Sheckler Sessions 第五集来了!Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett 和 Bobby Worrest 来到了著名的 Woodward East, 这儿遍地滑板场,附带还有卡丁车,彩蛋射击这些娱乐活动, 如此神奇的地方当然要畅快地玩一通!真羡慕老职们丰富多彩的生活!Woodward 结束之后的下一站: Bobby 老家华盛顿走起 Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett, and Bobby Worrest head to Woodward East. A magical place with skateparks as far as the eye can see, foam pits, mini-mega ramps, paintball courses, go-karts and more.
除了公园道具赛之外,Dew Tour 的纯街式比赛也是异常精彩,滑手们跳的不是台阶扶手,而是卡车,集装箱这些大玩意,能参加这些比赛的都是些高飘猛飞远的滑手,对于 Sheckler 等人来说自然不在话下,一番激烈角逐后,Sheckler 以 0.25 分极微小分差力压 Curren Caples 取得冠军,场地介绍视频和比赛图片进来观摩 Ryan Sheckler wins the streetstyle championship, go inside follow Omar Salazar`s run and have a overview of the whole contest area and the pictures of the contests
2013 Dew Tour 已经在旧金山开始了,这次的比赛道具都设计跟过去有所不同, 赛场里新增加了一个Gap抛台以及全新的A字型圆杆,而标志性的Hubba也变得更短更低,目测在这里会爆出很多惊人的招式,一起跟着Ryan Sheckler看一下赛场的新变化,其街式预选赛也已经结束,Kelvin Hoefler 以预赛第一身份出现, 他的预赛也一并附上 Dew Tour 2013 has started, the obstacle designs were different from last year, we got a Gap thing and a brand new A frame rail, the Hubba becomes shorter and lower, so we might see some gnarly trick burst out here, follow Ryan Sheckler for a...
Sheckler Sessions 第二季回到了纽约,虽说正在下着雨,不过 Sheckler 一行人兴致不减,先在湿淋淋的 LES 板场内转悠了一会儿,又去给自己添加了一个新纹身,待到雨停时,Ryan, Bobby, Zered, Torey Pudwill, Manny Santiago 等人回到了 LES 板场,并走上了街头寻找野生道具,开始了滑板之行 Ryan, Bobby and Zered head to NYC to skate with Torey Pudwill and Manny Santiago on the Street League course. While waiting for the rain to stop, the guys take a break to get tattoos. Finally the sun comes...
Ryan Sheckler 的旅程又开始了!这次他来到 Boston 与 Zered Bassett 和 Bobby Worrest 汇合,滑板之后便开始了一次惬意的海上钓鱼之行!滑手的生活真是丰富多彩,猜猜看 Sheckler 抓到了什么?一只大龙虾钳子! Ryan heads to the East Coast where he picks up Zered Bassett and Bobby Worrest. The guys skate all over Boston before stopping in at Orchard Skate Shop to shred their mini-ramp. Then it's off to the waters of Chatham, Cape Cod...
The Motivation 纪录片系列之 Ryan Sheckler 片段, 记录了Chris Cole, P-Rod, Sean Malto 等其他7位 SLS 参赛者人对 Sheckler 的评价, 所有人对 Sheckler 的猛快高飘远都保持高度的赞同,我们可以借用视频里 Chaz Otiz 的一句话来形容他 "他就是个坦克!" The Motivation - Ryan Sheckler (HD) Street-Skateboarding Documentary, This video include Chris Cole, P-Rod, Sean Malto and other SLS competitors' views of Sheckler, all of them reach the full consensus of Sheckler's...
这是继 "Sheckler Sessions Celebrity Golfing" 后的第二集 Ryan Sheckler 纪录片:重回板上. Sheckler 在受伤之后积极康复,仍在 X Games 洛杉矶站比赛之前和朋友们在场地上玩了一会儿,而在正式比赛时,他第一次作为解说出现在大家面前,给大家讲解这场总决赛的精彩赛况,受伤没关系,站回板上才是王道! Ryan Sheckler hops back on his board for X Games, Los Angeles despite struggling with his pesky ankle injury. Then it's off to the announcer booth with Tony Hawk and Brandon Graham to commentate and cheer his boys on in the...
Ryan Sheckler 自从比赛受伤之后,一边积极地去红牛中心康复,一边去参加各种活动,这是第六届 Sheckler 基金会名人高尔夫邀请赛,你将会看到穿着高尔夫套装的 Sheckler, Sean Malto, Davis Torgerson 等人打高尔夫的场景,看看你喜欢的滑手除了滑板之外的另一面是怎样的 Ryan Sheckler keeps it skate as he prepares for X Games post-injury. Kicking off season 2 of the Sheckler Sessions is the 6th annual Sheckler Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament. Tune in to see your favorite athletes dress to impress and practice their golf form...
OAKLEY在发布Fear and Loathing in Australia 视频后又发布了其中Ryan Sheckler的独立片段,“伤痛已经成为我的一部分,是他造就了我这个人” Ryan Sheckler无须理由 OAKLEY:Ryan Sheckler ‘Beyond Reason’ Commercial
为庆祝Ryan Sheckler加入Etnies 15周年,Etnies特别制作了一段视频来回顾这个滑板神童15年的精彩瞬间.当然还有特别的签名款鞋帽衣服自然是少不了的.7岁到22岁!与品牌共同成长的典范呀.
Ryan Sheckler动作一直都是猛快高飘远的那种,动作干净利落,我们看看在慢镜头下,Sheckler的Halfcab Flip是怎样的吧!
一键控制50个GoPro是什么感觉?跟随Ryan Sheckler来看看他在New York的一天吧!