之前我在博客里放了几张国外激光蚀刻滑板的图片,现在我们的激光蚀刻板也来喽。继竹片滑板后深圳伟浩体育用品有限公司的最新专利技术。 After bamboo skateboards,WAYOUT SPORTING GOODS CO.,LTD provide the laser cut skateboards now.
深圳伟浩体育用品有限公司的最新产品——竹子滑板,不久将通过伟浩旗下品牌safari与广大滑手见面 竹子滑板并非完全由竹子制作,只是7层中有一层为竹子材料(顶层或底层),在加大板片的弹性的同时又不至于使板片过重。 Bamboo skateboards be provid by WAYOUT SPORTING GOODS CO.,LTD,one of 7 ply be made by bamboo to improve the Flexibility of the deck.
如果无法观看点此链接 看看EA最新滑板游戏SKATE的全新操作方式是否真的很滑板呢
如果你正头疼找不到好听的滑板音乐那么今天就给你一个不错的清单,EA sports 正式对外公布旗下首款备受期待的滑板游戏《SKATE》中所选用的音乐清单。 Electronic Arts announced today the complete track listing in SKATE.
SOLE technology CEO Pierre André Senizergues was honored on June 9 at the 11th Annual Global Green USA and Green Cross International Millennium Awards as this year’s recipient of the Corporate Environmental Leadership Award. SOLE technology总裁 Pierre André Senizergues在6月9日获得了由Global Green USA颁发的第11届环球绿十字环保大奖以表彰他所带领的企业多年以来在环保方面所作的努力(什么?你还不知道SOLE technology是作什么的?晕,那你接着看吧)
又一个新的滑板品牌诞生了——YELLOW BRAND 查看他们的产品(check yellow skateboards' products)
湖南长沙的板友们最近得到了一份特殊的礼物--一个miniramp. skaters in Changsha city just got a special gift from HUNANTV station.
ESPN.com 6月8日的一篇文章显示,滑板有希望成为2012年伦敦奥运会的正式比赛项目(文章翻译如下) 国际奥委会周五就将滑板项目列入2012年伦敦奥运会正式比赛项目一事与国际自行车协会进行了商讨。 The International Olympic Committee said Friday it has held discussions with cycling's world governing body about introducing skateboarding as a discipline for the London program.
Ali Boulala恢复状况 ALI现在恢复状况良好,从创伤性失意中恢复了过来,他可以不用人搀扶去卫生间,在那里护士会给他洗澡. ALI is currently making good progress in his recovery, after leaving PTA ward (post traumatic amnesia) he is able to walk unassisted to his bathroom, where the nurses happily wash him in the shower. Much to Ali's distaste as he was never one for showers in the past.
早听说昆明有很多滑板的牛逼地型了,最近整理了一下发上来给大家看看。(感谢昆明滑手张博斐提供资料) Skate Spots in Kunming city, Yunnan province, South West of China
Hangzhou is a beautiful city with many skate spots. Hangzhou located at Zhejiang Province, near to Shanghai. 杭州科技学院校内(Hangzhou Science College)
Stefan Janoski and Omar Salazar now riding for Analog Clothing along with Dylan Rieder and Arto Saari Stefan Janoski,Omar Salazar,Dylan Rieder 和 Arto Saari 最近加入 Analog Clothing team(此前Stefan和Arto是Quiksilver的签约滑手)