据我所知这应该是到目前为止唯一的滑板电影节了吧,UnderSkatement今年进入了第四个年头,今天(12月1日)在洛杉矶的Victoria剧院拉开了序幕,今年共有24部影片前来参展。但前来参展的影片并不一定都是滑板的电影,用电影节发起者Andreas Trolf说:“前来参展的影片的重点是所有影片的制作者们必须是skater,就像伟大的职业滑手Julia Stranger说的,这与在大台阶上发生了什么没有关系,却与除此以外你的生活中发生的一切使你变成为一名skateboarder的事情有关。” 点击上图去往电影节官方网站,阅读全文查看原文(英文)完整报道... Underskatement Vol. 4 - San Francisco's only skateboard film festival - rolls into the Victoria Theatre on Saturday with a screening of about 24 short films shredded down and blended into about a two-hour program and afterparty. But just because Underskatement is a skateboard film festival doesn't necessarily mean all the...
Nyjah Huston也出现在了Tony Hawk系列游戏的最新一部THPG中,ES刚刚发布了一小段他在游戏中的video,阅读全文观看视频... éS team rider Nyjah Huston in the new Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground video game.
上周六,Quiksilver在上海徐家汇繁华地段搞了一个滑板和滑雪的表演活动,现场搭设了一个miniramp以及人造的雪,生活在上海的多名外籍滑手给上海市民带来了非常精彩的表演。 Quiksilver hold a skateboarding & snowboarding demo in Shanghai last Saturday.
Cyres, Pro skater for Safari Skateboards. (pop shovit in SMP skatepark, Shanghai)
之前有给大家介绍那个展览馆里的临时miniramp,现在展览结束,那个miniramp也和我们说拜拜了。不过旧的不去新的不来,我的朋友Eli在北京国展附近又新修了一个miniramp,在一个废旧的厂房里,室内!!而且无论从设计到制作还是材料都是我在国内见过的最好的一个!千真万确!今天玩了一个下午,真舍不得走啊。不过现在这个miniramp存放的地方因为空间很小,所以还没有对外开放。(阅读全文查看更多照片) My friend Eli build a perfect miniramp in Beijing(near by World Trade Center), That's the best one I have ever seen in China, I promise! perfect design, perfect surface and perfect indoor!(Please continue reading for more photos)
前几天刚说完city skateboards的pro team来了深圳,LRG的pro team也来凑热闹了。我觉得在深圳搞个接待pro们的滑板旅行社很有搞头啊,哈哈(图片来源:波仔的博客) During city pro team filming in Shenzhen, LRG is coming! Shenzhen is so popular now in skateboarding world.(photo:Eric)
Flip刚刚签下一名年仅17岁的来自巴西的滑手Luan De Oliveira. 他在刚刚结束的GVR(正脚对反脚)比赛中表现出色,被flip看中。此前他已经在他的家乡,巴西南部的Porto Alegre默默的滑板7年(巴西国脚罗纳尔迪尼奥也来自那里)。 Suddenly, there is a new rider on Flip. Two days after officially getting on the team, he won the recent GVR contest, beating many of skating's current elite. Luan is a natural fit for the Flip Team; always smiling, always progressing and probably better than you! Luan comes from Porto...
Torrance, CA – IPATH is pleased to announce that Bob Burnquist is the latest addition to the team. Bob’s unique approach to skateboarding makes him a solid fit for the expanding IPATH crew. 大新闻!Bob Burquist加入Ipath team!有点想不通...对了,Ipath的网站也全面改版了,内容挺丰富的...
Geoff Rowley has his own signature Independent Truck hitting the streets soon. Check out the promo video with continue reading... Indypendent发布了Geoff Rowley签名款的Indy桥,并在网站上发布了一段宣传视频(阅读全文观看视频)
Mike V and Element Europe Pro, Guillaume Mocquin shred a Paris Demo. Mike V is looking Grizzly from many weeks on the road with his band, Revolution Mother. Mike V 和 Element 欧洲team的pro Guillaume Mocquin在欧洲一个表演的视频,Mike V的手活又有新花样... ...(阅读全文观看视频)
本土滑板沸点公司将与嚎叫唱片合作,推出纪念版滑板产品(阅读全文查看详情) China local skateboard brand Challenge Skateboards is corp orating with local rock music record company Scream Records to provide a new series of Rock&Roll decks...