加拿大滑板经销商 Mehrathon 自己的发布了旗下第一块滑板板面,Justin Bieber 的签名款(Guest Model),并且发布了一段‘精心’制作的宣传片,里面Sheckler等人对Justin赞赏有加,这块板面设计也是很有‘创意’售价75刀,可以在Goodies购买。
Etnies队伍带到了巴塞罗那的 Molins de Rei 滑板场内,在这里久违的男神 Ryan Sheckler 和 Trevor McClung 以及 Etnies 队伍其他队员给我们带来了一场精彩表演。 The Etnies team wrapped up their Tapas & Tres tour with a quick stop at Barcelona's Molins de Rei skatepark. Watch now, as Ryan Sheckler, Trevor McClung, Ryan Lay, Barney Page, and more, crush it in Spain.
Volcom 年度大片 Holy Stokes 昨晚在 The Place 滑板公园如期首映!虽然昨天雨下了一整天,但仍然无法阻止众多滑手冒雨前来参与活动。用一句话总结昨晚的活动就是 - Holy Stokes!
6月3日 KickerClub 携手 The Place 为大家带来Volcom 年度滑板大片 Holy Stokes 上海首映!现场除了大片还有免费美酒加美食及丰厚奖品等你来拿!
PlanB 旗下 Ryan Sheckler,Torey Pudwill,Decenzo等人最近来到了赌城拉斯维加斯为新片拍摄视频,玩卡车,在呼啸而过的火车旁滑板,这些重头戏在PlanB看来其实都算花絮了!重量级新片大家一起期待! The crew loaded up in the van and went to Vegas to stack some clips for upcoming projects. We kept the heavy stuff but wanted to share the rest with everyone.
Volcom 滑板大片 Holy Stokes 预告来袭!两年时间拍摄,旗下超过 23 名滑手出镜拍摄,开头的航拍看完就想买买买!由拍摄空城计的摄影师 Russell Houghten 执导拍摄!绝对的大片!6月7日时将在iTunes Google Play等平台上线!不可错过!
这可不是一般的旅途,这次旅途绝对大牌云集,Sheckler, Joslin, Berger, Nyberg几个人一起来到了欧洲肆虐街头22天,结果可想而知,速度来体会Etnies欧洲最新假日片段! This ain't your typical tour video. This is Sheckler, Joslin, Berger, Nyberg, and the rest of the etnies crew going absolutely mental in Europe for 22 days straight. The result is something you don't wanna miss...
Bob Burnquist家的后院简直就是天堂!这个巨大的碗池在普通滑手看来完全是Mission Impossible,但是在Tom Schaar,Alex Perelson眼里看来,这里就是个游乐场,我们一起来到Bob家的后院看下这高手的Party! Bob’s Dreamland is a spot unlike any other but unless you can handle walls this big it would be a nightmare. These guys rip and are up for the challenge.
Justin Bieber新单What Do You Mean昨天上架iTunes美区音乐商店,5分钟内登顶iTunes榜冠军,2小时内登顶51国iTunes榜单冠军,不过最值得注意的是这MV就是滑板片呀!Ryan Sheckler和Chelsea Castro完全演绎!怪不得Justin Bieber最近连Inward Heel都会做了!
Plan B队伍来到Active滑板场进行Demo表演,PJ,Felipe,Sheckler等人全部来了,Chris Cole也是第一次跟随Plan B队伍出场,整个Active板场被躁翻天! Plan B destroyed the Active park for their first demo with Chris Cole on the team. Watch PJ, Felipe, Sheckler, Cole, and more break it off in the recap edit.
Chris Cole正式宣布加入PlanB欢迎视频发布!在去年离开Zero之后,Chris Cole也试图成立自己的新品牌,看来一切并不顺利,而现在多了这个重量级赞助商相信Cole可以更加专注于滑板!并且和Sheckler,Gustavo,Pudwill并肩,恭喜Cole神! Plan B has one of the most technically gifted teams of all-time. It's only fitting that Chris Cole would join the legendary squad. Welcome to the team, Chris!
红牛Redbull 在底特律打造的创意滑板比赛:Hart Lines结束!Curren Caples凭借自己出色的发挥获得冠军,捧得了$35000奖金,紧随其后的是Torey Pudwill和Ryan Schekler,比赛实在太炸了,纯街头地形和道具的结合!通过镜头一起回顾一下比赛盛况! Red Bull Hart Lines, an innovative new street skateboarding competition from the mind of Ryan Sheckler that features two distinctive lanes each with its own unique set of skateable features, as well as a first-of-its-kind timing element associated with each run. Hart Lines is a flagship event of the...