给上级领导看的,有的是为了装点门面好去骗那些有钱人来买房子的,有的是为了作个点缀体现我们现在有多么的“国际化”,就他妈骗人吧,没看见奥运会结束后真实的北京又回来了么,空气污染加交通堵塞,还有这个鸟巢变垃圾场,我们7年花了成百上千亿导演了这么一个假像来骗世界骗自己,什么时候我们真正的多花点心思做点实在的事情中国会发展的更健康些,面子真的能当饭吃么?扯远了,今天和朋友又去了一个位于顺义区某超高档别墅区内的社区滑板场,好赖自己看吧。 One more weird park in Beijing, just like my friend Jocko said, the designer must be never and ever saw a real skatepark. yes, they do not need to see, because most of the parks in China are not built for skaters, nobody care about the design, they just need a skatepark to approve...
点击上图前往ES网站查看新品的照片及介绍吧。 click the photo above go check the brand new products.
Transworld商业版的网站上刚刚跟新了关于Vans在中国开设第一家零售店的新闻。阅读全文阅读全文几多张照片。 Shanghai ( October 3, 2008)- Vans is thrilled to announce our launch into China with the opening of the first stand alone retail store, located at 706 Changle Rd in Shanghai. The 40-square-meter store, featuring men’s and women’s footwear, apparel, and accessories, will open to the public just in time for China’s week-long National...
2008年10月3日,上海.VANS宣布, 中国首间品牌专卖店隆重开幕! 店铺位于上海市长乐路706号, 面积达40平方米, 售卖Vans男女装鞋履产品、上下装及配饰等产品。为迎接10月3日至7日的国庆长假期,店铺今天起正式投入服务。 Shanghai ( October 3, 2008)- Vans is thrilled to announce our launch into China with the opening of the first stand alone retail store, located at 706 Changle Rd in Shanghai. The 40 square meter store featuring men’s and women’s footwear, apparel, and accessories, will open to the public just...
Breaking bones not records, Flip Skateboards' new video Extremely Sorry promises to be a video worth buying. Check the teaser and the new。 FLIP好像也安静了很久了,之前的Sorry和Really Sorry两部video都是给人印象深刻,而三部曲的最后一部Extreme Sorry也是酝酿了好久了,最新的预告片刚刚发布...
极限赛事规程 一、 时间: 预选赛:2008年11月6日至7日,总决赛:2008年11月8日至11月9日 二、 地点: 预选赛:源深SMP滑板公园(浦东新区源深路655号2号门),总决赛:新江湾城SMP滑板公园(杨浦区淞沪路2100号) 1. Time: Preliminary: Nov 6-7, 2008,Final: Nov 8-9, 2008 2. Venue: Preliminary: Yuan Shen SMP Skatepark (Gate 2, No. 655, Yuanshen Rd Pudong New District) Final: New Jiangwan Town SMP Skatepark (No. 2100 Songhu Rd Yangpu District)
云南昆明又新建了一个滑板场,在昆明的星耀体育城。钢制道具,还是看看照片吧。如果你无法看到图片,请直接到我的相册查看。 One more skatepark be built in Kunming, Yunnan. if you can not see the photos, please go check them in my album.
Berric的视频网站搞得红红火火,现在又紧跟潮流扎进了社交网站里,myberrics.com是一个以skater为主要用户群的交友网站,这里可以和网友来分享自己的照片和视频,是继skateboard.com之后的又一个选择。 Are My Space and Facebook not skate focused enough for your social networking needs? Are the Slap Message Boards bumming you out? WantKoston�0�2as a virtual friend? Well, you are in luck��The Berrics has launchedMyBerrics, a sub-site that invited you to be part of the action. Share photos, videos and have a chance to be�0�2picked...
沈阳市东陵区长青桥下,地点选择非常牛逼,但整体设计还是很有“中国特色”的!阅读全文查看更多照片. Changchun Bridge, Dongling District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China.